

 昵称535749 2012-10-20

1. 记忆泡沫床垫对温度非常敏感,会在较冷的卧室中变硬。如果你体温本身比较温暖的话,它会变得更加温暖。

-- Alan Hedge, PhD, professor of ergonomics at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York


2. "My research has found that any new smell, even one associated with relaxation, like lavender, can make you more alert and vigilant. You're better off with a scent that makes you feel safe and comfortable. There really is something to cuddling up with your spouse's undershirt."

2. 我的研究表明:在闻到的任何以前从未闻过的气味的时候,哪怕是像薰衣草那样能让你感到放松的气味,人都会警惕起来。在闻到令你感到安全和舒适的气味后,感觉会好一些。所以,终于可以和你老婆的内衣玩儿亲亲了。

-- Pamela Dalton, PhD, odor-perception expert and sensory psychologist at Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


3. "We expect to sleep for eight solid hours, but that's actually not normal compared with global populations and our own evolutionary history. People naturally wake up two or three times a night. It's worrying about it that's the problem."

3. 我们希望每天能睡足8个小时,但相对于全世界的人口和我们本身的进化史来说,这并不正常。人类实际上在睡觉的时候,每夜都会自然的醒来两三次,这才是应该担心的问题所在。

-- Carol Worthman, PhD, an anthropologist at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia


4. "If you're not sleeping well, you may have acid reflux, even if you don't feel heartburn. Try elevating your head by putting blocks under the top of the bed and sleeping on your left side. Or you can take a dose of Gaviscon (an over-the-counter remedy that creates a protective barrier against stomach acid)."

4. 如果你的睡眠质量并不理想的话,也许是因为你胃部反酸,哪怕你没有烧心的感觉。试试:在床头垫高,这样就会使你的头部抬高,然后采用“左侧侧卧睡姿”;你也可以服用“嘉胃斯康”(一种防止胃部反酸的非处方药)。

--Patricia Raymond, MD, a gastroenterologist in Virginia Beach, Virginia


5. "If you like a firmer mattress and she likes a softer one, you don't have to compromise. Get two singles, push them together, and use king sheets. Or you can buy a strap that attaches the mattresses to each other."

5. 如果你喜欢硬一点儿的床垫,而她却喜欢软一些的床垫,那就别委屈了自个儿,买俩单人床垫,合一块儿,铺个大点儿的床单不就完事儿了。你还可以买个绳子把俩床垫捆一块儿。(我忍不住插一句了,坑死爹的专家啊......==||)

--Alan Hedge, PhD


6. "One of the biggest disrupters of sleep is the pulling and tugging of sheets and blankets. I tell couples that each person should have a sheet and blanket. If you pull a big comforter or duvet over the top when you make the bed, you really can't tell. Couples call me after I suggest that and say, 'Wow — you changed our marriage.'"

6. 俩人一块儿睡的时候,最烦的就是拉被单和揪毯子了。我建议夫妻双方各自都应该有张被单,有床毯子。如果你铺床的时候要把棉被或者羽绒被头角铺反了,那就悄悄的啥也别说。不少夫妇在听了我的建议以后给我打电话,说:“你让我们的婚姻焕然一新!”

--Robert Oexman, chiropractor and director of the Sleep to Live Institute in Joplin, Missouri

--罗伯特?欧克斯曼,指压按摩师, 密苏里州乔普林市睡眠与生命研究所所长

7. "The cooler white and blue light emitted by a computer monitor stimulates brain activity and makes it difficult for your brain to wind down. Download the software at /flux. It gradually dims your screen at sundown, shifting your monitor's colors to warmer red hues."

7. 电脑显示器发出的白光和蓝光会刺激大脑,让大脑放松变得很难。去http:///flux/ 下载个软件吧,这个软件会让你的电脑屏幕在夜晚的时候变成柔和的红色色调。

--Colin Grey, a time-management coach in London, England


8. "Watching TV at night may seem relaxing, but it beams light into your eyes, which is an 'alert' signal for the brain. Read a book before bed instead."

8. 晚上看电视是很放松的一件事儿,但电视机的光束会直射到眼睛,这对大脑就是个“提示信号”了,睡觉之前看会儿书吧。

--Tara Brass, MD


9. "To keep your room dark, use blackout draperies or shades — not blinds, because they never completely block out light. Install the shades as close to the glass as possible. If you don't have the depth for an interior mount, extend the fabric several inches past the width of the window."

9. 让屋子里保持光线较暗的话,可以使用遮光窗帘或者遮光的窗户----当然,不是完全黑,你不可能遮挡所有的光。安装的时候,尽量把这种遮光窗户和玻璃安的紧一点。如果你的窗户内缝上的深度不够,那就把窗户的撑开几寸,再安装遮光窗户。

-- Ian Gibbs, cofounder of the in New York, New York

--伊安?吉布斯,纽约Shade Store的创始人之一

10. "A hot bath will increase your skin temperature, which eventually decreases your core body temperature. Do the same thing for yourself that you'd do for a young child — make sure you take a bath a half hour or so before bedtime. "

10. 洗热水澡会使你皮肤的温度升高,但会使你身体内部温度降低。像照顾一个小孩子一样照顾你自己的身体吧----不过,洗热水澡的时间最好是睡前半小时。

-- Robert Oexman


11. "A lot of people take bedtime pain relievers that contain caffeine and don't even realize it. Excedrin has 65 milligrams of caffeine per tablet — if you take two, that's as much as a cup of coffee. Check the label: Caffeine is always listed as an active ingredient."

11. 很多人为了缓解头疼,会在睡前吃止痛药,但他们没有意识到这种药里含有咖啡因。Excedrin(一种治疗偏头疼的药物)每片中含有65毫克的咖啡因----这意味着,你要吃了两片,咖啡因的含量就相当于一杯咖啡中咖啡因的含量。药物说明书上可写着呢:咖啡因是一种令人兴奋的活性成分。

--Jan Engle, professor of pharmacy at the College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago


12. "Lights that have a blue or green tint can turn down your production of melatonin, which makes it difficult to sleep. If you must use a night-light, pick a 'low blue' one (lowbluelights.com)."

12. 蓝色或者绿色色调的灯光会让你的身体抑制褪黑色素的产生,这也会让你很难入睡。如果你必须要开着灯睡觉,那就换个发出淡蓝色灯光的夜灯吧。(参考:lowbluelights.com)

-- Robert Oexman


13. "I'm not a fan of sleeping with two pillows if you're a back sleeper because it makes your upper back curve and strains the neck and back. If you need to sleep up high for medical reasons, get a wedge and put your pillow on it."

13. 如果你喜欢仰着头睡觉的话,我不建议用两个枕头,因为这样会让你的背部上方弯曲,让你的脖子和背部绷的很紧。如果你因为一些医学原因必须仰睡的话,找个木楔,然后把枕头垫在上面。

-- Karen Erickson, a chiropractor in New York, New York


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