
The Misconception of Beauty  美丽的迷思

 cntic 2012-12-05
The Misconception of Beauty美丽的迷思

Most girls find role models to look up to at different stages of their lives. Usually, their first role models are their mothers. Next might be their older sisters. After that, it is likely to be some kind of celebrity. As girls grow up, the role models they pick often reflect how they feel about themselves. These people can either help or hinder their development and self-esteem. Unfortunately, few girls can find good individuals to follow these days.
Since the beginning of film, movie stars have had an impact on the world. People aim to copy their styles, looks, and characters. Some classic examples are Marilyn Monroe and Greta Garbo. In their day, curves were what every woman wanted. An hourglass figure was considered very beautiful, and women did everything they could to achieve that look. Not much has changed in how people react to actresses these days. However, what has changed a lot is people's idea of beauty. Fashion magazines and runways are full of extremely thin women. Unlike before, the ideal figure is now ultra straight and skinny. While some girls are naturally that way, most are not. The natural, curvy figure that women used to treasure has become something to be ashamed of in the present day.


  1. look up to + 人尊敬/仰慕某人
    I look up to my father because he is kind and stands up for what he believes in.
  2. hindervt. 阻碍,妨碍
    The basketball player's career has been hindered by several injuries.
  3. self-esteemn. 自尊,自尊心
    People will think it is acceptable to walk all over you if you don't have any self-esteem.
  4. have an impact on...对.......有影响
    How Jim's stepfather treated him had an impact on his behavior towards other people.
  5. aim to + 原形动词目标是(做).......
    Karen aims to become a famous writer, so she signed up for a creative writing program.
  6. skinnya. 削瘦的,皮包骨的
    David worked out with weights to add muscle to his skinny arms.
  7. naturallyadv. 天生地,自然地
    Miranda has naturally curly hair, but she wishes it were straight instead.
  8. treasurevt. 珍视,珍惜
    Even though we are worlds apart now, I will always treasure our time together in Paris.
  9. be ashamed of + 名词/动名词 对........感到羞愧/愧疚
    Kenny was ashamed of losing his temper in front of everyone.

  1. misconception n. 错误印象,误解
  2. role model n. 典范,模范
  3. curve n. 曲线
  4. hourglass figure n. 沙漏型身材
  5. runway n. 伸展台
  6. ultra a. 极度的,极端的
  7. curvy a. 有曲线的

英国知名时尚杂《Harpers & Queen 哈泼与女王》曾挑选出二十世纪百大美女。我们从这份名单中可以窥见,美的定义会随著时代不断改变,1920 年代流行束胸、短发与大胆浓妆,冷艳又带有中性风格的葛泰丽·嘉宝便是典型的例子。到了战後,人们改为崇尚素雅的穿著、清瘦的身段和棱角分明的五官,代表明星如优雅脱俗的 Audrey Hepburn(奥黛莉·赫本)。1950 和 1960 年代则吹起性感风潮,丰唇与沙漏型身材大行其道,迷你裙也乘时兴起,像玛丽莲·梦露这样的性感尤物就被当时的女性所争相仿效。由这些型态截然不同的美女可以看出,人们对『美』并没有一个客观标准,因此想符合媒体所鼓吹的单一美丽形象是不切实际的,只有做与众不同的自己才是最美。况且,真正的美是由内心而生的,正 如奥黛莉·赫本所言∶『For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.(要有美丽的双眸,请找寻别人的优点;要有吸引人的双唇,就只能说善意的言语;要有沈著自信的态度,跨出步伐相信自己从不孤独。)』。

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