
Hardware chapter Camera section Class project--Fool Camera 2

 LOFT生活 2012-07-20
[Light line]
       The best photography of the light is obliquely incident light, which is light in the morning one night (specifically, you can briefly that morning before ten o'clock, after three in the afternoon).
       Angle of the light shines in the main body is texture, three-dimensional sense, the sun is shining there is less than Ming dark for photography, performance of the theme is to use the diversity of the light when the light dipped, a photographer can use performance to shun light, side backlight, backlighting, light source, if it is noon, light from the head down, there is no selectable.
       Think about that the main cast shadow - in the evening can be a long shadow, noon, what not.
       In addition, early in the morning one night when temperature is low (compare orange, relatively high color temperature on the blue-violet), low color temperature is relatively pleasing color (or blue sky, but clouds are orange, the sun is golden ).
       Noon when the sun is a pale, often you can see the blue sky in the morning to noon on the dead white one.
       Trees, bushes noon listless listless, lifeless.
       Therefore, the midday sun is most intense, for the amount of light through a small P & S was the right time, but it is not good scenery is really contradictory.
       Shut down at noon, is the habit of many landscape photographers. P & S, a small amount of light, in general, morning and evening light, but often lead to the shutter is too slow, fuzzy picture, use a tripod and lose portability. Dilemma.
[ISO400 film]
Most fool machine maximum aperture of F3.5 below, so as far as possible using ISO400 film, allows the camera to use faster shutter speeds to reduce mold shoot cameras
Paste probability. Can reduce the use of flash, save electricity, must use flash, and can also increase the effective distance.
2 outdoor photo portraits with flash]
Can make people face more beautiful, and remove some of the shadows. Take it easy, fool the camera's flash is not so strong, the camera settings in the compulsory flash to flash role in the outdoor.
3 indoor flash off]
Indoor dim light or outside in the dark, turn off the flash! The camera will attempt to exposure to the slowest shutter and maximum aperture of course you have to try a solid camera, tripod or on a plane. If it's really too dark to remind was shot by one hundred twenty-three Freeze. Remember, with a fully automatic mode, otherwise the camera will make flash and still use the combination of general aperture shutter, the result is a topic barely bright enough (sometimes difficult) background is a black paint it black. Some cameras can even choose a slow shutter plus flash, it can handle the Night Portrait.
(4) [Hold the camera as far as possible
More use of the terrain, a tree, the side of a low wall. Consider to buy a mini tripod, can be inserted in the jacket pocket is not cumbersome. If we can hold the portable tripod is better. In particular, using a long lens zoom fool aperture may only F10 below the corresponding shutter is very slow! Should pay more attention.
5 Remember shoot cameras non-SLR camera]
Is not a lens to see the picture you see by the picture windows. Viewfinder is always clear, and your theme is not necessarily Most of the shoot cameras you half press the shutter, the lens start metering, focus. If the photo material is not King Central, you may lose focus and exposure are not allowed. So pay attention if the subject is not central, first for theme-focus, metering (half press the shutter and hold), then recompose. This is the same with the principle of single-lens reflex electronic camera. This ensures that the topic-focus exposure accurately.
6. Practice holding the camera]
Fingers, sleeves, hair, beard do not cover the lens, flash or focus, metering hole.
7 to practice selective metering]
The average fool more than the central focus of metering, similar to FM2, so it can be half press the shutter to lock the exposure value. For the screen in a part of the metering. But bearing in mind the distance required of a similar theme, otherwise the focus will not be permitted. This is the advanced techniques, I was still groping.
8 to avoid the out of focus]
Camera through the window or screen to select an infinite distance focus (infinite lock) or the camera lens close to the window so as not to lose focus.
9 camera lens focusing distance is the number of]
Check the manual to look at the closest focusing distance of your camera lens is. Do not shoot to 40cm lower than the things of this distance will be out of focus. Most of the camera if the object is near its closest focusing distance, there will be a warning light lit viewing by the window, look at the
10 [use of the viewfinder
With the foregoing, the viewfinder and the lens of non-coaxial, so its field of view there are differences, the closer objects, this error is the greater. Often take Edges of cut, a smaller grid in the viewfinder, usually is the close composition. But there is nothing about it will still error.
11 read the instructions]
The new camera to be familiar with the instructions, the subsequent review on a regular basis. Do tomorrow to shoot friends got married today to buy the camera, it may not even have the battery, negative how to load do not know.
12 [new film]
Please use the new film! Do not laugh, a few days ago I was only wash shop let my laundry film has been three years old, ineffective, and I do not know to blame the camera, technology, store, or negatives? A few days ago my mom showed me a roll of film found in her dresser, seems to have a few years! I will not take it travel! There as soon as finished roll "the laundry, not valuable negatives. Do not discovered until after six months the film has been sleeping for a long time in the camera.
