

 aaie_ 2012-09-03

getSystemService(String name)是Android很重要的一个API,根据NAME来取得对应的Object,然后转换成相应的服务对象。以下介绍系统相应的服务。

name 返回的对象 说明
WINDOW_SERVICE WindowManager 管理打开的窗口程序
LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE LayoutInflater 取得xml里定义的view
ACTIVITY_SERVICE ActivityManager 管理应用程序的系统状态
POWER_SERVICEPowerManger 电源的服务
ALARM_SERVICE AlarmManager 闹钟的服务
NOTIFICATION_SERVICE NotificationManager 状态栏的服务
KEYGUARD_SERVICE KeyguardManager 键盘锁的服务
LOCATION_SERVICE LocationManager 位置的服务,如GPS
SEARCH_SERVICE SearchManager 搜索的服务
VIBRATOR_SERVICE Vibrator 手机震动的服务
CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE Connectivity 网络连接的服务
WIFI_SERVICE WifiManager Wi-Fi服务
TELEPHONY_SERVICE TeleponyManager 电话服务


public Object getSystemService(String name)

Return the handle to a system-level service by name. The class of the returned object varies by the requested name. Currently available names are:

WINDOW_SERVICE ("window") The top-level window manager in which you can place custom windows. The returned object is a WindowManager.
LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE ("layout_inflater") A LayoutInflater for inflating layout resources in this context.
ACTIVITY_SERVICE ("activity") A ActivityManager for interacting with the global activity state of the system.
POWER_SERVICE ("power") A PowerManager for controlling power management.
ALARM_SERVICE ("alarm") A AlarmManager for receiving intents at the time of your choosing.
NOTIFICATION_SERVICE ("notification") A NotificationManager for informing the user of background events.
KEYGUARD_SERVICE ("keyguard") A KeyguardManager for controlling keyguard.
LOCATION_SERVICE ("location") A LocationManager for controlling location (e.g., GPS) updates.
SEARCH_SERVICE ("search") A SearchManager for handling search.
VIBRATOR_SERVICE ("vibrator") A Vibrator for interacting with the vibrator hardware.
CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE ("connection") A ConnectivityManager for handling management of network connections.
WIFI_SERVICE ("wifi") A WifiManager for management of Wi-Fi connectivity.
INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE ("input_method") An InputMethodManager for management of input methods.
UI_MODE_SERVICE ("uimode") An UiModeManager for controlling UI modes.
DOWNLOAD_SERVICE ("download") A DownloadManager for requesting HTTP downloads

Note: System services obtained via this API may be closely associated with the Context in which they are obtained from. In general, do not share the service objects between various different contexts (Activities, Applications, Services, Providers, etc.)


The name of the desired service.
ReturnsThe service or null if the name does not exist.

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