
The Beauty of Food 重视内在美,英国成立『丑食物』公司

 cntic 2012-06-12
The Beauty of Food重视内在美,英国成立『丑食物』公司
by Rebecca A. Fratzke
Some people today are just as obsessed with the way their food looks as the way they look.

At any market, it's common to see vendors carefully choosing produce that is good enough to sell. Everyone wants the best of what is _(1)_. However, when does worrying about the appearance of food go too far? For one woman in the UK, the answer is clear—when it makes us wasteful. Laura Sandys has a big idea that could change the way we look at food and ourselves. She wants to start selling food that would _(2)_ be considered too ugly to be sold in stores. An example would be an apple that is not uniformly red. Sandys criticizes the current produce rules _(3)_ by the European Union for encouraging wastefulness. A two-tone apple and a one-tone apple taste exactly the same. Therefore, why should one be suitable for purchase in the marketplace and _(4)_ only for juice?
Sandys believes that by selling the ugly items, the general price of food in the UK will be kept down. It will also help the country lower its need to _(5)_ produce. Ideally, Sandys would like to include other food groups in her ugly mission. Fish like pollack are less popular, and _(6)_ are certain cuts of meat and organs like kidneys. Sandys _(7)_ that these types are just as valuable and delicious. The problem is that the method of cooking them has been lost. All in all, what Sandys really wants the UK and the world to understand is that we must start valuing all of our resources, or we'll suffer the consequences.
1. (A) capable(B) flexible(C) invisible(D) available
2. (A) likewise(B) otherwise(C) clockwise(D) edgewise
3. (A) to be set(B) have set(C) setting(D) set
4. (A) another(B) others(C) the other(D) one another
5. (A) import(B) consume(C) retail(D) supply
6. (A) alike(B) so(C) nor(D) just
7. (A) points out(B) turns out(C) gives out(D) watches out

  1. Everyone wants the best of what is available.理由:
    a. (A) capable a. 能干的;有能力的
    (B) flexible a. 有弹性的;可变通的
    I prefer to keep my itinerary flexible when I'm traveling abroad.
    (C) invisible a. 看不见的;隐形的
    Germs that are invisible to the naked eye are everywhere.
    (D) available a. 可得到的
    I'm sorry, but this book is out of print and no longer available.
    b. 根据语意,可知应选 (D)。的

  2. She wants to start selling food that would otherwise be considered too ugly to be sold in stores.理由:
    a. (A) likewise adv. 照样地
    Watch me operate this machine and then do likewise.
    (B) otherwise adv. 本来应当,不然可能会
    otherwise 用在形容词子句中,且其前有助动词 would 或 might,意为『本来应当……』或『不然可能会……』。
    The lifeguard's quick response saved the boy who would have otherwise drowned.
    (C) clockwise adv. 顺时针方向地
    By turning the key clockwise, you unlock the door.
    (D) edgewise adv. 向外缘地(常用於下列片语中)
    get a word in edgewise伺机插嘴
    When talking to Anita, I can never get a word in edgewise.
    b. 根据上述用法,可知应选 (B)。

  3. Sandys criticizes the current produce rules set by the European Union for encouraging wastefulness.理由:
    a. 空格前省略关系代名词 which 及 be 动词 are,本句实等於∶
    Sandys criticizes the current produce rules which are set by the European Union for encouraging wastefulness.
    b. 限定修饰的形容词子句(即关系代名词前无逗点)中,若关系代名词为主词时,该子句可化简为分词片语,化简原则为∶1) 删除关系代名词;2) 之後的动词变成现在分词;3) 若动词为 be 动词,则变成现在分词 being 後可省略。
    The man who ran down the street was a fugitive.
    = The man running down the street was a fugitive.
    在大街上奔跑的那名男子是 1 名逃犯。
    c. 根据上述,可知 (D) set 应为正选。

  4. Therefore, why should one be suitable for purchase in the marketplace and the other only for juice?理由:
    a. (A) one...another...一个……另一个……
    * 用於非限定的两者。
    Everyone has a favorite season. One might like the summer, while another enjoys the winter.
    (B) some...others...一些……另一些……
    * 用於非限定的两个群体。
    Some people like eating durian, and others enjoy watermelon.
    有些人喜欢吃榴 ,有些人则喜欢西瓜。
    (C) one...the other...
    My cat has one ear bigger than the other.
    我猫咪的耳朵 1 苹大 1 苹小。
    (D) one another彼此
    The two men have known one another for more than 30 years.
    那 2 名男子彼此已经认识 30 多年了。
    b. 空格前的句子提到 A two-tone apple and a one-tone apple(色泽不均匀的苹果和色泽均匀的苹果),为限定的两者,故根据用法,应选 (C)。

