

 tjhx0526 2012-09-16


1917年,John Robert Conroy在耶鲁大学校园发现了流浪的Stubby。Stubby是一只未知品种的狗,有消息猜测,它是波士顿狗和斗牛犬的杂交;而其他消息则称,它其实是一只纯种美国比特斗牛犬,而它的讣告描述它是一只“斗牛梗犬”(这在当时代表“北美斗牛梗犬”和“比特斗牛犬”)。Stubby一直跟随Conroy,甚至学会了“敬礼”。当Conroy所在部队要运送到法国时候,Stubby偷偷上了明尼苏达号军舰。




Stubby在法国作战的第26(扬基)步兵师第102步兵团服役18个月,参加了4次攻势和17次战斗。1918年2月5日,它在Soissons以北的Chemin des Dames参加作战,战斗持续了一个多月。1918年8月,在一次突袭Schieprey的行动中,Stubby的前腿被撤退的德国人所投掷的手榴弹炸伤。它被送到后方医院治疗,正因为他在前线的英勇作战,鼓舞了士兵的士气。伤势痊愈后,Stubby回到了前线战壕,在经历过毒气袭击后,Stubby学会警告他的部队有毒气袭击,在无人区域找到过受伤的士兵,并且由于它能在人类听到之前就听到飞来的炮弹所发出的嘶鸣声,因此可以非常熟练的告诉他所属部队的士兵在什么时候趴下躲避。他甚至有一次自己一人在Argonne抓到了一名德国间谍。









Stubby 死于1926年,它的遗体被保存在史密森学会,同时,它的奖章和个人物品都捐赠给了Conroy的史密森学会。


Sergeant Stubby (1916 or 1917 – March 16, 1926), was the most decorated war dog of World War I and the only dog to be promoted to sergeant through combat.

Stubby was found on the Yale campus in 1917 by John Robert Conroy. He was of unknown breed; some sources speculated that he was part Boston Terrier and part Pit Bull, while other sources state that he was in fact a pure bred american pit bull terrier [1] while his obituary described him as a "Bull terrier" (which was at the time synonymous with "American Bull Terrier" and "Pit Bull terrier").[2] Stubby marched with Conroy and even learned an approximate salute. When Conroy's unit shipped out to France, Stubby was smuggled aboard the USS Minnesota.

Military service
Stubby served with the 102nd Infantry, 26th (Yankee) Division in the trenches in France for 18 months and participated in four offensives and 17 battles. He entered combat on February 5, 1918 at Chemin des Dames, north of Soissons, and was under constant fire, day and night for over a month. In April 1918, during a raid to take Schieprey, Stubby was wounded in the foreleg by the retreating Germans throwing hand grenades. He was sent to the rear for convalescence, and as he had done on the front was able to improve morale. When he recovered from his wounds, Stubby returned to the trenches. After being gassed himself, Stubby learned to warn his unit of poison gas attacks, located wounded soldiers in no man's land, and — since he could hear the whine of incoming artillery shells before humans could — became very adept at letting his unit know when to duck for cover. He was even solely responsible for capturing a German spy in the Argonne. Following the retaking Chateau-Thierry by the US, the thankful women of the town made Stubby a chamois coat on which were pinned his many medals. There is also a legend that while in Paris with corporal Conroy, Stubby saved a young girl from being hit by a car. At the end of the war, Conroy smuggled Stubby home.

After the War
After returning home, Stubby became a celebrity and marched in, and normally led, many parades across the country. He met Presidents Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge, and Warren G. Harding. Starting in 1921, he attended Georgetown University Law Center with Conroy, and became the Hoyas' mascot. He would be given the football at halftime and would nudge the ball around the field to the amusement of the fans.

Medals and awards
Stubby was made a life member of the American Legion, the Red Cross, and the YMCA. In 1921, the Humane Education Society awarded him a special gold medal for service to his country. It was presented by General John Pershing.

3 Service Stripes
Yankee Division YD Patch
French Medal Battle of Verdun
1st Annual American Legion Convention Medal
New Haven WW1 Veterans Medal
Republic of France Grande War Medal
St Mihiel Campaign Medal
Wound stripe, replaced with Purple Heart when introduced in 1932
Chateau Thierry Campaign Medal
6th Annual American Legion Convention
Humane Education Society Gold Medal
In 1926, Stubby died in Conroy's arms. His remains are featured in The Price of Freedom: Americans at War exhibit at the Smithsonian.

Sergeant Stubby's brick at the WWI MemorialStubby was honored with a brick in the Walk of Honor at the United States World War I monument, Liberty Memorial, in Kansas City at a ceremony held on Armistice Day, November 11, 2006.

Stubby was also featured in the Brave Beasts exhibit at the Legermuseum in Delft, Holland.

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