

 shonajun 2012-07-18







引导条件状语从句的从属连词有if ,unless (=if not如果不……,除非)as/so long as, when (=considering that既然,考虑到)while=as long as只要),supposing that, provided that, in case(假使),on condition that (在……的条件下)等等。


1I won’t call you, ________ something unexpected happens. 2007全国卷1

   A. unless       B. whether         C. because         D. while


2______ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race. 2007全国卷2


A. If                              B. Since                       C. Though                    D. When

3You will be successful in the interview           you have confidence. 2007福建卷)

A. before                      B. once                        C. until                        D. though


4How can you expect to learn anything ____ you never listen? 2006山东卷)

A. in case                 B. even if                   C. unless             D. when

解析:in case万一,以防;even if即使;unless除非,如果不……;when既然,考虑到。句意是“既然你从不听,那么你怎么能期望学到东西呢 ”。故选答案D



从属连词:whenaswhilebeforeaftersincetill/untilas soon asonce……等。

名词短语:next time, every time, the moment, the minute等等。



5)—Where’s that report? 2007北京卷)

  I brought it to you ____you were in Mr. Black’s office yesterday.

A. if                B. when                     C. because                 D. before

解析:句意是“当你昨天在Mr. Black办公室的时候我就把那报告给你了”。所给选项只有B项符合题意,故选B项。




6—Why didn't you tell him about the meeting? ( 2006四川卷)

— He rushed out of the room _________ I could say a word.

     A. before           B. until            C. when       D. after




7 It is difficult for us to learn a lesson in life ________ we’ve actually had that lesson. 2007天津卷)

A. until              B. after                   C. since                    D. when



8 It _____ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ____ I found we had a lot in common. 2007浙江卷)

  A. was until; when   B. was until; that    C. wasn’t until; when     D. wasn’t until; that



1It is/was + 时刻 + when从句“某事发生时是什么时候。”

2It is/has been + 时间段 + since从句“自从……以来有多长时间了。”

3It will/would be + 时间段 + before 从句“还要过多长时间……才……”

4It will/would not be + 时间段 + before 从句“过不了多长时间……就会……”

5It was + 时间段 + before从句“过了多长时间才……”

6It was not + 时间段 + before从句“没过多长时间就……”


9The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _____ we meet them again.2007安徽卷)

     A. after                    B. before             C. since                   D. when

10— Did Jack come back early last night? 2005福建)

— Yes. It was not yet eight o’ clock________ he arrived home.

A. before                  B. when          C. that         D. until

11It is almost five years           we saw each other last time. 2005北京春)

A. before                 B. since           C. after            D. when

12It was some time ___________we realized the truth. 2005山东)

     A. when                            B. until                  C. since     D. before

解析:考例(9)句意是“这项调查研究将要花JoanPaul大约5个月的时间。要们还要一段时间才能再次见到他们。”所以该题考查的是句型:It will/would be + 时间段 + before 从句“还要过多长时间……才……”。考例(10)句意是“Jack昨晚回来早吗?是的,他到家时还不到8点”。考查的是句型:It is/was + 时刻 + when从句。考例(11)考查的是句型:It is/has been + 时间段 + since从句;考例(12)考查的是句型:It was + 时间段 + before从句。故正确答案为BBBD


引导让步状语从句的连词有:though/although(尽管),even if/even though(即使),no matter how(whatwhenwhichwhowhere)however(whateverwheneverwhicheverwhoeverwherever)(无论……),as(尽管),while(虽然,尽管),in case(万一)等。


13 Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _______ they knew it to be valuable. 2007浙江卷)

   A. as if        B. now that       C. even though      D. so that

    解析:as if 好像,引导方式状语从句;now that既然,引导原因状语从句;so that以便,引导目的或结果状语从句。句意是“即使很多人知道他的建议颇有价值,但他们仍对其建议置若罔闻”。故正确答案为选项C

14 ________ I really don’t like art, I find his work impressive. (2007山东卷)

A. As            B. Since                      C. If                    D. While


15 ________  tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao. 2007上海春招)

A .However the weather is like                     B. However is the weather like

C. Whatever is the weather like                  D. Whatever the weather is like


16 __________he has limited technical knowledge, the old worker has a lot of experience. ( 2006国Ⅰ)

A. Since        B. Unless                    C. As                    D. Although




结果状语从句的连词有:so thatsothat…,suchthat.结果状语放在主句之后。常见句型结构有:

(1) so + 形容词/副词+ that从句;

