

 陋室书屋2 2012-11-25


401、【playgirl】①She is a bimbo.她行为放荡。②She is a real slut.她是个荡妇。③She likes to play around.她用情不专。④She likes to go from man to man.她的男友换了一个又一个。⑤She’s not interested in settling down.她不想稳定下来。

402、【playboy】①He is a lady killer.他是个女性杀手。②He is a womanizer.他是个玩弄女性者。③He’s always been a playboy.④He really likes to play the field.他喜欢乱搞男女关系。⑤He’s a real two-timer.他用情不专。⑥He’s just fooling around behind his wife’s back.他背着妻子乱搞。

403、Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. 立足本职,尽己所能,做到最好! ——Theodore Roosevelt(西奥多?罗斯福)

404、“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate your mind on the present moment.”—— Buddha. 不要沉溺于过去,不要幻想未来,集中精力,过好眼下的每一分每一秒!

405、【如何求婚(下)】⑥Let’s get engaged.我们订婚吧!⑦Let’s tie the knot.我们结婚吧!⑧Let’s get hitched. 我们结婚吧!⑨I want you to be my lifelong partner.我希望你成为我的终生伴侣。⑩Are you ready for a lifetime commitment?你准备以身相许了吗?

406、【如何求婚(上)】①Will you marry me?你能嫁给/娶我吗?②Will you be my bride?你能做我的新娘吗?③Will you become my wife?你能成为我的妻子吗?④Will you be my fiancée?你能成为我的未婚妻吗?⑤Would you like to get married?你想结婚吗?

407、Fear not that your life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning. 不要害怕你的生活将要结束,而应该担心你的生活从来没有真正开始。 ——John Henry Newman(约翰?亨利?纽曼)

408、from scratch从零开始;从头再来;白手起家。例句①:We had to start again from scratch.我们只好再次从零开始。例句②:He had built the business up from scratch.他白手起家创办了这家企业。

409、Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Dream as if you'll live forever. 把今天当作最后一天那样活着,把人生当作永恒那样去梦想。 ——James Dean(詹姆斯?迪恩)

410、elope一词表"私奔",原来其中的lope一词表示"轻松地大步跑"(to run taking long relaxed steps)之意,看来私奔当中的确有无限的浪漫和旖旎啊!例句:My parents didn’t approve of the marriage, so we eloped.(我父母不赞成这桩婚事,所以我们私奔了。)

411、【约会时用到的句子】①Tell me all about yourself.告诉我你的一切。②What are your hobbies?③Can I give you a ride home?我能送你回家吗?④Thank you for going out with me. I had a very nice time.谢谢你陪我出来,我过得很开心。⑤I would like to see you again.希望再次见到你。

412、教科书里可能见不到的:1) damp/humid湿气重的 2)brisk =cold and fresh 凛冽的 3) crisp=fresh, cold, and dry 干燥寒冷又畅快的4) overcast/dull 阴沉沉的 5) pleasant 宜人的 6) breezy 微风习习的 7) mild既不冷也不热的;温和的 8)chilly 凉飕飕的

413、Whether you’ve found your calling, or if you’re still searching, passion should be the fire that drives your life’s work.无论你是找到你内心的召唤,还是仍在寻找,热情应该是点燃你工作的火焰。 ——Michael Dell(迈克尔?戴尔)

414、【女性的各种有趣称呼】1)jailbait 祸水妞儿 2)a plain Jane 不起眼的女人 3)clinging vine 会撒娇的女子 4)skirt 青年女子 5)doll 美人 6)the little woman 老婆/太太 7)spring chicken 少女 8)old hen 老婆子 9)one's old lady 老娘/某人的母亲 10)one's ball and chain 老婆

415、【有关“money”的习语】1)money talks. 金钱万能。 2)money makes the mare go.有钱能使鬼推磨。3)money is the root of all evil. 金钱是万恶之源。4)money is no object. 钱不成问题。 5)spend money like water. 挥金如土。6)have money to burn 有花不完的钱。 7)for love or money. 无论如何。

416、There’s only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.这个世界上只有一个地方是你毫无疑问可以改进的,那就是你自己。 ——Aldous Huxley(奥尔德斯?赫胥黎)

417、【超市商场用到的句子(下)】⑥Where’s the dairy food section?奶制品在哪里? ⑦In what aisle can I find the tissues?我在哪排能找到纸巾? ⑧I forgot the grocery list.我忘了购物清单。 ⑨The checkout counters are very busy.收款台都很忙。 ⑩Paper or plastic?现金还是信用卡?

418、【超市商场用到的句子(上)】 ① Let’s hit the mall.咱们去逛商店吧。 ② The mall is packed today.今天商场里人很多。 ③ What floor is the shoe department on?鞋部在几层? ④ Where are the shopping carts?购物车在哪里? ⑤ Where’s the produce section?储鲜柜在什么地方?

419、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 四个简短的词汇概括了成功的秘诀:多一点点! ——A?Lou Vickery(卢?维克瑞)

420、补充:1)purposeful 意志坚强的; 2)sweet-tempered 性情温和的; 3)temperate 稳健的; 4)tireless 孜孜不倦的; 5)sensible 明白事理的、敏感的; 6)steady 踏实的、沉着的; 7)liverish 暴躁的、易怒的; 8)lascivious 好色的、淫荡的; 9)adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 10)aggressive有进取心的

421、【分类词汇】形容人性格的词汇系列3:generous-宽宏大量的;genteel-有教养的; gentle-有礼貌的;humorous-有幽默; impartial-公正的;independent-独立的、有主见的; industrious-勤奋的;ingenious-有独创性的;注意:形容他人幽默的地道表达是hilarious或good sense of humor, 而非humorous

422、 expectant mother孕妇, single mother单亲母亲, soccer mom足球妈妈, stay-at-home mom不工作的母亲, working mom有工作的, god mother教母, birth mother生母, adoptive mother养母, Mother Earth地球, Mother Nature大自然

423、If you don't know what your passion is, realize that one reason for your existence on earth is to find it. 如果你不知道你的热情何在,那么请明白一点:你来到这个世界的原因之一就是找到它。 ——Oprah Winfrey(奥普拉?温弗瑞)

424、【这样背单词最有效—hit】~ big很成功;~ the road出发;~ the shops上市;~ the headline成为头条新闻;~ the bottle酗酒;~ the jackpot中头彩;~ home说到点子上; ~ the roof/ceiling大发雷霆;~ the nail on the head一针见血;~ sb where it hurts攻击某人的要害;~ sb when they are down对某人落井下石

425、【''别丢人了''地道表达】1)Don't act like a child. 别像个孩子似的。2)Stop acting like a fool. 别傻了。3)Don't play the fool. 别丢人了。4)Act your age.成熟一点儿. 5)Don't make an ass out of yourself. 别现眼了。6)Don't make such stupid mistakes again! 别再犯这种愚蠢的错误了。

426、【五个手指的“英文名字”】 1) thumb 大拇指 2)forefinger 食指 又名index finger, 或first finger. 3)middle finger 中指 又名second finger. 4)ring finger 无名指 又名 third finger. 5)little finger 小指 又名fourth finger.

427、Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival. 胜利,不惜一切代价去争取胜利,无论多么恐怖也要争取胜利,无论道路多么遥远艰难,也要争取胜利,因为没有胜利就无法生存!—丘吉尔

428、【''直说吧''的各种地道表道】“别吞吞吐吐了,尽管说吧”用英语要怎么说呢?1)Get it out of your mouth. 把你的话从口里说出来 。2)Just say it! 赶紧说吧!3)Tell me now. 现在跟我说吧 。4)out with it! 说出来吧 !5)Give it to me straight.有什么话就直说吧。6)spit it out.尽管说吧。 ~

429、【脱口而出】- 1) You don't have a choice.你没有别的选择。 2) I'm so lucky to have you.我真幸运能跟你在一起!3) There's no reason to feel guilty. 你没必要感到愧疚。4) I don't feel guilty.我没有愧疚。 5) Have we ever met?我们之前见过吗? 6)I was just leaving.我正要走。

430、If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. 如果你不能做大事,那么就以一种伟大的方式做小事。 ——Napoleon Hill(拿破仑?希尔)

431、【脱口而出】 1) Let's give this another shot!让我们再试一次吧! 2)You want me back?你想和我重新开始? 3)That's very sweet of you. 你能这么说真好。 4) Why are all rich men jerks?为什么有钱的男人都那么混蛋? 5) How could you not tell me that? 你怎么没告诉我?

