
All Orphans Need Mothers 所有孤儿都需要母亲

 cntic 2012-11-13
All Orphans Need Mothers所有孤儿都需要母亲
by Rebecca A. Fratzke

A feel-good story about a bulldog named Molly.

For various reasons, children sometimes lose their parents. Fortunately, it is common to hear stories of such children successfully finding new homes and loving families to care for them. While this may seem like a statement about the goodness of humans, we are not the only species in the world to take in needy children.
A recent story about Molly the bulldog taking in a litter of orphaned kittens tugged at the hearts of many. Owned by 84-year-old Elbert Bristow, Molly is a white English bulldog who had given birth to her own litter of puppies right around the time the kittens were born. When the mother of the kittens, which was also one of Bristow's pets, accidentally passed away, Bristow didn't know what to do. Molly, however, had no trouble taking action and instinctively responded to the 6-week-old kittens by nursing them. The kittens took to their new mother quickly and even began following her around and cuddling with her. Likewise, Molly took as much gentle care of the kittens as she had with her puppies.
Like human adoptions, animal adoptions are common. Zoologists have gotten help from pet dogs with breeding programs of endangered species like tigers and pandas. Having an adoptive mother allows the biological mother to be able to become pregnant again more quickly and gives the zoologists the chance to keep close track of the babies' health without fearing an angry mother. Piglets, panthers, chimps, and monkeys have been successfully raised by dogs as well. Dogs make good adoptive moms because their milk can be digested by many animals. Thanks to these loving mothers, babies that are in need are getting all the love they deserve.

1. What is the main topic of this article?
(A) The effects of adoption on children in the US.
(B) Animals that adopt babies of other species.
(C) Elbert Bristow's many types of pets.
(D) Why having a family pet is good for children.
2. What happened to the kittens' mother?
(A) She was given away to another family.
(B) She became sick suddenly and inexplicably.
(C) She got lost and never came back.
(D) She was killed because of an accident.
3. According to the article, which is NOT an animal that has been adopted by dogs?
(A) Rabbits.
(B) Pigs.
(C) Chimpanzees.
(D) Pandas.
4. Why would zoologists choose to use an adoptive mother?
(A) Zoo animals are always aggressive with their babies.
(B) There's not enough room for a mother and her babies in the cage.
(C) The real mother will be able to have babies again sooner.
(D) It costs zoos less money.

  1. loving a. 慈爱的
  2. statement n. 声明
  3. species n. 物种(单复数同形)
  4. needy a. 贫穷的
    = poor
  5. bulldog n. 牛头犬
  6. a litter of...一窝(小动物)
  7. accidentally adv. 意外地
  8. instinctively adv. 本能地
  9. nurse vt. 照料;给……喂奶
  10. cuddle vi. 依偎
  11. likewise adv. 同样地
  12. zoologist n. 动物学家
  13. an endangered species濒临绝种的动物
  14. an adoptive mother养母
  15. a biological mother亲生母亲
  16. pregnant a. 怀孕的
  17. piglet n. 小猪
  18. panther n. 豹;黑豹
  19. chimp n. 黑猩猩
    = chimpanzee
  20. deserve vt. 值得
  21. inexplicably adv. 无法说明地; 难以理解地
  22. aggressive a. 有侵略性的;好斗的

  1. It is common to V……是常见的
  2. care for sb照顾某人
    = take care of sb
  3. give birth to...产下……
  4. pass away过世(die 的委婉语)
  5. have no trouble V-ing做……没有困难

比较 as much as... / as many as... 的用法
a. as much as...(量)多达……
John earns as much as NT$1,000 per
约翰 1 小时赚的钱多达 1 千块新台币。
one thousand dollars 为复数名词,但其所代表的是不可数抽象名词 money,当修饰 money
时要说 much money,而非 many money,故用 "as much as + 表金钱单位的名词"。
b. as many as + 数字 + 复数名词