  5. It will also help the country lower its need to import produce.理由:
    a. (A) import vt. 进口
    The island nation imports most of its goods from other countries.
    (B) consume vt. 吃,喝;消耗
    You will get fatter if you consume junk food all the time.
    (C) retail vt. 零售
    This line of clothing is retailed all over the world.
    (D) supply vt. 供应
    b. 根据语意,可知应选 (A)。

  6. Fish like pollack are less popular, and so are certain cuts of meat and organs like kidneys.理由:
    a. 本空格在测试简应句之用法∶
    1) 在肯定简应句中,用 so 或 too。so 是副词,表示『同样地』,并非连接词,故之前应有连接词 and 连接两句,而且使用 so 时其後须采倒装句构,与 too 连用时,简应句不须倒装。
    Bill is a doctor, and so is his brother.
    = Bill is a doctor, and his brother is, too.
    2) 否定简应句中用 neither, nor 或 either。neither 为副词,故其前须置 and,而 nor 为连接词,其前不必置 and,且使用 neither 或 nor 之後必须接倒装句;而 either 则置於句尾使用,其前要有否定副词 not 及逗点。
    Tom can't speak Japanese, and neither can Sam.
    = Tom can't speak Japanese, nor can Sam.
    = Tom can't speak Japanese, and Sam can't, either.
    b. 空格前有逗点,且其前的句子为肯定句,可知空格内应置入 so,故选 (B)。

  7. Sandys points out that these types are just as valuable and delicious.由:
    a. (A) point out + that 子句指出……
    The manager pointed out that the workers' low morale has affected productivity.
    (B) It turns out + that 子句
    结果(竟然) 最後……
    It turned out that Jill was an undercover FBI agent.
    结果吉儿竟然是 1 名 FBI 的卧底探员。
    (C) give out...分发……
    Carrie helps give out food to homeless people every week.
    (D) watch out小心
    We have to watch out for slick roads when driving in the rain.
    b. 根据语意及用法,可知 (A) 应为正选。

  1. go too/this/that far(行为举止)太超过
    You've gone too far. You should learn to behave yourself.
  2. wasteful a. 浪费的
    Mary buys a lot of unnecessary luxury items, so I think she is very wasteful.
  3. too + adj./adv. + to V太……而不能……
    本句构中,第一个 too 为副词,表『太过於』之意,其後通常接形容词或副词;第二个 to 则为不定词,其後须接原形动词,所形成的不定词片语当副词用,修饰其前的 too。
    Jack was too sick to go to school yesterday.
    Anna is walking too slowly to keep up with her friends.
  4. uniformly adv. 均匀地;一致地
    All of the children could uniformly recite the English alphabet on command.
    所有小朋友在一声命令下能齐口背诵 26 个英文字母。
  5. encourage vt. 鼓励
    encourage sb to V鼓励某人(做)……
    Anna's parents encouraged her to pursue her dreams.
  6. exactly the same完全一样地 的
    I have exactly the same T-shirt as yours.
    我有一件跟你完全相同的 T 恤。
  7. purchase n. & vt. 购买
    make a purchase of...购买……
    Jerry made a purchase of a digital TV for his family for Christmas.
    杰瑞圣诞节时替家人买了 1 台数位电视。
  8. valuable a. 珍贵的,宝贵的
    I consider every mistake I make a valuable lesson.
  9. All in all, S + V总之 总的来说,……
    All in all, Bob's schoolwork has improved a lot this semester.
  10. value vt. 珍惜
    = cherish vt.
    = treasure vt.
    I value the watch my father gave me for my birthday.
  11. suffer vt. 遭受 & vi. 受苦;患病
    suffer from...
    John suffered multiple injuries in the car accident.
    Oscar suffers from allergies every spring.
    Walter was suffering from the flu and had to stay in bed.
  1. vendor n. 小贩
  2. produce n. 农产品(不可数)
  3. wastefulness n. 浪费
  4. tone n. 色调
  5. suitable a. 适合的
  6. marketplace n. 市场
  7. ideally adv. 理想地
  8. pollack n. 绿鳕(鱼)
  9. organ n. 器官
  10. kidney n.(动物可食用的)腰子;肾脏
  11. resource n. 资源


在任何一个市场里,我们常看见小贩精挑细选卖相好的农产品贩售。而每个人在选购时,都想买到最好的产品。但是,讲求食物的卖相到哪种地步算太过火?对 1 位英国女性而言,答案很简单,那就是造成浪费食物的时候。萝拉·山迪斯有个可以改变我们看待食物和自己的远大计划。她想开始贩售原先被认为卖相不佳而遭商店拒卖的食物,像是表皮红得不够均匀的苹果。山迪斯批评,目前由欧盟订定的农产品法规变相鼓励浪费。色泽不均匀的苹果跟色泽均匀的苹果尝起来并无二致。所以,为什麽一颗能在市场上供人选购,而另一颗却只能拿去榨果汁?
答案∶1. (D)2. (B)3. (D)4. (C)5. (A) 6. (B)7. (A)

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