432、Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit. 每一次不幸、每一次失败、每一次心痛都会孕育同样或更大的成功。 ——Napoleon Hill(拿破仑?希尔)

433、【精华知识】wage和salary的区别: 1)salary表示“薪金(水)”,尤指脑力劳动所获得的报酬,如工程师、教师、政府官员等的固定薪金,可按周、按月、按季度或按年领取。2)wage表示“工资”,尤指体力劳动所获得的报酬。如熟练工人、售货员等的固定工资,可按小时、按天或按周领取。

starting salary 起薪; base salary 底薪; bonus 奖金; raise 涨工资, 例: With the baby on the way, I could really use a raise. (孩子快出生了,要能涨点钱就好了。) commission 提成;dividend 红利; pay stub 工资单;tips 小费;allowance (父母给小孩的) 零用钱;

434、【如何表达同意(2)】 6. I'm with you on that matter. (关于那件事我赞成你。) 7. I see your point.= 8. I see what you mean, (我明白你的意思。) 9. That's understandable.(那是可以理解的。) 10. You said it. /You can say that again.( 你说得很对。)
【如何表达同意(1)】 1. I completely /strongly agree. = 2. I couldn’t agree more. (我完全/绝对同意。) 3. That's /You're absolutely right. (你完全正确。) 4. I feel/think exactly the same way. (我也正是这样想的。) 5. That sounds like a good idea. (似乎是个好主意。)

435、Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed. 时间是最稀缺的资源,如果不能有效管理时间,那么别的一切将无从谈起。——Peter Drucker(彼得?德鲁克)

436、总结如下:(1) break up分手/解散 (2) break down精神崩溃/毁坏 (3)break in破门而入 (4) break out出皮疹/爆发 (5) break off休息一下/暂停 (6)break through突破/穿过 (7)break even不赚不赔 (8) the break of dawn破晓。

437、【分类词汇】英文简历必备词汇-教育程度篇1:educational background-教育背景/程度;curriculum-课程;major-主修;minor-辅修;specialized courses-专门/专业课程;courses taken-所学课程; social practice-社会实践;part-time jobs-业余工作;extracurricular activities-课外活动;
age 年龄 ; height 身高 ; blood type 血型 ; weight 体重 ; marital status 婚姻状况 ; family status 家庭状况 ; nationality 民族/国籍 ; current address 目前住址 ; date of birth 出生日期 ; native place 籍贯 ; postal code 邮政编码 ; home phone 住宅电话 ...

438、【词汇接力棒63——笑】微笑:smile 面露喜色:beam 笑出声:laugh 欢笑:laugh heartily 苦笑:wry smile 媚笑:ingratiating smile 偷笑:titter 坏笑:laugh viciously 冷笑:sneer 嘲笑:deride/mock/ridicule 咧嘴笑:grin 狂笑:guffaw 傻笑:smirk 轻声笑:chuckle 咯咯笑:giggle 爆笑:burst into laughter

439、【秒杀三字短句(二)】 11)真心话!Cross my heart! 12)放轻松. Take it easy. 13) 这给你.Here you go. 14)我怀疑.I doubt it. 15)懂了吗? Is that clear? 16)有道理.It makes sense. 17)该你了.It’s your turn. 18)老样子.Nothing much. 19)这边请.Right this way. 20)我也是So do I!

440、【交流实战技巧——面对问题如何拒绝】 ① I'm not really sure. ② I can't answer that one. ③ I'm sorry, I really don't know. ④ I've got no idea. ⑤ I'd like to help you, but… ⑥ That's something I'd rather not talk about just now. ⑦ Ask me another question.

441、【交流实战技巧——面对问题如何拖延】 ①. Well, let me see… ②. Oh, let me think for a minute… ③. I'm not sure; I'll have to check… ④. Well, that’s a good question. ⑤. That's a very interesting question.

442、【耍酷的五句话】1.Watch your mouth. 说话客气一点。2.Do you know who you're talking to? 你知道你在跟谁说话吗?3.You'd better take that back.你最好收回那句话。4.You want to take it outside? Anytime! 你想到外头解决(干架)吗?随时奉陪!5.Don't get fresh with me! 给我放尊重一点!

443、【秒杀三字短句】1)别傻了!Don't be silly!2)别闹了!Keep it down! 3)别装了!Stop pretending! 4)你说呢? So what? 5)随便你!It's up to you! 6)得了吧! Come on!7)何必呢? What for? 8)不骗你。Not joking/kidding. 9)懂了吗? Get it? 10)别惹我! Don’t bother me.

444、【谈话中如何提出问题(下)】⑤ I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'd like to know… ⑥Would you mind telling me… ⑦ Excuse me, but could I ask you a quick question? ⑧ Do you happen to know … (你是否碰巧知道…)

445、【谈话中如何提出问题(上)】①I was wondering if you could help me. I'd like to know…②I wonder if you could tell me…③This may sound like a dumb question, but I'd like to know…④ Excuse me, do you know…

446、Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. 成功意味着屡败屡战而不丧失热情。 ——Winston Churchill(温斯顿?丘吉尔)

447、【“我坦白''的地道表达】 1)I have a confession to make. 我要坦白。2)I have something to confess.我有事要坦白。3)I'll tell you all about it. 我要告诉你一切。4)I'll be frank with you. 我会对你坦白的。5)I'll tell you the truth. 我告诉你真相。6)I'll level with you. 我就直说吧。

448、回答道歉的表达: 1)That's (It's) all right/OK. 没关系。2)It doesn't matter (at all)./Never mind. 没关系。3)It's nothing./Not at all. 没什么。4)It's not your fault. 这不是你的错。5)Pls don't worry. 请别放在心上。 6)No problem. 没什么;没事。

449、A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. — George Bernard Shaw 一个尝试错误的人生,不但比无所事事的人生更荣耀,并且更有意义。—(英) 萧伯纳

450、【如何拒绝朋友借钱(下)】⑦Hey, I’m broke myself.我也破产了。⑧Do I look rich?我看上去很有钱吗?⑨I would if I could.如果我能(帮你),我一定会的。⑩I’m in the red too, dude.我现在也欠了一屁股债。?What am I? A bank?你当我什么?银行啊??Who am I? Bill Gates?你当我是谁?比尔盖茨吗?

451、【如何拒绝朋友借钱(上)】①Sorry. I’m low on cash, too.抱歉,我也很缺钱。②Sorry man, I’m short these days.对不起,我现在手头很紧。③Uh, sorry dude no money.很抱歉,没钱。④I’m running low myself.我已经口袋空空了。⑤I’m broke until payday.⑥Sorry, no budget.抱歉,没钱。

452、As long as you can endure the darkest moments of the night, the sun will rise along with glorious clouds in the morning to meet you when you run towards the eastern horizon. 只要你能忍受黎明前那最黑暗的一刻,太阳一定会带着满天灿烂的朝霞为向着东方奔跑的你升起。——@俞敏洪

453、【商场超市促销用语(下)】⑧Try it! You don’t have to buy.试试看!不买没关系。⑨Just buy it! Don’t just think about it.心动不如马上行动!⑩This is the chance of a lifetime.这是千载难逢的机会。(11) It’s now or never.机不可失,时不再来。

454、【商场超市促销用语(中)】⑤We have a clearance sale today。我们今天清仓大甩卖。⑥Supplies are limited! Come now before they are gone.数量有限!赶紧抢购,售完为止。⑦Today is the last day! Come now if you don’t want to miss the sale!今天是活动最后一天,别错过大甩卖哦!

455、【商场超市促销用语(上)】①This is not for sale; it’s just to give away. 这个产品是非卖品。② Don’t miss this chance to buy one, get one free. 别错过这次买一送一的机会。③ An unbelievable seventy percent off sale! 三折疯狂价!④ The price won’t go down。这价钱不会再降了。

456、【“不确定”的几种地道表达】 1)I don't know. 我不知道。2)I'm not sure. 我不确定。3)Who knows? 谁知道啊?4)Don't ask me! 别问我!5) It's not certain. 还不确定。6) It hasn't been decided yet. 还没有决定呢。7)It's not clear. 事情还未明朗。8) It's hard to say. 很难说。

457、【如何表达同意(3)】11. You hit it.=You hit the nail right on the head. (你一针见血。)12. You're pretty close. (你的答案相当接近了。) 13. That would be fine /great. (那很好。)14. That figures! =That sounds reasonable. (有道理。)15. That's it.(对了) / That will do. (那可以。)

458、Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. 借鉴昨天,活在今天,憧憬明天。 ——Albert Einstein(阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦)

459、【凑热闹和看热闹的地道表达】1)“凑热闹” come along for the ride.例: I just came along for the ride. 我只是来凑个热闹。 2)“看热闹”可以用look on或watch the fun表示。例:Don't just stand there watching the fun! Hurry up and give me a hand. 别站在那里看热闹啊!赶紧给我搭把手。

460、 健身 workout:健身房 gym; treadmill 跑步机; strength training 力量训练;pump iron 或是 lift weights 举重; sit-up 或是 crunch 仰卧起坐;push-up 俯卧撑; dumb bell 哑铃;pull-up 或是 chin-up 引体向上;yoga 瑜伽;personal trainer 私人教练;

461、如何拒绝听借口(上)】①What’s your excuse this time?这次你的借口又是什么?②What is it this time?你这次又怎么了?③All right, let’s hear it.好吧,让我们听听你的借口。④What’s your story this time?这次你又有什么故事?⑤So, do you have an excuse this time?你这次又有什么借口呢?

