
AVG2013 您身边的安全专家

 昵称10573747 2012-09-10

We’re all many things. Parents. Travelers. Movie goers. But security experts? Not 24×7, that’s for sure.


It’s hard for any of us to keep up with the latest developments in new devices, let alone knowing how to ward off the unscrupulous who quickly learn how to turn those innovations against us. The truth is, the people we call ‘cybercriminals’ are those who have a vested interest in staying ahead of the technology game. They use our limited understanding of new technology to exploit us and steal our money, our personal information and sometimes even our identity.


But they also use our own behaviors through so-called social engineering attacks to trick us into becoming lame ducks. And it works, because many of us don’t take even the simplest precautions to ensure our defenses are up. You wouldn’t go skiing without a helmet. Or boating without a life jacket. Or cycling in the dark without lights. So why do so many of us go online without security protection? And how can you protect yourself if you don’t know what the risks are?


We need to educate and protect ourselves. And the good news is, neither have to cost you money. As a company, we put a lot of time and resources into educating the public through our blogs, parent/blogger meet-ups, Twitter chats, and other educational campaigns and discussions. None of this costs you a thing.


But we were also the first company to offer a free antivirus product, ensuring that a level of online security was available to everyone. For free. Of course, we didn’t stop there because customer choice is important, and so we have a full range of products offering further features and benefits so that our customers can chose the right one to keep their personal details safe. But essentially, you can get at the very least a basic level of protection at no cost.


Our new AVG 2013 group of products offers greater protection and performance than ever before. This includes product features that give you control over managing your privacy online and striking that balance between providing enough personal info to maximize your online experience, but not so much that you risk theft of your identity, for example. But we know you didn’t buy your computer just to run security software. That’s why the AVG 2013 range of products are easy to use and run quietly in the background, making sure nothing slows you down or gets in your way.


We’re all individuals. Professionals, students, retirees. Whether your device of choice is a computer, a smartphone or a tablet, we’re here because we know you can’t always be the security expert. But with the AVG 2013 products, it’s reassuring to know you have one on your side.


Do you have any questions about keeping you and your families safe online and on mobile devices? Let me know here, on Twitter, or Facebook.

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