
3 Steps to Get Fit, Shape Up, and Live Longer

 WoodyY 2012-07-14

Pssst . . . want to get in on the ground floor of a knock-your-socks-off investment opportunity? Not up for another Ponzi scheme? No worries! The investment: 30 minutes of exercise a day. The return? An extra 2.8 high-quality years.

Fit people in their 50s are twice as likely as their unfit classmates to celebrate their 85th birthday. Even better, fit doesn't require climbing Mount Everest or doing Ironman triathlons. All you need is half an hour of physical activity a day, plus some strength training. If you've been sitting on the sidelines, adopt this three-part plan as your stay-young investment account:

No time? Do walking meetings. And turn up the intensity when sweeping, mopping, mowing the lawn, walking the dog, or gardening to make you younger and give you more energy. Here are more ways to turn your daily tasks into exercise.

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