462、Some people succeed because they are destined to, but most people succeed because they are determined to! 有些人成功,是因为他们命中注定要成功;但绝大部分人成功,是因为他们下定决心要成功! ——Graeme Clegg(格雷姆?克莱格)

463、「让我考虑一下」英语怎么说?★I need to think about it. 我必须考虑一下。★I can’t decide right away. 我无法马上决定;let’s sleep on it.让我想想明天再决定吧。;I will let you  know when I decide.我决定好再告诉你;I will get back to you.让我考虑一下,我再告诉你;let's talk about it later.我们晚点再讨论吧。

464、We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.我们无法改变风的方向,但我们可以调整风帆。 ——Dolly Parton(多莉?帕顿)

465、【搞错很''尴尬''的英语】 汉语中的“喝稀饭”不是drink porridge,应译成eat porridge(吃稀饭)。喝汤不能说drink soup,而习惯说“吃汤”(eat soup)“吃药”不能译成eat medicine,而用take medicine。小孩“吃奶”不能译成eat milk,而译为suck the breast(吸乳)。“喝奶”可以译成drink milk。

466、Life would be perfect if we had these. 如果人生也像播放器一样,有那么多控制键,那就完美了。这几个控制键的英文:rewind倒退,pause暂停,play播放, stop停止,fast forward快进。如果还有“previous上一曲”和“next下一曲”,那么前世来生都有了,随时穿越,你稀饭吗?

467、【分类会话句典】表示很激动:1. Gosh, I am so excited we are going to Paris.我嘞个娘亲,我太鸡冻鸟,我们要去巴黎了。2. Wow, I’m the luckiest man in the world!哇哦,我是天下最幸运的人。3. I can't wait to try it. 我等不及要试一试了。4. I can't help laughing. 我忍不住想大笑。
[“激动”常用的形容词表达] excited 激动的 ; thrilled 非常激动的 ; exhilarated 振奋的/兴奋的 ; frantic (因愤怒、痛苦、悲哀等)而发狂的,激昂的; frenzied 极度兴奋、激动 ; agitated 烦躁不安的,激动的 ;fevered 高度兴奋的;pumped up 热情高涨的/非常激动的

468、【英语中有关''tea''的习语】 1)As useful as a chocolate teapot. 中看不中用。 2)Not my cup of tea. 不是我喜欢的/非我所爱。 3)Tea and sympathy. 对不幸者的安慰与同情。 4)It's a storm in a tea cup./a tempest in a teapot. 小题大作。 5)a tea hound 爱和女人交际的男子。

469、Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. 我们生活中的许多失败,是因为人们在放弃的时候没有认识到他们距离成功有多么近。 ——Thomas Edison(托马斯?爱迪生)

470、【形容人性格的词汇】- selfish 自私的 ; selfless 无私的; sensible 明白事理的; sensitive 敏感的;sincere 真诚的; smart 精明的; sociable 好交际的; spirited 生气勃勃的; talented 有才能的; temperate 稳健的; thoughtful 体贴人的; timid 但小的,羞怯的; trustworthy 值得信任的

471、 Life will knock us down. But we can choose whether or not to get back up. —生活中的挫折会打倒我们,但我们可以选择是否要重新站起来。(功夫梦)

472、【各种''本''的表达】记事本 memo pad; 笔记本 Note book; 电话本 Contacts/Phone Book; 账本 account book; 记录本 log book ;练习本 exercise book ;抄写本 copybook ;日记本 diary ;便签本 Note pads; 课本 textbook; 剧本 script~ ; 作业本 homework/exercise book

473、【各种''雨''】#北京暴雨#今天整理了一些有关下雨的表达。 1)rain spell/rainy season 雨季 2)rainy day 雨天3)prinkle/Drizzle 毛毛雨 4)Light Rain=小雨 5)moderate rain 中雨 6)Heavy Rain 大雨 7)thunder shower 雷阵雨8)downpour 大暴雨 9)ice rain 冻雨 10)hail/hailstone 冰雹

474、【女性十大口头禅】1、Fine. 好吧。2、Five minutes.五分钟就好。3、Nothing.没什么。4、Go ahead.往下说。5、Loud Sigh.大声叹气。6、That's Okay.还好啦。7、Thanks.谢谢。8、Whatever.随便。9、Don't worry about it, I got it.别担心,我知道了。10、You said. 这是你说的。

475、【人生的每个阶段】 life stages—— Infant 婴儿(Birth to two years);Child小孩(3-9 years);Adolescent 青少年(10-19 years);Young adult 年轻人(20-29 years);Adult 成年人(30-39 years);Middle age 中年(40-60 years);Old people/The aged 老年人(Age 60 onward);End of Life 生命终止

476、We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. 我们是自己反复行为的总和。优秀,不是一种行为,而是一种习惯。——Aristotle(亚里士多德)

477、Facebook中对美国用户的“关系状态”的11+1的选项:(1) Single单身;(2) In a relationship有对象; (3) Engaged订婚; (4) Married已婚; (5) It's complicated说不清; (6) In an open relationship有对象,但开放(就是彼此允许找第三者); (7) Widowed丧偶; (8) Separated分居; (9) Divorced离婚; (待续)

478、The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. 生命的意义在于尽情生活,拼命体验,勇往直前、无所畏惧地去追求更新更丰富的人生经历。——Eleanor Roosevelt(埃莉诺·罗斯福)

479、 It's fearless to have faith that someday, things will change. 总有一天,一切终将改变。怀此信念之人,必定是大无畏之人。 —Taylor Swift(美国著名乡村女歌手)

480、【有关“Time”的谚语】1.Time flies.光阴似箭。2.Time is money.时间就是金钱。3.Time works wonders.时间创造奇迹。4.Time cures all things.时间能治愈一切。5.Time and tide wait for no man.时间不待人。6.There is no time like the present. 现在正是时候。

481、口语中还有一个比较实用的句型:''It occurred to me that''..我突然想到/浮现于我的脑中/我想起 ….. 例:It occurred to me that I had ever seen him before. 我突然想起似乎我曾经见过他

482、Our greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising up every time we fall. 我们人生最大的荣耀,不是从来不曾摔倒,而是每一次摔倒后重新站起来。 ——Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫?沃尔多?爱默生)

483、【“山寨”怎么说 】①山寨版的假名牌是knockoff,例:The watch is a knockoff.这块手表是山寨版的;②山寨明星脸是lookalike,例:She’s a Zhang Ziyi lookalike.她是山寨版的章子怡; ③山寨的艺术作品是spoof,例:It’s a spoof on Avatar.那是山寨版的《阿凡达》。

484、【''音乐''有关的词汇】popular music 流行音乐 ; singer 歌手; performance 演唱;melody 旋律;music Album 音乐专辑;lyrics 歌词;lyricist 歌词作者;compose 作曲;composer 曲作者;songwriter 词曲作者; Instrument 乐器;accompaniment 伴奏;musician 音乐人;conductor 指挥;

485、【口语交流中高频词汇搭配(3)】 have sex with 和..发生性关系;struggle with 与…作斗争; hang up 挂断电话;hang on 等待片刻/不挂断电话;occur to 突然想到;reflect on 仔细考虑/思考/反省; cover up 掩盖;screw up 搞砸;store-bought 在商店买的; figure out 解决;suck it up 算了吧

486、Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 人不是为失败而生的,一个人可以被消灭,但不能被打败。—— Ernest Heymingway海明威

487、【与''get'’相关的词组搭配】get the picture 明白;get along with 与…相处;get through 渡过难关;get in touch with 与…联系;get down to business 言归正传;get away with 侥幸成功(或取走):get going 开始从事某事; get hold of 把握;get wise to 了解(某事);get rid of 摆脱

488、【口语交流中高频词汇搭配(2)】 run into 偶然碰见; play along with 与…一起玩; loosen up 信口开河; deal with 处理; sit by 袖手旁观/无动于衷; look sharp 注意/留神; on earth 究竟; winning streak 一连串的胜利/连胜; mean to do 本意要做某事 ; out of control 失去控制

489、口语中高频俚语精选】 Clear the air 消除误会/澄清事实;A bad egg 缺乏道德的人/坏蛋;Be in a black mood 低落的情绪;Feeling blue 感到无精打采; Keep one's cool 保持冷静 ;Lose face 丢脸 ;Bear in mind 记住 ;Keep somebody posted 随时传达消息 /保持联系;Get out of hand 失去控制 ;

490、【''情绪''的各种表达】anger 愤怒;annoyance 恼火;unpleasant 不愉快的;indifference 无所谓;anxiety 焦虑;fear 恐惧;worry 担忧;stress 压力;pain 痛苦;sadness 悲伤; helplessness 无助;hopeless 无望;joy 快乐;affection 强烈的喜欢; sorrow and empathy 悲悯;wonder 惊异  ;nervous 紧张的; surprise 惊讶; desire渴望; pity 遗憾; admire爱慕; satisfaction 满足 ;hate 憎恨 ;ashamed 惭愧;regret 后悔 ;hesitation 犹豫 ;doubt怀疑 ;gratitude感激; desperate绝望的 ;depressed 沮丧 ;delighted 高兴的; peaceful 平静的;excitement兴奋

