
数据传输AF层application frame

 幸福的乐土 2012-07-24





每个zigbee的endpoint有simple description,SimpleDescriptionFormat_t的结构体定义如下:

typedef struct
byte EndPoint;                               //endpoint的编号,也可以理解成地址1-240
uint16 AppProfId;                          //应用规范号,从zigbee联盟里面获得
uint16 AppDeviceId;                     //设备ID,这个endpoint的设备ID,也是从zigbee联盟里面获得。这里的device指的是CC2430节点后面接的设备,不是指CC2430本身。
byte AppDevVer:4;                  //设备描述的版本号,
byte Reserved:4; // AF_V1_SUPPORT uses for AppFlags:4.
byte AppNumInClusters;           //输入簇的数目
cId_t *pAppInClusterList;          //输入簇表的首地址,指针
byte AppNumOutClusters;        //输出簇的数目
cId_t *pAppOutClusterList;       //输出簇的首地址,指针
} SimpleDescriptionFormat_t;


typedef struct
byte endPoint;                                      //endpoint的编号,也可以理解成地址1-240(难以理解为什么要出现两个endpoint)byte *task_id;                                       // Pointer to location of the Application task ID.Task  ID pointer. When               a message is received, this task ID will be used to
SimpleDescriptionFormat_t  *simpleDesc;   //上面的结构体,这里是结构体嵌套结构体
afNetworkLatencyReq_t  latencyReq;           //充满没有潜伏时间的回复
} endPointDesc_t;




afStatus_t afRegister( endPointDesc_t *epDesc );


返回值是状态也就是Zsuccess 或者是Zfaules



发送数据的函数是 AF_DataRequest()
                           Call this function to send data.
afStatus_t AF_DataRequest( afAddrType_t *dstAddr, endPointDesc_t *srcEP,
                                             uint16 cID, uint16 len, uint8 *buf, uint8 *transID,
                                             uint8 options, uint8 radius );参数超多
Parameter Details(参数详解:)
dstAddr – Destination address pointer. 目标地址指针
The address mode in this structure must be either: 它有四种形式

1。afAddrNotPresent tolet the reflector (source binding) figure out the destination address;

2。afAddrGroup to send to a group;

3。afAddrBroadcast to send a broadcast message;

4。afAddr16Bit to send directly (unicast) to a node.

srcEP – Endpoint Descriptor pointer of the sending endpoint.//发送设备的描述结构体的地址
cID – Cluster ID – the message’s cluster ID is like a message ID and is unique with in the profile.//簇ID
len – number of bytes in the buf field. The number of bytes to send.//发送数据buff的长度
buf – buffer pointer of data to send.//buff指针
transID – transaction sequence number pointer. This number will be incremented by this function if the message
is buffered to be sent.//序列数的指针
options – the options to send this message are to be OR’d into this field are:

AF_FRAGMENTED       0x01       Not to be used.
AF_ACK_REQUEST      0x10       APS Ack requested. This is an application level
                                                     acknowledgement – meaning that the destination
                                                     device will acknowledge the message. Only used on
                                                      messages send direct (unicast).//目标设备收到将会回复
AF_DISCV_ROUTE       0x20        Should always be included.//发现路由
AF_EN_SECURITY        0x40         Not needed.
AF_SKIP_ROUTING       0x80         Setting this option will cause the device to skip routing and try to send the message                                          directly End devices will not send the message to its parent first. Good for only                                                   direct (unicast) andbroadcast messages.//直接发送到目的设备,不发送到他的父节点

radius –Maximum number of hops 最大跳数


Call this function to request an over-the-air message. A copy of the message will be sent to a task in an OSAL
message. The task receiving the message can either parse the message themselves or call a ZDO Parser function to
parse the message. Only response messages have a ZDO Parser function.
After registering for a message, and the message is received (OTA), the message is sent to the application/task as a
ZDO_CB_MSG (OSAL Msg). The body of the message (zdoIncomingMsg_t – defined in ZDProfile.h) contains the
OTA message.


ZStatus_t ZDO_RegisterForZDOMsg( uint8 taskID, uint16 clusterID );
参数详解(Parameter Details)
taskID – the application’s task ID. This will be used to send the OSAL message.
clusterID – the over the air message’s clusterID that you would like to receive (example: NWK_addr_rsp).
These are defined in ZDProfile.h.
ZStatus_t –status values defined in ZStatus_t in ZComDef.h,

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