
【英语一题一讲】 “是A不是B"的常用表达法

 wwww888 2012-07-09









 He is liable to make decisions on the basis of his personal likes and dislikes

 __________what is best for the organization.

 [A] rather than                                     [B] other than

 [C] better than                                     [D] more than


【题意】 他倾向于根据他的个人好恶而不是根据什么最有利于组织作决定。




          rather than 这个短语相信大家一定都很熟悉,意思是“不是……而是……",

“尤其说……还不如说……”。如果问你除了 rather than,英语中还有哪些能表示




 A rather than B    肯定A否定B


1He is a man who will spoil rather than accomplish something.


2A business letter should be written in a formal style rather than in a personal



      3Nowadays, people doing purchases by check or charge account or credit card,

            rather than carrying too much money in the pocket or purses.


      4Jazz is essentially an art of performance rather than of transcription.


      5These children appear to have been dragged up rather than brought up.


      6For the most part Americans think that there is some advantage in attending

            one of the better known private institutions, in spite of higher cost, rather

            than a state university. 




 A instead of B     肯定A否定B


1You should reason with him instead of just telling him to obey.


2You must make the decision on your own instead of our making it for you. 


   3He leads his people to take the road of collective prosperity instead of trying to

         build up family fortunes.


4There has been a tendency for industry to be located in a single region, instead

      of being dispersed evenly over the whole country.


      5Instead of looking at human behavior as shaped by culture, sociobiology stresses

           natural selection as responsible for human’s particular biotical characteristics.


      6The family hoped they would be able to settle the charges out of court instead of

           having to be dragged into lengthy legal procedures. 



  more A than B    肯定A否定B


 1In his eye, Peter is more a businessman than his elder brother.


2He is more dillgent than clever.


3The child was more frighted than hurt.  


4The so-called division between the pure scientist and the applied scientist is

      more apparent than real.   


5Most people in modern societies are more familiar with journalistic interviewing

      than with any other from of interviewiing. 




  not so much B as A     否定B肯定A


     1One’s greatness lies not so much in his wealth as in his character.  


     2It is not so mcuh the cold as the rain which makes the climate unpleasant.   


     3The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you knowledge

          as to teach  you the art of learening.  


     4The problem is not so much the excess of protein in the diet as the large

          amount of saturated fats and cholesterol accompanying it.


5The convenience that Americans desire reflect not so much a leisurely

      lifestyle as a busy lifestyle in which minutes of time are too valuable to be





       在这一句型中,如果连接的B A部分较长,as 有时可改用but,通常在but 前需



     1Yet the present development is wholly different, not so much because of

          different people, but because of the different thoughts in them. 



     2Whether their effortsw can be more effective than those of the traditional

           politicain  may not so much depend on the prpepspent-day working scientists,

           but on the scientists now being trained — you.  


毋宁说是取决于正在受训的科学家 你们。


  A, not B    肯定A否定B


1The solution is to find a different system of inner-cith transportation, not a less

      dangerous fuel. 



2We shall judge you by your actions, not by your promises. 


      3We honour him for what he is, not for what he has. 


      4It is their good qualitynot their low price but which sells our goods.  



  not B, but A    否定B肯定A


     1)He took out of the envelope not a letter but a bill.  


     2But to my mind the most difficult thing to cope with is not the could, but the

           lack of daylight. 


     3His failure in business was due not to misfortune, but to his own faults. 


     4Our chief source of teeror was not the beating but the wild hysteria that had

          seized many of the gruards.  


     5Through all this, it is not the triumph but the struggle that bring about the

           complete personal satisfaction in knowing that you as a scientist have given

           your all.    




         在这一句型中,如果AB部分是that-clause, 则衍生出另一句句型:Not that

 ……, but that …… It is not that …….., but that …….的省略形式。


     1Not that I dislike the work, but that I am not equal to it.     


     2Not that he won’t do it, but that he doesn’t know how to do it.  


     3Not that the results of the expoeriment are not reliable, but that much remains

          to be perfected.  





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