491、 All about eating:grocery shopping 买菜;make dinner 做饭;pack lunch 打饭盒;home cooking 家里做饭;eat out 出去吃;fast food 快餐;buffet 自助餐;dine in or take out 堂吃还是外卖;cook out 烧烤;snack 零食;junk food 垃圾食物;leftover 剩菜剩饭;doggie bag 打包的袋子;
【有关''吃''的词汇】 barbecue(BBQ) 野外烧烤 ;picnic 野餐;undercooked 未煮熟的;overcooked 煮过头的 ;bake 烘烤 ;boil 水煮 ; cook 煮 ;fry 煎炒 ;poach 水煮;roast 烤;steam 蒸 ;stew 炖 ;tasteless 淡而无味;salty 咸 ;sour 酸 ;spicy 辣;sweet 甜 ;bitter 苦

492、【和''钱_money''相关的表达】1)cash 现金 2)buck 美元(美俚)3)coin 硬币 4)note 纸币 5)banknote 钞票 6)fund 资金 7)change 零钱 8)dough 金钱(美俚) 9)tuition 学费 10)fare 票价 11)admission 入场费 12)cost 成本 13)freight 运费 14)postage 邮费 15)rent 租费 16)tip 小费

493、【乱七八糟的各种表达】1.be in a mess 2.in a muddle 3.be out of order 4. mess up 5.be at sixes and sevens 6. in a terrible mess 7.be such a wreck 8.topsy-turvy 9.be in a clutter ~ 一起来造句吧 !例:Everything is at sixes and sevens in the house. 家里现在乱七八糟。

494、【重新开始的十句表达】1. Let's start from very beginning again.我们再从头开始吧。2. Let's go back to square one. 3. Let's go back to the drawing board.我们重新开始吧。4. Let's start from scratch again.我们重新开始吧。5. Let's do it all over again.我们重新来过吧。6. Let's make a fresh start. 我们重新开始吧。 7. Let's start from zero again. 我们再从零开始吧。 8. Let's get back to the starting point. 我们回到起点吧。 9. Let's start over again. 我们重新来过吧。10. Let’s roll it back to the beginning. 我们回到起点吧。

495、有关believe的两条习语:①Seeing is believing.眼见为实。②If you believe that, you’ll believe anything.你要是连这都相信,还有什么不信的?/谁相信谁就是傻瓜。

496、【''买衣服''必备口语】1)Can I try these on? 我能试穿一下吗? 2)Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里? 3)Does this shirt come in other colors? 这件衬衣有其他颜色的吗?)4)Are these jeans on sale?这些牛仔裤打折吗?

497、【与''off'’相关的词组搭配(1)】clear off 消除、摆脱烦恼或负担;come off 脱落/分离,go off 离开; keep off 使离开/不接近;set off 动身前往;make off 逃跑 ;take off 起飞;turn off 关闭;call off 取消;f*ck off 滚蛋 ;sell off廉价处理存货; break off断绝关系 ;cut off切断

498、【口语中高频俚语(3)】1)hang out 和朋友相聚/闲逛 2)call it a day 结束工作/到此为止 3)pinch pennies 守财奴/精打细算 4) shoot oneself in the foot 搬起石头砸自己的脚 5)drive sb. up the wall 把某人逼得实在受不 6)crunch time 关键时刻/最后的时间 7)up in the air 悬而未决/未定

499、【口语中高频俚语(2)】1)knock up 意外怀孕 2)out of the blue突然 3)hit the road 动身/出发 4)scared the shit out of me 吓得屁滚尿流 5)shape up 表现的好一点 6)spring for 请客 7)hands full 非常忙碌 8)have a heart 有点良心,发发慈悲 9)never say never 永远不说决不 10)Easy does it 慢慢来

500、【开头为Don't 的口语短句表达】1)Don't be silly! 別傻了! 2)Don't be so sure.别那么肯定。3)Don't brush me off!別敷衍我! 4)Don't talk nonsense!不要胡说!5)Don't get me wrong! 不要误解我! 6)Don't take it so hard! 看开一点!7)Don't worry about that! 別担心! 8) Don't force me 不要逼我. 9)Don't let me down. 别让我失望.10)Don't bother.不用麻烦了.11)Don't move! 不许动! 12)Don't mention It.不必客气。13)Don't make any mistakes.别出差错14)Don't jump to conclusions.不要急于下结论。15)Don't take any chances.不要心存侥幸。16)Don't miss the boat.不要坐失良机

501、【形容''简单''的N种表达】1)It's really simple/It is a snap.很简单。2)kid's play 小儿科。3)It's a piece of cake!小菜一碟!4)It's as easy as pie.真是易如反掌。5)It's no big deal! 沒什么大不了的!6)That's no sweat at all! 轻而易举的事。7)Nothing to it!不费事8)It's a cinch! 小事一桩

502、【关于apple的习语】①rotten ~害群之马;②be the ~ of sb’s eye某人的掌上明珠/心肝宝贝;③be as American as ~ pie是地道美国的;④The ~ doesn’t fall far from the tree.有其父必有其子。⑤upset the ~ cart破坏某人的计划;⑥An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天一个苹果会赶走医生。

503、【如何欢迎】①欢迎光临!You are welcome! ②欢迎您来北京。(You are) Welcome to Beijing.③欢迎订购。Orders are welcomed.④欢迎批评指正。Criticism is welcomed.⑤欢迎惠顾本店。(You are) Welcome to our shop.⑥欢迎归来!Welcome home/back!⑦这位老师很受欢迎。The teacher is very popular.

504、【口语中高频俚语(4)】 1)pay the piper/price 付出代价 2)tie the knot 结婚 3)get the picture 了解某事 4)go down the drain 白费心机 5)stick in the mud 保守/墨守陈规 6)kiss ass 拍马屁 7)a thick skin 厚脸皮 8)goose bumps 鸡皮疙瘩 9)hold your horses (字意:勒住你的马)不要着急/沈住气

505、【和''鼻子''有关的表达】Roman nose高鼻梁; nose is bleeding 流鼻血; nose is running流鼻水;pick your nose挖鼻孔;a runny nose鼻涕;follow your nose 凭直觉行事/跟着感觉走;pay through the nose付出高昂代价;lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走;hold your nose 捏住鼻子;nose around 到处打听

506、酒场需要的表达】①开瓶open the bottle②斟酒pour a drink③把杯子斟满Fill the glass to the top/brim. ④酒溢出the drink overflows⑤大家一起举杯。Everyone raise your glasses.⑥我们干一杯。Let’s make a toast.⑦碰杯touch/clink glasses⑧干杯!Bottoms up!⑨一口闷drink in one gulp/shot

507、【口语交流中高频词汇搭配(5)】 1)except for (=apart from) 除…以外 2)cut across 抄近路穿过 3)close (shut) one’s eyes to 视而不见 4)keep an eye on =keep a watch on 照看/监视 5)lose faith in 对…失去信心 6)familiar with 熟悉/了解 7)fill in/out 填写 7)use up 用完 8)show off 炫耀

508、You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.你可以一时欺骗所有的人,也可以长久欺骗一部分人,但你无法永远欺骗所有的人。 ——Abraham Lincoln(亚伯拉罕?林肯)

509、【口语中高频俚语(7)】1)give it a shot 试试看 Let's give it a shot and see what happens. (让我们试试看怎么样) 2)hang in there. 忍耐一下/挺住 Hang in there. things will be better soon(忍耐一下,事情很快就会好转的)3)in hot water 有麻烦 I'm in hot water now.(我有麻烦了)

510、It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. 决定我们一生的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。 ——J?K?罗琳(J. K. Rowling)

511、''特价''与''折扣''的地道表达】特价是special offer,某样东西特价中是sth is on sale, 买一送一是buy-one-get-one-free offer, 减价/削价是reduced price/bargain price, 折扣是discount或reduction,某样东西折扣中是sth is at a discount, 大甩卖则是closeout sale或clearance.

512、It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living. 有信仰、有热情的人生值得一过。 ——Oliver Wendell Holmes(奥利弗?温德尔?霍姆斯)

513、『关于熬夜』补充:Stay up all night通宵不睡 ;sit up 熬夜 ; 例:1)Don't stay up so late, u have to go to work tomorrow.不要睡得太晚,你明天还得工作。2)We sat up all night to. surf the internet.我们一整夜都在上网. U look tired. Did u stay up late last night? 你昨天很晚才睡吗?

514、【实用口语】1、My time is your time!请你吩咐!2、It's a date. 一言为定。3、That's a steal. 真便宜。4、She has no sense. 她不懂事。5、It's not big deal. 没什么了不起。6、Have a good of it. 玩得高兴。7、Does it serve your purpose?对你有用么?

515、【问外国人的十大问题】①Have you been to China before? ②Are you here for business or pleasure?你是来出差还是来玩? ③How do you like China so far? ④What impresses you most about China?中国什么给你印象最深? ⑤What bothers you most about China?中国什么最让你烦恼?⑥Have you learned any Chinese? ⑦How many places have you been to in China? ⑧Which places do you like best?你最喜欢哪些地方?⑨What is your hometown like?你的家乡是什么样子的?⑩How is China different from you country?中国跟你的国家有什么不同?

