
4 Ways to Get Better Sleep Without Medication

 WoodyY 2012-07-07

Insomnia (trouble getting more than three days of restful sleep a week for three out of four weeks) drove Michael Jackson to desperate measures. If it's driving you there too, you're not alone. Sixty-six million North Americans a year have frequent or extended bouts of sleeplessness. We’re here to help -- and not in a drug sort of way. Find out what causes insomnia.

To work through your insomnia, GO! to Sleep -- a very successful program at ClevelandClinicWellness.com -- suggests that you:

  1. Exercise regularly. Walking 30 minutes a day relieves stress and helps you sleep. But not too close to bedtime! We aim for 10,000 steps, so buy a pedometer and get walking -- early in the day. Here's why exercise earlier in the day helps you sleep better.
  2. Make bedtime comfy. We know some things in life are worth the expense. Two of those things are good pillows and mattresses.
  3. Slow down to help your body relax. Set aside 30 minutes before bed to finish the day’s must-do tasks (10 minutes). Do the hygiene things (10 minutes). Create calm-down time; try deep breathing and/or meditation (10 minutes). Use these tips if you're not sure how to meditate.
  4. Ban bedside digital devices, including TV. Have nothing in your bedroom except the bed, which should be used for only two things. Sleep may come in an easy second. Discover how electronics intrude on your sleep.
Still sleepless? Medications, a medical condition or stress could be to blame. Try to identify the problem yourself and work through it. If not a complete success, meet with a sleep specialist or try cognitive behavioral therapy. One-on-one sessions and telephone and group therapy can be very effective.

Use these tips if you're not sure how to meditate.:

How to Meditate
The goal here is to clear your mind of all thoughts. Yep, all of 'em.

The first step: Silence. Find a quiet place where you can sit comfortably without being disturbed.

Step two: Close your eyes. You don't have to do this to meditate -- some people like to focus on an object -- but closing your eyes may help you stay focused, especially when you're just beginning.

To help clear your mind, pick a simple word (om really is a good one) and repeat it to yourself over and over. Slowly -- there's no rush. Savor the word until it fills your mind. Why? Focusing on one word helps keep distracting thoughts -- like your to-do list -- from seeping into your gray matter and stressing you out.

Over time, you'll develop your own personal focus and style of meditating, so try to figure out what works best for you. Remember the objective is to search for a path that gives you comfort and offers an opening that allows you to find deeper meaning in life. So whether you focus on breathing, a prayer, or the inside of your eyelids, try to squirrel away at least 5 minutes of silence every day.

Shhhhhhhhh . . .

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