(2) such a/an + 形容词+可数名词单数+that从句;

(3) so + 形容词+ a/an + 可数名词单数+that从句;

4such + 形容词+ 可数名词复数/不可数名词+that从句


17 Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language. 2007上海卷)

A. as                      B. that                     C. which                 D. where

解析:句意是“流行音乐是社会的一个重要组成部分以至影响到了我们的语言”。考查的是句型:such a/an + 形容词+可数名词单数+that从句。故正确答案为B



目的状语从句连词有:in case“以免,以防万一” ,in order that“为了……,以便……”。so that引导状语从句只能置于主句之后。in order that引导状语从句可放主句之前或之后。目的状语从句的谓语常含有cancouldmaymightwould等情态动词。这也是与结果状语从句的一个区别。


18 Leave your key with a neighbor _____ you lock yourself out one day2007北京卷)

A. ever since        B. even if         C. soon after      D. in case

解析:ever since 从那时到现在,引导时间状语从句;even if即使,引导让步状语从句;soon after不久之后,引导时间状语从句;in case 以防,以免,引导目的状语从句。题意是“留一把钥匙在邻居那儿,以防有一天你被关在门外”。故正确答案为D项。

19I’d like to arrive 20 minutes early _________ I can have time for a cup of tea. 2005北京)

    A. as soon as       B. as a result      C. in case     D. so that

解析:as soon as一……就……,引导时间状语从句;as a result结果,常用作插入语;in case以免,以防万一,引导目的状语从句;so that以便,引导目的状语从句。题意是“我喜欢提前20分钟到,以便我有时间喝一杯茶”。故正确答案为选项D


地点状语从句由whereanywhere, wherever引导。where指“在某个地方”,wherever指“无论哪里,在任何一个地方”。


20In peacetoothe Red Cross is expected to send help________ there is human suffering. 2006江西卷

    A. whoever      B. however      C. whatever       D. wherever


21If you are traveling        the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do. ( 2006天津卷)

A. in which      B. what         C. when          D. where




引导原因状语从句的连词有:becauseassincewhen(既然),now that(既然),seeing that(因为), considering that等。



22Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada,          this was a memory she especially treasured. 2006广东卷

  A. as            B. if              C. when          D. where


(23)  How can you expect to learn anything ________ you never listen? 2006山东卷)

A. in case                   B. even if             C. unless               D. when

解析:in case万一;even if即使;unless除非,如果不;when既然。题意是“既然你从未听,你怎想学到东西呢”。故正确答案为选项D




(24) We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse. 2007全国卷1

   A. not if dealt carefully with         B. if not carefully dealt with

   C. if dealt not carefully with         D. not if carefully dealt with


2、在if引导的非真实条件状语从句中,如果从句含有助动词had, shouldwere时,可以省略连词if,而将这些助动词置于主语前。

25__________ fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.      2006湖北卷

    A. Would you be     B. Should you be   C. Could you be      D. Might you be




 (26) What would you do if it         tomorrow ? 2005全国卷Ⅰ)

    We have to carry it on , since we’ve got everything ready.

       A. rain                     B. rains                    C. will rain               D. is raining




(27) I think it is necessary for my 19-year-old son to have his own mobile phone, for I sometimes want to make sure if he           home for dinner. ( 2006辽宁卷)

A. come                B. comes                    C. has come           D. will come



1no sooner than(刚……就……),hardlywhen…(刚……就……)引导时间状语从句,no sooner, hardly位于句首时,主句要用部分倒装语序,且主句常用过去完成时。


28Did Linda see the traffic accident? ( 2006天津卷)

No, no sooner        than it happened.

A. had she gone   B. she had gone   C. has she gone    D. she has gone

解析:题意是“Linda目睹了那场交通事故吗?不,她刚离开就发生了。”no sooner置于句首时,要用倒装语序,且时态常用过去完成时,故正确答案为选项A



29_________,his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. 2007重庆卷)

A. Strange as might it sound                      B. As it might sound strange

C. As strange it might sound                      D. Strange as it might sound




30         that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere. 2007陕西卷)           A. So successful her business was              B. So successful was her business

C. So her business was successful         D. So was her successful business



1if引导的非真实条件句中,如果表达与过去事实相反的情况,则要用虚拟语气。从句谓语动词结构为:would have done, if从句谓语动词则用过去完成时。


(31) What would have happened__________, as far as the river bank? (2001上海)