516、【口语中高频俚语(6)】1)rip off 扯掉/偷窃/欺诈 2)a lesser man 不太正直的人 3)back-stabber 阴险的人 4)don't let it get to you 别为这事心烦/别在意这件事 5)cut to the chase 开门见山/切入正题 6)round and round 说话兜圈子 7)you bet 当然/没问题 8)with all due respect 恕我直言

517、【口语交流中高频词汇搭配(7)】1)in return 作为对某物的回报 2)run out of 用完/耗尽 3)the other way (round)相反 4)in short supply 供应不足/短缺 5)eat sth up 吃光 6)take a shot猜测/尝试一下 7)If only 只要/要是…多好 8)build up 树立 9)go on strike 举行罢工(而不是继续罢工)

518、【女人如何幽默地拒绝男人】④M:Is this seat empty? W:Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.(是的,如果你坐下,我的座位也将是空的。) ⑤M:Haven't I seen you some place before?W:Yes. That's why I don't go there anymore.(是的。这就是为什么我不再去那个地方的原因。)

519、【女人如何幽默地拒绝男人】③M:I'm a photographer. I've been looking for a face like yours.(我是摄影师。我一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。) W:I'm a plastic surgeon. I've been looking for a face like yours.(我是整形外科医生。我也一直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。)

520、【微语法】词缀-un (词根+联想记忆法)表示“打开,解开”unlock开锁(lock锁);unbind解开(bind捆住);unbutton解开钮扣(botton钮扣); uncover揭开盖子(cover盖子); undress脱衣服(dress衣服); untomb掘墓(tomb墓); unearth从地下挖出(earth土地); unravel解开;拆散(ravel纠缠)

521、【女人如何幽默地拒绝男人】 ①M:Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?) W:Actually I'd rather have the money.(不必,我宁可要钱。) ②M:Can I have your name?(我能知道/有你的名字吗?) W:Why? Don't you already have one? (为什么?你不是已经有名字了吗?)

522、 【''伤心难过''的各种表达】1)sad/unhappy/upset 为已失去或无法拥有的事物而感伤的。2)homesick 因想家而感伤的。3)sentimental 多愁善感的。 4)depressed 沮丧情绪低落的。4)heartbroken 心碎的(尤指因失恋)。 5)grieve 因某人过世而感到极为悲伤。6)melancholy 不知其因,莫名其妙德的伤心。

523、sorrow 表悔恨的悲伤 ;sorry 感到惋惜而难过 ;miserable 不幸的 ;tragic 悲剧的;bitter 生气的 ; catastrophic 灾难性的(最惨的)

524、【口语中高频词组搭配(8)】1)be different from 与…截然不同2)put behind 抛在脑后3)lose one’s temper 发怒/发脾气4)in a lifetime 一生中5)put sb in a position 把某人置于某种境地6)gloss over 掩盖/掩饰(真相、错误)7)take up 开始从事(一项事业、职业) 8)come on to sb 打某人主意

525、【微语法】问:What would you do if____?如果....你会怎么办? 1)u were me? 如果你是我?2)u had a lot of money? 如果你有很多钱?3)the rumors were true? 如果谣言是真的?4)u had one day to Live? 如果还有一天的生命?5)u lost your job?你失去工作?答:1)I'd change my mind

526、【手段卑鄙的表达】1)cheap shot. 卑鄙的手段 I can't believe u did this. yeah, such a cheap shot! 难以置信你竟然这么做是。是哦,真卑鄙!2)down and dirty. 不择手段 The campaign for governor really got down and dirty in the final week. 州长在最后一周为了赢得竞选真是不择手段。

527、【口语交流中高频词汇搭配(8)】1)be determined to 决心 2)in need 在危难中 3)in the wake of 随着…而来 4)bang up 弄伤 5)prepare for 为…做准备 6)face the facts 面对现实 7)hang on 坚持下去 8)hold off 挡住 9)sort of 有那么点儿 10)under control 处于控制之下

528、【各种服饰配件】1)Jewelry珠宝 2)Sunglassed太阳镜 3)Scarf围巾 4)Hat帽子 5)Pendant吊坠 6)Earrings耳环7)Necklace项链 8)Ring 戒指9)Crystal Bracelet 水晶手链10)Hair ribbon 发带 11)Bangles 手镯 12)Hair Clip 发夹13)Stole/Shawl披肩14)Watches手表 15)Handbags 手提包16)Leather Belt 皮带

529、顺其自然的N种表达】 1)Let it be.随他去吧。2)Let nature take its course. 听其自然/顺其自然。3)Keep it casual. 顺其自然。4)What must be, must be=What(ever) will be, will be. 万事不必苛求,顺其自然。5)Let something slide. 放任某事/任其自然。6)Leave it as it is/they are.听其自然。

530、【''Heart''的各种习语表达】1)at heart从根本上/在内心2)with all one's heart 十分愿意地/全心全意地3)take to heart 对…耿耿于怀4)steal someone's heart 赢得某人爱情5)open to one's heart 敞开心怀6)close/near to one's heart 贴近某人的心7)lose one's heart to 钟情于/爱上

531、【口语中高频俚语(9)】1)out of line举止言行不礼貌的/过火的2)Enough is enough 够了/适可而止3)up to speed了解/掌握最新情况4)Cut loose 放松/享受5)Make it easy on you放你一马6)Cute act小伎俩/小花招7)A lesser man不太正直的人8)chill out冷静下来9)whacked out精神失常/崩溃

532、【''Put''词组搭配]1)put across 解释清楚2)put by 把……放在一边 3)put forward 提出 4)put in place 落实到位 5)put over 推迟/耽搁 6)put a stop to 使停止/制止 7)put into use 投入使用 8)put up with 容忍 9)put into effect 实施/执行 10)put up to 唆使某人做...(

533、【''What's up''两种用法】1. What's up? 你好(=What's new? 或Hi/hey) 打招呼时用,可以这样回答:nothing much 2. What's up? 发生神马事了?(=What's going on?)大家通常知道第二种用法,所以当有人一开口对你说What's up?时,可不要误会人家在问你发生了神马事情,其实是打招呼哦!

534、【由反义词构成的短语】here and there 到处;up and down 上上下下;high and low 到处;in and out进进出出 ;day and night 日日夜夜地; right or wrong 不管对错/不管怎样;early or late 迟早;young and old 老老少少;rain or shine 不论晴雨/无论如何;far and near 远近,到处,四面八方

535、【常见的病症表达】1)I've got a bad cold. 我感冒了。2)I've got a terrible headache. 我头很痛。3)I feel dizzy. 我头晕。4)I've got a temperature. 我发烧了。5)I've got a runny nose. 我流鼻涕。6)I've got a sore throat.我嗓子疼。7)I feel sore and ache all over. 我觉得全身酸痛。

536、【网购族必备】1)Online shopping/E-shopping 网购 2)Groupon 团购 3)Gift certificate 礼品券4)Sales promotion 促销5)Shopping list/cart 购物单/车 6)Best sellers 畅销货品7)Brand directory 品牌目录 8)In stock 有存货 9)Special offers 特价优惠 10)Discount 折扣11)Buy It Now 立刻购买

537、【区分各种“图”】 picture 图画,图片,照片;image 图像;illustration 插图,图解;view 视图;sketch草图,图样;diagram 图表,简图;Drawing工程图;figure 插图,图标;Graph 曲线图;outline轮廓图;histogram直方图,柱状图 Graph 曲线图 outline轮廓图
Icon 图标;Map 地图;Infographic 信息图表;Flow scheme 流程图;Geometry 几何图;Explanatory drawing 说明插图;Pie chart 饼图;Bar chart 柱图

538、【口语中高频俚语(8)】1)no-brainer 无需动脑子的事/容易的事 2)chill out 冷静下来/放松 3)Believe it or not 信不信由你/你爱信不信。4)birthday suit 赤身裸体/一丝不挂 5)Bring it on 准备好了/想做什么就开始 6)nail down 明确表态7)make time 抽出时间/腾出时间

539、各种坏男人】好色之徒是womaniser,乱交是promiscuity,拉皮条的人是pimp,不择手段的流氓是wolf,淫棍是lecher,卑鄙下流男人叫cad,放荡不羁者是libertine或debauchee,性欲强的男人是satyr或letch,泡妞高手是Casanova卡萨诺瓦(历史人物),花花公子是playboy,而一夜情是one night stand。

540、【口语中高频俚语(13)】1)Lose one’s cool沉不住气 2)a blind date初次约会 3)keep a straight face板着脸 4)be fed up with...对……烦透了 5)play favorites with...对……有偏心眼 6)make a slip of the tongue说走嘴 7)go for a spin出去兜风 8)be stuck on someone 迷恋上某人

541、【口语中高频词汇搭配(10)】on one’s own 独自地; keep a low profile 保持低姿态/低调;bide one’s time 等待良机;make sense 讲得通/有意义; keep an eye on 密切注意; cold war 冷战 ;have a feeling 预感到;make time: 抽空/腾出时间;back off 让开/退回;on one’s mind 有心事

