

 听我说 2012-05-24
Access: n. 通道, 入口;接近[取得]…的方法[权利等]
There is no access to the street through that door. 那个门不通向大街。
You can easily get access to her. 你很容易接近她。
I have access to his office. 我可以进出他的办公室。

Access: vt. 存取(计算机文件),进入
I can't access the file on your company because I've forgot the code. 我无法取出贵公司的文件,因为我把代码忘了。
I can’t access the internet right now. 我现在上不了网。

Log in/on: 注册, 进入系统, 登录
Please log in to the system with your account and password. 请用你自己的账号和密码登录系统。
I decided to log on to msn and start up a few useless conversations. 我决定上MSN去瞎聊。
I can’t log in to my QQ, neither my MSN. 我登录不了QQ,也进不去我的MSN.

Connection speed: 网速
The slow connection speed is killing me. 网速太慢,可真要命啊。

Get off QQ/MSN: 下Q/MSN
I got off msn, grabbed an egg and headed off to the gym. 我下了MSN,吃了个鸡蛋,就赶往健身房。
Wait for a while, I’m trying to access the internet, then I’ll log in to my QQ, and then we may have hot online video chats. 等会啊,我正在上线,进入QQ后,就可以和你视频热聊了。

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