  A. Bob had walked farther               B. if Bob should walk farther  

  C. had Bob walked farther               D. if Bob walked farther


2、在as if引导的方式状语从句中,如果表达的是真实情况,则用陈述语气;如表达的是一种假设或无法实现的某种情况,则用虚拟语气。

(32) Eliza remembers everything exactly as if ______ yesterday. 2006北京)

       A. was happening       B. happens    C. has happened        D. happened





1. __________ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

   A. so curious the couple was          B. So curious were the couple

  C. So curious the couple were          D. The couple was such curious

2. The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ________ every day.

     A. watered       B.  watering   B. water      D.  to water

3. When_______ help, one often says “ Thank you. ” or “ It ’ s kind of you. ”

 A. offering                B. to offer            C. to be offered           D. offered

4. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house ____there is a power cut.

A. if              B. unless               C. in case              D. so that

5. His plan was such a good one _________we all agreed to accept it.

A. so             B. and         C. that           D. as

6. Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, but ________ they have eggs or young chicks, they don’t use a nest.

   A. why            B. how            C. unless          D. where

7. Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ______ they are not managed carefully.

   A. though                 B. before                 C. until                   D. if

8.   ____ there is a snowstorm or some other bad weather, the mail always comes on time.

A. Because           B. If               C. When             D. Unless

9. _______ environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem (生态系统) to recover.

   A. Even if                  B. If only                  C. While                   D. Once

10 How long do you think it will be ______China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

Perhaps two or three years.

A. when               B. until          C. that         D. before

11. In time of serious accidents________   we know some basic things about first aid, we can save lives.

 A. whether   B. until      C. if          D. unless
. ________ you have tried it, you can’t imagine how pleasant it is.

   A. Unless                 B. Because                    C. Although                D. When

13. "You can't have this football back             you promise not to kick it at my cat again," the old man said firmly.

     A. because             B. since               C. when          D. until

14. This is a very interesting book. I’ll buy it, __________.

A. how much may it cost           B. no matter how it may cost

C. however much it may cost        D. how may it cost

15. We don’t keep winning games _______ we keep playing well.

  A. because                    B. unless                     C. when                     D. while

16. —Mom, what did the doctor say?

     —He advised mo to live______ the air is fresher.

A. in where      B. in which        C. the place where          D. where

17. —Why didn't you tell him about the meeting?

     — He rushed out of the room _________ I could say a word.

     A. before           B. until            C. when       D. after

18. A warm thought suddenly came to me        I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday

A. if               B. when        C. that             D. which

19. _________ most of the earth’s surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious.

A. As                       B. Once            C. If                   D. Although

20. I always take something to read when I go to the doctor’ s __________ I have to wait.

A. In case              B. so that           C. in order       D. as if

21. You can eat food free in my restaurant __________you like.

A. whenever       B. wherever      C. whatever        D. however

22.  __________ I accept that he is not perfect, I do actually like the person.

A. While           B. Since         C. Before           D. Unless

23. The house could fall down soon if no one______ some quick repair work.

A. has done        B. is doing        C. does            D. had done

24. _____ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.

A. While           B. Since           C. As              D. If

25. Scientists say it may be five or six years_________ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.

A. since          B. after          C. before         D. when


15BADCC 610 CDDDD 1115 CADCB 1620ABD  2125 AACAC






1. Don’t be afraid of asking for help _______ it is needed.

A. unless                                                  B. since

C. although                                              D. when

2. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listenerscuriosity ________ he reaches the end of the story.

A. when                                                    B. unless

C. after                                                     D. until

3. _______ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it.

A. Even though                                        B. Unless

C. As long as                                            D. while

4 You will succeed in the end ____ you give up halfway.

A. even if                                                  B. as though

C. as long as                                            D. unless

5. “Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?” “Yes. He had never praised him _______ he became one of the top students in his grade.”

A. after                                                     B. unless

C. until                                                     D. when

6. _____ I suggest, he always disagrees.

A. However                                              B. Whatever

C. Whichever                                            D. Whoever

7. You should put on the notices ______ all the people may see them.

A. where                                                  B. in which

C. at                                                         D. for them

8. _____ she goes, there are crowds of people waiting to see her.

A. Wherever                                             B. However

C. Whichever                                            D. Whoever

9. Mary clapped her hand over her mouth _______ she realized what she had said.

A. while                                                    B. as soon as

C. suddenly                                              D. then

10. ________ her faults, she’s Arnold’s mother. Don’t be so rude to her.