542、学生的各种表达】大学生 undergraduate student;研究生 graduate (student) ;硕士生master’s student; 博士生 doctoral student 或 PhD student;转学生 transfer student
在美国,有两种实习:1)工作经验型(work experience internship)2) 研究型(research internship)/论文型(dissertation internship)。这些实习一般是和事业发展相关的,主要依据专业来决定。

543、【口语中高频俚语(11)】1)Oh, boy! 乖乖! 唉呀(感叹词)2) love handles 腰间赘肉 3)Beats me!考倒我了 4)stand someone up 放某人鸽子 5)Brush off 不理睬 6)push around 指使某人 7)Ass-kisser拍马屁的人/马屁精 8)go ballistic 非常生气/发脾气

544、【拒绝的几种用法】1)拒绝做某事refuse to do sth/not be prepared to do sth/draw the line at doing sth2)拒绝给某人东西withhold sth from sb3)拒绝某人reject sb/sth、not accept sb/sth、say no to sb/sth、turn sb/sth down 4)断然拒绝rebuff sb/sth 5)委婉拒绝take a rain check on sth (改期)

545、【各级行政区(一)】一级:省Province,自治区Autonomous region,直辖市Municipality,特别行政区Special administrative region;二级:地区Prefecture,市city,自治州Autonomous prefecture,盟League;三级:县County,市辖区District,县级市County-level city,旗Banner;四级:镇Town,乡Township,街道办事处Subdistrict,民族乡Ethnic township,区公所District public office;五级:村village,行政村Administrative village,自然村Natural village,居委会Neighborhood committee,社区Neighborhoods / community。

546、【口语交流中高频词汇搭配(9)】1)suffer through 忍受/承受 2)for the rest 其余3)keep…off 使远离4)be busy doing整忙于做.. 5)hang out with 与……出去玩6)feel like 觉得好像是… 7)good point 令人信服的观点 8)all sorts of 各种各样的9)by mistake 错误地10)pass away去世

547、【口语中高频俚语(10)】1)dwell on 不要再想 2)can’t get over 忘不了3)Here's the deal. 你看这样好不好 4)Here's the thing 事情是这样的.5)Got you 骗到你了吧 6)be maxed out 累坏了 7)Count me in 算我一个 8)Dig up the past 旧事重提/翻旧账 9)No biggie 没什么大不了的

548、【口语交流中高频俚语(14)】1)Sb./sth.is history某人某事已成过去 2)Cute act小伎俩/小花招3)Set someone up 陷害某人 4)Nice work 干得好/干得漂亮5)Dicking around 瞎闹/混日子6)count me in 把我算进去/加我一个7)out of line 言行举止不礼貌 8)catch you later 一会儿见

549、【如何表达失望】 1)I screwed up. = I messed up= I blew it.我搞砸了。 2)What a disappointment!真让人失望! 3)It’s disappointing. 这真令人扫兴。 4)How disappointing!真令人失望! 5)I’m really disappointed with you. 我对你实在很失望。 6)You let me down.你让我失望了。

550、【#房东用英语怎么说#】 房东 landlord;女房东 landlady ;房客 tenant ;房租 apartment rent;housing agent 房屋中介;二房东middleman 意思是先从landlord(房东)手里租下整套房子,然后再分房转租给他人,从中获利。合约是contract. 租房时我们通常会直接问How much is the rent? 房租多少钱?

551、【口语交流中高频俚语(15)】 a)Are you nuts你疯了吗? b)like sb never existed好像某人不存在一样 c)That was close好险/可真够悬的 d)dead end:死胡同,没有前途出路 e)I've got to split我该走了 f)fuck up把事情弄得一团糟=mess up g)get laid 发生性关系

552、【各种软件版本】目前新浪微博是beta版本,那beta到底是什么意思呢? Alpha内测版; Beta 公测版; Trial试用版; Final正式版; Demo演示版; Lite精简版; Full version完整版; Preview预览版; Standard标准版; Corporation/Enterprise企业版; Professional专业版; Upgrade升级版

553、Take习语表达】take it or leave it 要不要随你的便;take a bath洗个澡;take account of考虑到;take away from从…拿走;take charge接管;take effect(药等)见效/生效/起作用;take place发生/举行;take notice of注意到;take hold抓住;take for granted认为…理所当然

554、【经济词汇_视频版】export 出口,import 进口;government bond 政府债券;exchange rate 汇率;peg 汇率挂钩;appreciate升值;depreciate 贬值;economist 经济学家;capitalism 资本主义;commodity 商品;consumer 消费者;demand 需求;government regulation 政府调控
fiscal财政的;downturn低迷时期;deficit赤字;undercut 削减;ware商品;stagnant萧条;revenue收益;pretax税前所得的;emerging market新兴市场;;currency货币;subprime 次贷;mortgage抵押;rebound复苏;estate地产;manufacturing制造业;monopoly垄断

555、【Look在口语中的用法_视频版】look at看、过目; look over检查; look up查阅; look out注意; look up to尊敬; look down on看不起; look upon看待; look forward to期待; look back on回顾 ; look after照顾; look for寻找; look into调查;

556、【口语中高频词汇搭配(11)】<生活大爆炸S5E3>:running commentary 实况报道; gynecologist 妇科医生;controversial topic 争议性的话题; entire time整个过程中; hubba-hubba [美俚]高兴时的感叹:好极好极! achieve orgasm达到性高潮; get a better shot 得到一个更好的机会; loosen up使..放松

557、【#假币用英语怎么说#】 各种假的表达: 1)假货fake(d) products/goods 2)假药fake medicine 3)假发false hair 4)假币/伪钞counterfeit money 5)假牙false teeth 6)假象false image 7)假兜(衣服上的)dummy pocket 8)假花artificial flowers 9)弄虚作假play false 10)假支票forged check

558、口语交流中高频俚语(16)】1)I'm a little edgy.我有点紧张。2)With all due respect恕我直言/我冒昧地说一句3)Have a word with sb和某人谈谈4)Take one's chance碰运气/赌一把5)Get into the mess陷入困境6)Be a little fuzzy about对……不是很清楚7)Dig up the past旧事重提

559、【#上班打卡用英语怎么说#】 1)上班打卡是“punch in” ,下班打卡是“punch out”。2)我们还可以用“clock in”和“clock out”来表示上下班的打卡。 例:We clock in at 9 a.m. and out at 6 p.m. 我们早上9点上班,下午6点下班。 —— What is your working hours? 你的工作时间是?

560、The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. 生命的价值不在于我们活了多少天,而在于我们如何利用每一天。 ——Michel de Montaigne(蒙田)

561、【美国习语All的表达_视频版】all your eggs in one basket 孤注一掷;all ears洗耳恭听;all in your head胡思乱想;all in a day's work很平常的事;all hell broke loose一团糟;all over the map各有喜好/遍布全球;all eyes on me所有的目光都聚焦到了我的身上

562、【美剧口语(29)】生活大爆炸S5E4词组:by the by顺便提一句;on the nose准确的/正好的;hitting it off合得来;drug trials 药品临床试验;grief-stricken widow悲伤的寡妇;from here on in从现在起;trivial decisions无关紧要的决定;free up 空出来/腾出;sign language 手语

563、Life is tough, but if you have the ability to laugh at it, you have the ability to enjoy it.——(Salma Hayek)人生艰难,但是如果你有笑对人生的能力,你就有享受人生的能力。——(萨尔玛·海耶克)

564、【美国俚语表达_视频版(19)】1)be up for sth打算做;2)take in sth 开始/参加 3)say 6 o’clock? 六点怎么样?4)I dunno=I don't know 我不知道。5) kinda tired=kind of tired 有点累。6)You up for a movie tonight?=Are you up for a movie tonight? 你今晚打算去看电影吗?

