
Lesson 10

 昵称8873578 2012-10-11

to let one's hair down

解除表面的装饰,使一切显得很自然、真实和放松。To let one's hair down 不一定用于女子,也可以用在男性。
1. He has to make so many official appearances that he seldom gets a chance to let his hair down and enjoy life like ordinary people.
2. We've been good friends for a long time. But lately I get the idea you are very much upset with me. I wish you'd let your hair down and tell me what's wrong to make you feel this way.


Today Topic: thick black hair in my soup 汤里面的头发
Today Vocabulary: Mediterranean 地中海的
Center: Jeffery (上海人民广场中心)
Customer: Excuse me there seems to be a problem with my soup.
Waiter: What seems to be the problem?
Customer: As you can see there is a thick black hair in my soup and it is obviously not mine.
Waiter: I’m terribly sorry sir. Could I offer you something else perhaps?
Customer: Yes, I would like another soup please.
Waiter: I’m so sorry, sir. But that was the last order of soup for today. Would you care to try our fresh Mediterranean salad, it’s our specialty(n.特色菜)?
Customer: Sure that sounds good.
Waiter: I’ll get that for you right away and I do apologize for the inconveniencen.不便). For your trouble I would like to offer you dessertn.餐后甜点) on the house.
Customer: That sounds great. Thank you.
Waiter: I’ll be back in just a moment with your salad.
Customer: Thank you.
Let’s go over some phrases now. 让我们一起来回顾一下有用的短语吧!
There seems to be a problem with…     看起来…..有个问题。
I’m terribly sorry.                                我非常抱歉。
I would like ….                                     我想要…….
That sounds good.                                听起来这(主意)不错。
I apologize for the inconvenience.       给您带来的不便,我真诚道歉。
I’ll be back in just a moment. / in a minute.  我很快就回来

5 Germyadj.带有细菌的) Mistakes You're Making Everyday
You wash your hands frequently, do your best to avoid coughing(adj.咳嗽的) strangers, and generally consider yourself to be a germ-avoiding(adj.避免细菌的) pro(n.教授). Still you may be surprised at five little things you're doing that may be leaving you susceptible(adj.容易受到影响的) to harmful bacteria(n.细菌) and viruses(n.病毒).

1. Fruit peels(n.果皮): You buy lots of fruit to eat -- bonus points! But, when it comes to fruit you peel (think: bananas, oranges), do you ever wash them first? If you grab that banana, peel it, then handle the fruit as you eat it, you're potentially putting harmful bacteria right in your mouth. Think of all the people who handled that banana: the banana farmer in another part of the world, the guy at the grocery store(n.杂货店) who stocked the bunch, 19 customers who picked over it to get to the greener bunch they wanted, the checker at the market, the bagger(n.装袋工) -- and then you!

2. The handles/railings(n.扶手) in your house: Did your roommate have a cold this week? Sure, you kept your distance and washed your hands frequently, but did you think to wipe down (v.擦拭)the stair rails and doorknobs(n.门把手)? Using a little hot soapy water or a light bleach solution (like Clorox Anywhere Spray) on frequently touched surfaces can keep you extra protected.

3. Your shoes: Do you keep your shoes on in your house? Yes, this is a controversial(adj.有争议性的) issue -- those who like to keep their shoes on, thankyouverymuch, may take offense(n.进攻) to rhetoric about removing shoes at the door. But, there has been a mounting amount of research in the past years indicating that what we track in on the bottom of our souls could be making us sick -- from chemicals lingering on sidewalks and roads to the microbes(n.微生物) you picked up in the public restroom. In fact, some health experts consider taking shoes off in your home as a way that anyone can improve their health. Even the super-doc Dr. Mehmet Oz suggested this year that it was on his top-5 list of things he'd recommend people do. So take those shoes off, darlings!

4. Touching your face: We all do it -- a scratch(n.抓挠) here, a nose rub(n.擦鼻子) there. But every time we're touching our face (especially our nose, mouth and eyes), we're giving germs a free ride into our bods. Even if you can be a teensy bit more aware of when you touch your face throughout the day, you can reduce your germ exposure. No, don't be compulsive about it, but if you avoid rubbing your eyes now and then, you're doing your body a good service.

5. The water glass(n.玻璃杯) in the bathroom: When's the last time you sent it for a run in the dishwasher? How about now? Frequently used items like glasses -- especially when shared or left out on a countertop where droplets can accumulate from various sources -- can be a breeding ground(n.培养基) for germs. Wash those glasses frequently, and don't share them!



       你在家里还穿着鞋吗?没错,这是一个有争议的问题——不用说,那些不喜欢换鞋的人可能会因进屋该先脱鞋的说法而大动肝火。不过,过去几年中大量研究说明,我们走来走去,鞋底上粘的东西可能会让我们生病——这些东西中有人行道和马路上挥之不去的各种化学物质,也有你在公共卫生间粘上的各种微生物。事实上,一些健康专家认为,任何人进屋后脱掉鞋的做法可以促进其身体健康。今年,就连“神医”麦赫密?奥茨医生(Dr. Mehmet Oz)都说进屋脱鞋是他首先要推荐人们做的五件事之一。所以,亲爱的,在家里别穿着鞋啦!



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