As many as 50 people were at the protest.
多达 50 人在抗议现场。

  1. various a. 各式各样的
    Nowadays, contact lenses come in various materials and colors.
  2. take in...收留……
    The family took in three exchange students last year.
    那个家庭去年收留了 3 名交换学生。
  3. orphan vt. 使成孤儿 & n. 孤儿
    orphanage n. 孤儿院
    Five-year-old Bruce was orphaned when both his parents died in an accident.
    5 岁的布鲁斯双亲在一场意外中丧生,使他成了孤儿。
  4. tug at sb's heart触动某人的心弦
    = tug at sb's heartstrings
    The sight of the starving child crying tugged at my heartstrings.
  5. take action采取行动
    The government took immediate action to stop the disease from spreading.
  6. respond vi. 回答;作出反应(与介词 to 并用)
    Police responded to the 119 call within five minutes.
    警方接到 119 的电话後,於 5 分钟内便作出反应。
  7. take to...喜欢……
    Allen took to his new teacher from the very first class.
  8. adoption n. 收养,领养
    adopt vt. 领养,认养
    The couple couldn't have children of their own, so they resorted to adoption.
    Sue is in the process of adopting two children from India.
  9. breeding n. 繁殖
    breed vt. 饲养,繁殖
    The breeding of fish as pets has its origins in China.
  10. keep track of...记录……;追踪……
    The nurse kept track of the patient's temperature.
  11. digest vt. & vi. 消化
    Protein and fat are digested slowly and therefore stay in the stomach longer.
  12. be in need在穷困(困难)中
    Jill helped me out when I was in need.
  13. give away sth赠送某物
    give sth away 露某事
    give sb away 露某人身份
    As a way to get people interested in our new product, we gave away free samples.
    It was supposed to be a surprise party, but the children gave the secret away.
    那本来是一场惊喜派对的,但孩子们把计划 露了。
    John said he wasn't scared at all, but his high-pitched voice gave him away.
  14. room n. 空间(不可数)
    = space
    I cleaned out the fridge to make room for the birthday cake.

最近一则有关牛头犬莫莉收养一窝无父无母小猫的故事就让许多人为之动容。莫莉是现年 84 岁的亚伯特·布里斯托所养的白色英国牛头犬,大约在那些小猫出生的同时,莫莉自己也产下了一窝小狗。生下那些小猫的母猫也是布里斯托的其中一苹宠物,当它意外过世时,布里斯托不知如何是好。然而,莫莉丝毫不以为意地采取了行动,它本能的反应就是喂那些 6 周大的小猫喝奶。这些小猫很快就喜欢上了新妈妈,甚至开始到处跟著莫莉并依偎在它身旁。而莫莉也同样细心地照顾这些小猫,就如同照顾自己的幼犬一样。

1. 本文的主旨是什麽?
(A) 领养对於美国孩童的影响。
(B) 收养其他物种幼兽的动物。
(C) 亚伯特·布里斯托所养的多种宠物。
(D) 家中养宠物为什麽对小孩有好处。
题解∶本文第 2 段介绍了一苹名叫莫莉的牛头犬收养一窝无父无母小猫的故事,第 3 段也提及了如同人类的收养,动物间的收养也很常见,故 (B) 项应为正选。
2. 那些小猫的母亲发生了什麽事?
(A) 她被送给另一个家庭。
(B) 她突然没来由地生了一场病。
(C) 她走丢了,再也没回来。
(D) 她因为一场意外而丧命。
题解∶根据本文第 2 段,生下那些小猫的母猫也是布里斯托的其中一苹宠物,当它意外过世时,布里斯托不知如何是好,可知答案应选 (D)。
3. 根据本文,哪一种动物未曾被狗收养过?
(A) 兔子。
(B) 猪。
(C) 黑猩猩。
(D) 熊猫。
题解∶根据本文第 3 段,小猪、黑豹、黑猩猩及猴子也都曾成功地被狗养大,可知 (A) 项应为正选。
4. 动物学家为什麽会选择使用养母?
(A) 动物园的动物对宝宝总是有侵略性。
(B) 笼内没有足够的空间让母亲和宝宝同住。
(C) 生母将可以更快地再度怀孕。
(D) 动物园可以少花一点钱。
题解∶根据本文第 3 段,有了养母,就能让生母更快地再次怀孕,可知 (C) 项应为正选。
答案∶1. B2. D3. A4. C。

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