

 卧牛岭 2012-05-30

          不知不觉教堂上方的时钟已经指向了11:30,可新郎be going to 还不见人影。维尔姑娘虽然一句话也不说,可脸上露出了焦急的神态。这时,大家又七嘴八舌猜测起了新郎的行踪。这次,must 首先开口。

  must:  be going to 那么会计划打算,平时都很少迟到,所以我认为他一定是逃婚了!他现在一定和别的女孩在一起!

(He must run away . He must be staying with other girls.)

 must 的话一出口,就像一颗重磅炸弹一样,把大家的心都炸乱了。can 姑娘马上反对,因为她最讨厌must 自以为是的样子,明明是猜测,却总是说“一定是如何如何了。”好像她的猜测是真的一样。所以can 就和must 唱对台戏,总是说“不可能如何如何!”今天可是把她气坏了,must 这个当姐姐的,怎么能在will 的婚礼上说出这样的话!

  can: 你胡说,be going to 那么爱will, 他不可能逃婚的!说完,就向could 使眼色。

could: 对对对!他不可能逃婚的。could 赶紧随声附和。她可不敢违抗can。  (He can't /couldn't run away.)

may 姑娘一看俩姐姐吵起来了,赶紧过来圆场。她总是那么辩证客观,一分为二。


(He may not run away. He may be on a busy traffic.)

could/might: 对对对,may 说得对,也有可能他忘了领带放哪里了,可能正在找领带呢。她们不擅长猜测,就随便说出个想法。

(He could/might forget where the tie is, and he could be looking for it everywhere.)

不过,这句话把will 姑娘也逗乐了。will 是个浪漫的姑娘,只憧憬未来,很少对现在的事进行猜测。但今天是她大喜的日子,她也坚定地说了句话。

will :他一定不会逃婚的,他一定是在忙着为婚礼仪式准备呢。(He won't run away, he will be preparing for the wedding. )

善良的should 姑娘也说道:别着急,他应该是在路上呢。(He should be on the way to the wedding.)

到底be going to 会不会逃婚呢?我们下次再谈。


爱对现在做猜测的姑娘:must ,   cann't,   couldn't,  may,   (may not),   might,  ( might not),   could.   

可以但很少对现在做猜测的姑娘:will  (won't  )  , should (shouldn't)

姑娘们对现在做猜测时以这样的面貌出现:1. modal + do,  2. modal + be doing

1. He must run away. (自信满满:一定是……)

2. He can't/couldn't  run away.(坚决否定:不可能……)

3. He may run away.  He may not run away.(辩证客观:可能……,可能不……)

4. He might run away.  He might not run away. (不擅长:也许……,也许不……)

5. He could run away.(不擅长:也许……)

6. He must be looking for his lie everywhere. (自信满满:一定在……)

7. He can't /couldn't be looking for his lie everywhere. .(坚决否定:不可能在……)

8. He may be looking for his lie everywhere.  He may not be looking for his lie everywhere..(辩证客观:可能在……,可能不在……)

9. He might be looking for his lie everywhere. He might not be looking for his lie everywhere.(不擅长:也许在……,也许不在……)

10.  He could be looking for his lie everywhere. (不擅长:也许在……)

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    来自: 卧牛岭 > 《英语学习》



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