

 龙溪舟子 2012-05-18


来源:考试大  2012年5月18日   【考试大:我的学习乐园,我的考试专家】  

  尊敬的各位领导、专家:大家好! 非常高兴迎来了各位领导、专家在百忙之中莅临XX检查指导工作,我们十分重视这次对XX的机构审查认可和计量认证复审,XX要求要全力以赴,抓好这次双认证复审工作,各位领导、专家的到来不但是对我们工作的检查,更是为我们提供了一次极好的学习机会。在此,我代表XXX对各位表示最真挚的感谢和最热烈的欢迎。XX是农业大省,粮棉油、果茶菜、肉蛋鱼等主要农产品总产量大,商品率高,X。因此,保护农产品生产力水平,保障农产品质量安全是我省“三农”工作的重中之重。XXX历来高度重视农产品质量安全工作,不断加强监管能力建设,《农产品质量安全法》出台后,为了大家多了很多好事、实事。

  Respect fellow leaders, experts: everybody is good! Very glad to greet all the leaders, experts in his busy schedule to visit the XX to check directive work, we attach great importance to the XX institutional review of recognition and measurement certification review, XX asked to go to all lengths, had caught this dual certification review, leaders, experts come not only to our work, it is provide us an excellent learning opportunities. Here, I represent XXX to express the most sincere gratitude and warm welcome. XX is agricultural big province, grain cotton oil, vegetable, meat, fish, fruit and other major agricultural product total output is big, commodity rate is high, X. Therefore, protection of agricultural productivity level, ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products in our province is"3 farming" the Chongzhongzhi is heavy. XXX has always attached great importance to the work of agricultural product quality safety, strengthen superintendency ability construction," law of produce quality safety" after coming on stage, in order to you a lot of good things, things.



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