
Provincial cadres of post-1960s generation to influence future China

 3gzylon 2012-09-22

Provincial cadres of post-1960s generation to influence future China

(People's Daily Online)

10:32, September 22, 2012
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The provincial officials of the post-1960s generation will gradually become bright scenery in China's political arena in the future. According to statistics, there are a total of 161 provincial leading cadres born in the 1960s. Young age, advanced degrees, owning practical experiences and background of humanities and social sciences are their typical characteristics.

In the next five to 10 years, their thoughts and traits will affect China's local governance and their governing style will influence a group of younger cadres. Five to 10 years later, many of them will be expected to enter a higher leadership, affecting the future direction and fate of China.

Remarkable background in social sciences

Statistics found that of the 158 provincial officials with a degree, 97 received degrees in humanities and social sciences, accounting for 61.4 percent, and 61 received degrees in science and engineering, accounting for 38.6 percent. This indicates that the era of engineers governing the country is fading while leading cadres with a background in humanities and social sciences are rising, which is consistent with the modern way of governing a country.

Plentiful grassroots work experience 

Most of these provincial cadres have rich grassroots work experience so the public has great expectations for the post-1960s generation provincial cadres.

Analysts believe that corporate executives have clear advantages to serve as high-ranking officials, because they can introduce enterprise management practices into the Party and government agencies and change the ideas of some officials, especially professional officials in some special departments. 

Highlighting the people-oriented concept

The provincial officials from the post-1960s generation will pay more attention to people's livelihoods and have a pluralistic style. They value the legal system and will unfold their flexible, people-oriented concept.

The post-1960s generation senior officials face huge challenges on how to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor, meeting social desirability, and reconciling different appeals, which will test their governance capacity.

Their governing ideas will affect future China

China is entering the "deep water area" during the course of the Reform and Opening up, which involves more deep-seated conflicts of interest. The post-1960s senior cadres have profoundly realized that the Reform and Opening up is the only way out for China's future development.

Read the Chinese version:60后省部级官员将影响未来中国


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