

 35书屋 2012-06-20



2012-06-15 15:14:19 来自: Mikonagai


Susan Miller's Astrology Zone
白羊 - 由现在开始, 你沟通的方法会引领你成功. 你正在学习新技能 - 将说话变成金. 还有要多外游呢!




狮子 - 经过2012年上半年的事业成功後, 你将会拥有充满朝气的社交生活. 由现在起到 2013年6月, 和其他人交往可以帮助你的爱情及事业呢!

处女 - 处女座将因为事业爆红而成为各大头条! 你得到的是名望和权力. 你的薪金将於 10月中旬开始大大提高呢!

天秤 - 外国人和外国地方会对你非常有利, 还有学校, 研究所. 如果你想的话, 出版及广播也会为你带来幸运.

天蝎 - 木星会给你投资人, 丰厚佣金, 分红, 意外之财, 未来 12个月你将是吸金器!

射手 - 你是个独立灵魂, 不过现在你的主宰星木星向你表示婚姻也可以极美好 - 说我愿意, 或者遇个新结婚对象吧!

摩羯 - 木星来到帮助你减肥及保持健美的最佳位置, 在6月19日新月後开始新的健身计画吧!

水瓶 - 爱情闪闪发亮! 经过久旱後, 恋爱终於成为你的重要事件. 这一年不要在错的人身上浪费时间啊!

双鱼 - 你的家居生活愈来愈快乐! 想置业的会找到好地方, 而家中小改变也会让你有大得益. 和家人相处方面亦会有好运呢!

#1 Aries, the way you communicate from now on will make yr success. You are learning new skills--spin words into gold. Travel more often too

#2 Taurus likes to have money in the bank--you are about to have lots and lots of cash now on that Jupiter's newly in Gemini till June 2013!

#3 Gemini, Jupiter in YOUR sign,1st time in 12 years! A cornucopia of happiness+opportunity in career, travel, money+health. Love heats up Oct.

#4 Cancer You'll work toward being crowned celestial favorite June 2013-July 2014.Expect awesome help from VIP who believes in u, nurtures u 。

#5 Leo: After much career success 1st half 2012, you'll now have more vibrant social life.Mingling helps romance AND career now to June 2013

#7 Libra: Foreign people, places VERY fortunate for you, as well as college, grad school. Publishing, broadcasting area lucky too if u look.

#8 Scorpio: Jupiter will bring you investors, fat commissions, royalty checks, windfalls. You will be a money magnet in coming 12 months!

#9 Sag: You are independent soul, but now Jupiter, yr ruler, shows you marriage can be heavenly--tie the knot or meet new marriage material.

#10 Capricorn Jupiter in prime position to help you lose weight, get very fit and toned. Start new fitness program after new moon June 19!

#11 Aquarius: Love sparkles brightly! Finally, romance will be yr main event, after long drought. Don't waste coming year on wrong person!

#12 Pisces: Your home life glows! Real estate deals great, but small home changes will yield big dividends, happiness. Luck with family too.

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