565、【形容个性】#处女座篇# analytical善于分析的;detail-oriented 注重细节的;economical有金钱观的;cautious 谨慎的;shy害羞的;concentrated专注的;conservative保守的;picky挑剔的/吹毛求疵的;intelligent聪明的;industrious勤奋的;responsible有责任感的;inferior自卑的;compassionate有同情心的;self-sacrificing不自私的; imaginative富于想象的; family-oriented 顾家的; loyal忠诚的;dutiful孝敬的; possessive占有欲强的;unpredictable难以捉摸的; moody喜怒无常的;over sensitive过于敏感的;clingy 黏人的;dependable可信赖的

566、【美国俚语(20)】Call the shots发号施令;Catch some rays晒太阳;Do an about face 变卦/改变立场或主意;Fall short没有达到目标或要求;Jack up(物价工资)增加/提高;Make a killing突然赚得一大笔钱;Mellow out放松/松懈;No-brainer容易的事/无需动脑子;Eye-opener大开眼界

567、【美国俚语(21)】buzz word 流行时髦词语; bud friend 普通朋友 ; man in suits装腔作势的人; motor mouth 话匣子; home bird 宅人; hush money 封口费; cut the knot果断处理; sprout wings假惺惺; peeping tom 偷窥狂; pomp ass自以为是的家伙; monkey business骗人的把戏;

568、【食品包装上的英文food package labels】?nutrition facts营养成分; ?卡路里calory;?脂肪fat;?蛋白质protein;?糖sugar;?食用纤维dietary fiber;?维他命vitamin;?碳水化合物carbohydrate;?钠sodium;?钙calcium;?铁iron;?食品添加剂additive;?净重net weight; ?配料ingredients

569、Come的口语高频用法(1) 1.Come again? 再说一遍可以不? 2.Come on. 拜托,不是吧! 3.Coming right up!马上就来(点东西时) 4.Didn't see it coming.出乎我预料。 5.You totally had it coming 这完全是你自找的

570、 【“头脑”head相关的表达】1.lose one’s head 不知所措 2.head-turner引人注目的人或事 3. shit-head/thick-headed//knuckle-headed 笨蛋,傻瓜 4.off the top of my head 第一反应 5.Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠顶过一个诸葛亮 6.turn heads 回头率高 7.put heads together集思广益

571、【head表达接力】1. heads up 当心 2. have one's head in the clouds心不在焉;走神 3. have one's head screwed on right头脑清醒,明白事理 4. hit the nail on the head 一针见血 5. Let your heart rule your head跟着感情走 6. This is over my head. 这个对我来说太难了

573、【表达惊讶】How amazing. 太惊人了。| I'm very surprised to hear that. 听到这个我真是太吃惊了。| Fancy that. 真想不到。| Who can have thought of it? 谁能想得到呢。| It can't be. 不可能。| You are pulling my leg, aren't you? 你不是开玩笑吧?

574、1. You really surprised me! 你真的让我大吃一惊! 2. How could this possibly be! 这事怎么可能呢! 3. I can't believe my eyes. 我简直不能相信自己的眼睛。4. That's unbelievable. 真是太离奇了。5.I'll be a monkey's uncle.天哪!6. What? No, it can't be! 什么!不,决不会!

575、 【考试exams】?参加考试take/sit an exam ; ?通过考试pass an exam;?挂科fail/flunk an exam;?考试作弊cheat in exams; ?补考resit/retake an exam;?死记硬背应付考试cram for exams;?轻松通过考试breeze through exams;?勉强通过考试squeak/scrape through exams; ?复习功课review lessons;

576、【补充】1 I wish you could ace the exam 我祝愿你能在考试中得A 2 I'm sure you can score well in college entrance exam 我确信你能在高考中取得好成绩

577、1.out with it!说出来吧!2.You can stop playing dumb.你就别装傻了。3.Cut me some slack.放我一马吧!4.You won't drag me down to your level.你休想拖我下水。5.The thought crossed my mind.我有这么想过。6.You put a rather large kink in my plans.你真是给我惹了大麻烦啊!

578、1. It was a tough call for me. 我感到左右为难。2. Don’t play dumb!别装傻了!3. Let’s not beat a dead horse here.我们不要再浪费口舌了。4.You're so perverted!你很变态! 5. It's as easy as pie.真是易如反掌。6. My aunt Flo is visiting. 我的大姨妈来了。

579、【各种人际关系】buddy哥们儿;colleague同事/同僚;confidante闺蜜/红颜知己(女性);intimate至交;mentor导师/指导者;sworn brother结拜兄弟;superior/boss上司/老板;partner搭档;couple情侣;companion同伴;pen pal笔友;comrade-in-arms战友;fellow-apprentice师兄弟; bosom friend知心朋友

【补充】1. acquaintance:相识的人;(总称)熟人 2. alter ego:第二个我;知己,密友 3. associate:伙伴;朋友;同事;合伙人 4. colleague:同事;同僚 5. familiar:知交;伴侣;常客 6. Life partner终身伴侣 7. Soulmate或soul mate精神伴侣 8. mistress已婚男人的情人 9. Fiancée 订婚女友


580、 【如何引起他人注意】1. Listen/look 听着。2. Listen up(everybody). (大伙)听着/听我说。3. May I have your attention, please? 请大家注意啦(用于正式场合)。 4. Look at this/take a look at this. 瞧这儿。5. Excuse me. 打扰一下。6. Hey 嗨! 7. Hey, you/Yo. 呼叫他人,不礼貌勿滥用

【补充】1.Can we talk? 我们能谈谈吗? 2.Excuse me. You got a minute? 能耽误你一会儿吗? 3.Guess what? 你猜怎么着? 4.You’ll never guess what I heard. 你永远也猜不到我听说了什么。 5.Check this out. 看看这个 6.You won’t believe this!你不会相信的! 7.Now hear this! 你听着!

581、【世界知名品牌口号】1、Just do it.(Nike)只管去做。(耐克)  2、Impossible is nothing.(Adidas)没有不可能的事。(阿迪达斯) 3、I'm loving it.(Mcdonald's)我就喜欢。(麦当劳) 4、Less is more.(satchi)简洁至上。(沙驰) 5、The power of dreams.(Honda)梦想的力量。(本田) 6、Changes for the better.(Mitsubishi)精益求精,品质更出众。(三菱) 7、Let's make things better.(Philips)让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)  8、Committed to people,committed to future.(TOSHIBA)为了人类和地球的明天。(东芝)  9、Always coca_cola.(Coca_Cola)永远的可口可乐。(可口可乐)  10、It's the cola.(Pepsi)这才是真正的可乐。(百事可乐)  11、The Bud's for you.(Budweiser)你的百威。(百威)  12、Choose Quilaty,Choose Nestle.(Nestle)选品质,选雀巢。(雀巢)  13、Good to the last drop.(Maxwell)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔)  14、Take me to the Hilton.(Hilton)带我去希尔顿。(希尔顿酒店) 15、Heaven on Earth.(Shangrila)人间天堂。(香格里拉酒店)  16、Change the way you look at the world.(CNN)改变你看世界的方式。(CNN电台) 17、Share the moment,share the life.(Kodak)分享此刻,分享生活。(柯达) 18、No business too small,no problem too big.(IBM)没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM) 19、Touching lives,improving life.(P&G)动情人生,优质生活。(宝洁) 20、Your passion,our strenth.(Unilever)你们的热情,我们的力量。(联合利华)   21、There is fast food,then there is KFC.(KFC)有快餐的地方就有肯德基。(肯德基) 22、Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit;Forging wealth Creation Tools.(Forbes)倡导创业精神,打造创富工具。(福布斯杂志)

582、【50个超级短语】1、Absolurely not.绝对不是。2、Are you crazy?你疯了吗?3、Are you sure?你能肯定吗? 4、Are you serious?你是人真的吗? 5、Are you clear?你明白了吗? 6、Call me tomorrow.明天打电话给我。 7、Come with me.跟我来。 8、Congratulations.恭喜恭喜。 9、Do you mean it?你是当真的吗?  10、Do you see it?你明白了吗? 11、Do you want it?你要吗? 12、Don't exaggerate.不要夸张。 13、Don't do that.别那样。 14、Give me a hand.帮我一下。 15、Go right ahead.一直往前走。 16、Have a good trip.祝旅途愉快。 17、Have a nice day.祝你一天过得愉快。 18、Have you finished?你做完了吗? 19、I can do it.我能做。 20、I think so.我认为如此。 21、I hope so.我希望如此。 22、I knew it.我早知道了。 23、I noticed that.我注意到了。 24、I see.我明白了。 25、I won.我赢了。 26、I'm hungry.我饿死了。 27、I'm leaving.我要走了。 28、I’m sorry.对不起。 29、I’m bored.我很无聊。 30、I'm busy.我很忙。 31、I'm ready.我准备好了。 32、I’ve got it.我明白了。 33、I've had it.我受够了。 34、It's incredible!真是难以置信! 35、It's outrageous!岂有此理! 36、It doesn't matter.没关系。 37、It's about time.是时候了。 38、It's all right.没关系。 39、It's nothing.没什么。 40、It's funny.很滑稽。 41、It's impossible.那是不可能的。 42、It's not bad.还行。 43、It's not worth it.不值得。 44、It's your turn.轮到你了。 45、Let me see.让我想想。 46、Not yet.还没有。 47、Relax!放松! 48、That happens.这样的事情经常发生。 49、That's enough.够了。 50、That'true.这是真的。

583、【美剧常用俚语汇总】a thick skin 厚颜无耻 a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜) a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a smoke screen 烟幕、障眼法 a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(交际花、善于交际、会应酬的人) a blank slate干净的黑板(新的一页、新的开始) a cat nap 打个盹儿、小睡一会儿  a weight off my shoulders 如释重负  all ears洗耳恭听、全神贯注地听 back on track改过自新  backfire弄巧成拙、适得其反  bet on it有把握、无疑  bet your life决对没错  better half我的另一半、配偶(妻子) between a rock and a hard place进退两难、左右为难  break  a leg演出成功、大获成功  break the ice打破沉默、打破僵局   bump into无意中遇到、巧遇  burn one’s bridge破釜沉舟、背水一战、一刀两断、过河拆桥  call it a night今晚到此为止、收工、 一日事毕、可以睡觉了  clean up one's act.自我改进、自我检点  cool your lips.冷静下来 cross the line.做得太过分了  cut to the chase.开门见山、直入正题  fish out of water.如鱼离水、不得其所  get the ball rolling.动起手来、开始  get the green light.获得批准  wound up.上足发条(紧张、兴奋) walls have ears隔墙有耳  not lift a finger袖手旁观  when pigs fly.绝对不可能 well rounded.全才、全能  weed out.除去杂草(淘汰) up in the air.悬而未决  tie the knot结婚  sleep on it.睡在上面(考虑一晚上)  monkey business.骗人的把戏   kiss up to 讨好、拍马屁  kick the bucket.死了、一命呜呼  it's Greek to me.希腊文(天书、深奥难懂)  in the spotlight.站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)、处于公众注意的中心 