13 [battery backup]
Please bring a spare battery! I once took the shoot cameras happily to Malaysia to play, to take pictures was strange how the camera has flash is not film. Also confused the situation was okay with the group have a beautiful sister camera, otherwise really unpleasant. , And it aroused my interest in photography may want to learn photography should have this experience!
14 to prevent high temperature [
Please do not put the camera or film on the car trunk or back seat windows smoldering, will play some of the chemical reaction.
15 try a variety of shooting posture]
Finally, do not hard and fast to use your shoot cameras, according to some boring photos. Then the user really is a fool. Horizontal position to try, pen-hold grip, condescending, knelt down, get down! Flash, long exposure, make faces, put pose, photographed, your camera can even be tied in several large balloon, press the self-timer, and then let him off slowly. And then slingshot to shoot down kidding, you know what I mean.
[Ten Tips]
1, read the instructions]
    Most people buy a fool the camera, and really thought it was silly, the instructions without looking;
    Or only go out to play when you press the shutter, the other did not know.
    Quickly find out your instructions! Particular attention to:
(1) special shooting modes - Portrait, Landscape, Night Scene setting;
(2) Flash Index Guide Number or effective flash distance;
(3) The red-eye reduction settings;
(4) The camera's focus - whether to press the shutter halfway to the center focus, hold the shutter and then recompose to take pictures?
(5) Date of print how to set up to eliminate.
2, beyond selecting negatives]
       More and more people buy zoom shoot camera held common Pentax, Espio 140 is, although the 38-140mm magnification zoom, but its aperture is only f/4.8-f/12 need to flash the occasion, if you use negative 100 degrees, the effective distance of only 1.1-1.8 m (Wang remote), such as the switch to 400 degrees film, the effective distance is increased to 1.1-3.6 m.
       So the conclusion is that, zoom a fool to use 100 degree film shot on a sunny day, cloudy or indoor pictures to use 400 degree film. (200 degrees negatives? More than 100 degrees sensitization but a particle no more than 400 degrees fine how much it is not recommended) during the period of travel should carry sufficient negative 100 degrees and 400 degrees.
       Would also like to remind you that when the background is too dark of the night scene, playing flash only the subject clear, the background is absolutely dark, so beat up the photos do not waste film. (For example: the National Day fireworks take fully automatic fool to shoot people and pyrotechnics) Unless the aircraft tripod use night mode long exposure with flash, can bring out the background exposure.
3 [to take pictures of the composition
    Although not a photographer, but as long as a little a little attention to some of the details, a good photograph is not difficult to beat.
(1) portraits, if the face side, and please leave some space to him in the direction (for example, to see to the right side of the screen, set placed in the left of the screen);
(2) to shoot a photo, if the pure expression portrait, please try the vertical scroll composition;
(3) portraits do not Siban Ban standing in the middle of the screen;
(4) Travel & Living photo is shot, not one hundred twenty-three according to the even in the viewfinder and look around if others messy? Can wait ten seconds to wait for the screen refreshing, or move your feet, with another point of view camera;
(5) shoot the sea or horizontal screen, try to keep the surface of the water level;
(6) the principal or the background, not the edge is cut in half. (These are not difficult.)
4, the booming multi-shot]
       Take a look at your life according to some eyes just closed, and some head did not turn around ... good scenery do not be afraid to waste the film and take some pictures! Especially landscapes, try a different composition, wide-angle telephoto pat all to see, try straight horizontal. Horizontal images that show the wide and stable, straight photos more momentum and depth.
5, [focus]
       Some people are not the center of the photos focus on to the back, right? The film not installed a lot of practice, half press the shutter the center focus (you can hear the sound of lens rotation), do not let go, re-composition (appropriate placement and background scenery) and then press the shutter.
6, turn off the flash to shoot landscape]
       I said before, the small aperture of the zoom shoot cameras, often in the automatic mode will lead to flash.
       Please learn how to turn off the flash (forced flash), when the camera slow shutter speed, exposure, so you have to stabilize the body, the first deep breath and then breath easy and slow shutter press to avoid shock.
7, to buy a small tripod]
       The market of small tripod (or a desktop stand) SELF-yourself, can shoot at night slow shutter speed (in addition to the self-timer activation, does not make the screen shake), the heavier your burden (weight of only one two hundred grams).
8, and sometimes to eliminate the date of printing]
       Living according to the dates are convenient, but the pure landscapes date zoom to look good. And then determine the time you will eliminate the date set!
9, select the print shop]
       The vast majority of people who shoot cameras are shooting negative film (usually negative), the print shop the impact of wash out the photo quality is absolutely bigger than you think. Select one of your pretty good impression of the print shop, and try not to go home to wash. If you require immediate printing in the field, my experience is that the Kodak chain printing more consistent standard.
10, to look at to learn more]
    The last one tips to make a good photo is the most important is to look at the work of others, to participate in discussions, and people comment more than take your own photos to understand.

【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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