A. Whatever                                             B. What

C. Whichever                                            D. Whenever

11. ____ you’re got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.

A. Now that                                              B. After

C. Although                                              D. As soon as

12. I thought she was the very girl that I should marry _______ I met her.

A. first time                                              B. for the first time

C. the first time                                        D. by the first time

13. Don’t play by the river _______ you fall in and drown!

A. in case                                                 B. so that

C. in order that                                         D. when

14. Why do you want a new job ____ you’ve got such a good one already?

A. that                                                      B. where

C. which                                                   D. when

15. He is better than _______ I last visited him.

A. when                                                    B. that

C. how                                                      D. which

16. _______ the punishment was unjust, he accepted it without complaint.

A. So long as                                            B. Even though

C. Since                                                    D. While

17. ________ the grandparents love the children, they are strict with them.

A. While                                                    B. As

C. Since                                                    D. Because

18. _______ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger.

A. As long as                                            B. As far as

C. Just as                                                 D. Even if

19. _______ rich one may be there is always something one wants.

A. Whatever                                             B. Whenever

C. However                                              D. Wherever

20. John shut everybody out of the kitchen _______ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.

A. which                                                   B. when

C. so that                                                 D. as if

21. Mr Zhang is mild in character. He never shouts ____ he is very angry.

A. if                                                          B. even

C. though                                                 D. even when

22. “How long do you suppose it is _______ he left for Japan?” “No more than half a month.”

A. when                                                    B. before

C. after                                                     D. since

23. In some countries, _______ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.

A. that                                                      B. which

C. as                                                         D. what
















1. Dwhen 意为()……时候。其余三项填入空格处,句意不通。

2. Duntil 意为直到,句意为一位优秀的故事讲述者必须能够让听众在故事结束前一直保持好奇心

3. Cas long as 意为只要,全句意为只要我知道这钱是安全的我就不会担心了。类似地下面一题也选 as long as

“What are you going to do this afternoon?’ “I’ll probably go for a walk later on ____ it stays fine.”

A. as far as                                               B. as long as

C. even if                                                  D. as if

4. Dunless 意为如果不除非,用以引导一个条件状语从句。

5. C。考查 not…until… 句式,其意为直到…………”

6. Bwhatever 引导的是让步状语从句,相当于 no matter what。注意不能选A,因为 suggest 是及物动词,它应带自己的宾语,而 however 不能用作宾语。

7. Awhere ……的地方,用以引导地点状语从句。

8. Awherever 意为无论什么地方

9. B。根据语境可推知。如下面一题也选as soon as

_______ he became rich he cast aside all his old friends who gave him some help.

A. While                                                    B. As soon as

C. Suddenly                                              D. Then

10. Awhatever her faults 为让步状语从句,句末省略了谓语动词 are

11. Anow that 为连词,用以引导原因状语从句,其意为既然since 同义。其中的 might as well意为不妨。全句意为既然你得到一个机会,你不妨充分利用它

12. Cthe first time 在此用作连词,用以引导状语从句。句意为我第一次见到她就认为她很诚实

13. Cin case 意为以防

14. Dwhen 不表示……的时候而表示既然相当于 since用以引导原因状语从句。全句意为:你既然已经有了这么好的工作,干吗还要找新的工作呢? 请再两例:

I can’t tell you when you won’t listen. 既然你不想听,我就不告诉你了。

Why use wood when you can use plastic? 既然能用塑料,为什么还要用木料?

15. Athan 后省略了 he was,假若补充完整,全句即为 He is better than he was when I last visited him

16. B。比较四个选项so long as(只要)even though(即使)since(自从既然)while(……时候)其中只有B的意思最合适全句意为即使处罚不公平他毫无怨言地接受

17. Awhile 在此不表示……的时候,而表示尽管

18. Bas far as 意为尽,就,至于,常用于 as far as I know(据我所知)as far as one can see(在某人看来)as far as one can(某人尽力)as far as sth / sb is concerned(就某事 / 某人来说)等结构。

19. Chowever 在此引导让步状语从句,意义上相当于 now matter how

20. Cso that 引导目的状语从句其意为为了

21. D。根据句子语境,选 B D 较适合,但 even 是副词,不是连词,不能引导状语从句,故选 D

22. D。问句的基本结构是“It is +时间段+since 从句,其原句型是 I suppose it is no more than half a month since he left for Japan. 假若对此句中的 no more than half a month 提问,则可得到提问句。

23. Dwhat 引导的是主语从句,其中的 what 相当于 the schools that



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