584、too bad太糟糕了! I hear you.我懂你的意思  Let's get the exam rolling.现在开始考试了 My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋   My life flashes before my eyes.我的过往在我眼前浮现 How did that happen?怎么会这样?  You bet!当然! Up yours!去你的! Call it even.扯平了  That makes two of us.所见略同 Two coffee to go.两杯咖啡打包

585、【美剧高频单字口语】huh?--呃? hey!嘿? oh?哦? crap!天那! yeah.是 what?什么? really?真的吗? cool!酷! sure.好的  shit!真倒霉 bullshit!胡说! cheers!干杯! correct!对的! Jesus!天啊! liar!你撒谎! listen!听着! lousy!差劲!stop!住手! now!现在就做! objection!我抗议! pardon!请再说一遍! perfect!很完美! please!拜托了! exactly!完全正确! absolutely!绝对正确! adorable!可爱极了! amazing!太神了! anytime!随时吩咐! almost!差不多了! crazy!疯了! damn!该死的! deal!一言为定 definitely!当然! disgusting!好恶心呀! awful!好可怕呀! behave!放尊重点! boring!真无聊! gorgeous!美极了!fantastic!妙极了! farewell!再见了! fifty-fifty!对半分! hopefully!希望如此!有希望的话、、、 horrible!好可怕! hurry!快点! incredible!不可思议! indeed?真的? imagine!想想看! impossible!不可能吧! great!太棒了!

581、【世界知名品牌口号】1、Just do it.(Nike)只管去做。(耐克)  2、Impossible is nothing.(Adidas)没有不可能的事。(阿迪达斯) 3、I'm loving it.(Mcdonald's)我就喜欢。(麦当劳) 4、Less is more.(satchi)简洁至上。(沙驰) 5、The power of dreams.(Honda)梦想的力量。(本田) 6、Changes for the better.(Mitsubishi)精益求精,品质更出众。(三菱) 7、Let's make things better.(Philips)让我们做得更好。(飞利浦)  8、Committed to people,committed to future.(TOSHIBA)为了人类和地球的明天。(东芝)  9、Always coca_cola.(Coca_Cola)永远的可口可乐。(可口可乐)  10、It's the cola.(Pepsi)这才是真正的可乐。(百事可乐)  11、The Bud's for you.(Budweiser)你的百威。(百威)  12、Choose Quilaty,Choose Nestle.(Nestle)选品质,选雀巢。(雀巢)  13、Good to the last drop.(Maxwell)滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔)  14、Take me to the Hilton.(Hilton)带我去希尔顿。(希尔顿酒店) 15、Heaven on Earth.(Shangrila)人间天堂。(香格里拉酒店)  16、Change the way you look at the world.(CNN)改变你看世界的方式。(CNN电台) 17、Share the moment,share the life.(Kodak)分享此刻,分享生活。(柯达) 18、No business too small,no problem too big.(IBM)没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM) 19、Touching lives,improving life.(P&G)动情人生,优质生活。(宝洁) 20、Your passion,our strenth.(Unilever)你们的热情,我们的力量。(联合利华)   21、There is fast food,then there is KFC.(KFC)有快餐的地方就有肯德基。(肯德基) 22、Fostering Entrepreneurial Spirit;Forging wealth Creation Tools.(Forbes)倡导创业精神,打造创富工具。(福布斯杂志)

582、【50个超级短语】1、Absolurely not.绝对不是。2、Are you crazy?你疯了吗?3、Are you sure?你能肯定吗? 4、Are you serious?你是人真的吗? 5、Are you clear?你明白了吗? 6、Call me tomorrow.明天打电话给我。 7、Come with me.跟我来。 8、Congratulations.恭喜恭喜。 9、Do you mean it?你是当真的吗?  10、Do you see it?你明白了吗? 11、Do you want it?你要吗? 12、Don't exaggerate.不要夸张。 13、Don't do that.别那样。 14、Give me a hand.帮我一下。 15、Go right ahead.一直往前走。 16、Have a good trip.祝旅途愉快。 17、Have a nice day.祝你一天过得愉快。 18、Have you finished?你做完了吗? 19、I can do it.我能做。 20、I think so.我认为如此。 21、I hope so.我希望如此。 22、I knew it.我早知道了。 23、I noticed that.我注意到了。 24、I see.我明白了。 25、I won.我赢了。 26、I'm hungry.我饿死了。 27、I'm leaving.我要走了。 28、I’m sorry.对不起。 29、I’m bored.我很无聊。 30、I'm busy.我很忙。 31、I'm ready.我准备好了。 32、I’ve got it.我明白了。 33、I've had it.我受够了。 34、It's incredible!真是难以置信! 35、It's outrageous!岂有此理! 36、It doesn't matter.没关系。 37、It's about time.是时候了。 38、It's all right.没关系。 39、It's nothing.没什么。 40、It's funny.很滑稽。 41、It's impossible.那是不可能的。 42、It's not bad.还行。 43、It's not worth it.不值得。 44、It's your turn.轮到你了。 45、Let me see.让我想想。 46、Not yet.还没有。 47、Relax!放松! 48、That happens.这样的事情经常发生。 49、That's enough.够了。 50、That'true.这是真的。

583、【美剧常用俚语汇总】a thick skin 厚颜无耻 a shot in the dark 盲目射击(瞎猜) a slap in the face 脸上挨了一耳光(公然受辱) a smoke screen 烟幕、障眼法 a social butterfly 社交蝴蝶(交际花、善于交际、会应酬的人) a blank slate干净的黑板(新的一页、新的开始) a cat nap 打个盹儿、小睡一会儿  a weight off my shoulders 如释重负  all ears洗耳恭听、全神贯注地听 back on track改过自新  backfire弄巧成拙、适得其反  bet on it有把握、无疑  bet your life决对没错  better half我的另一半、配偶(妻子) between a rock and a hard place进退两难、左右为难  break  a leg演出成功、大获成功  break the ice打破沉默、打破僵局   bump into无意中遇到、巧遇  burn one’s bridge破釜沉舟、背水一战、一刀两断、过河拆桥  call it a night今晚到此为止、收工、 一日事毕、可以睡觉了  clean up one's act.自我改进、自我检点  cool your lips.冷静下来 cross the line.做得太过分了  cut to the chase.开门见山、直入正题  fish out of water.如鱼离水、不得其所  get the ball rolling.动起手来、开始  get the green light.获得批准  wound up.上足发条(紧张、兴奋) walls have ears隔墙有耳  not lift a finger袖手旁观  when pigs fly.绝对不可能 well rounded.全才、全能  weed out.除去杂草(淘汰) up in the air.悬而未决  tie the knot结婚  sleep on it.睡在上面(考虑一晚上)  monkey business.骗人的把戏   kiss up to 讨好、拍马屁  kick the bucket.死了、一命呜呼  it's Greek to me.希腊文(天书、深奥难懂)  in the spotlight.站在聚光灯圈里(出风头)、处于公众注意的中心 

584、too bad太糟糕了! I hear you.我懂你的意思  Let's get the exam rolling.现在开始考试了 My way or the highway.不听我的就滚蛋   My life flashes before my eyes.我的过往在我眼前浮现 How did that happen?怎么会这样?  You bet!当然! Up yours!去你的! Call it even.扯平了  That makes two of us.所见略同 Two coffee to go.两杯咖啡打包

585、【美剧高频单字口语】huh?--呃? hey!嘿? oh?哦? crap!天那! yeah.是 what?什么? really?真的吗? cool!酷! sure.好的  shit!真倒霉 bullshit!胡说! cheers!干杯! correct!对的! Jesus!天啊! liar!你撒谎! listen!听着! lousy!差劲!stop!住手! now!现在就做! objection!我抗议! pardon!请再说一遍! perfect!很完美! please!拜托了! exactly!完全正确! absolutely!绝对正确! adorable!可爱极了! amazing!太神了! anytime!随时吩咐! almost!差不多了! crazy!疯了! damn!该死的! deal!一言为定 definitely!当然! disgusting!好恶心呀! awful!好可怕呀! behave!放尊重点! boring!真无聊! gorgeous!美极了!fantastic!妙极了! farewell!再见了! fifty-fifty!对半分! hopefully!希望如此!有希望的话、、、 horrible!好可怕! hurry!快点! incredible!不可思议! indeed?真的? imagine!想想看! impossible!不可能吧! great!太棒了!

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