
Culture diversity makes human cultural life interesting: Mo Yan

 3gzylon 2012-12-10

Culture diversity makes human cultural life interesting: Mo Yan


15:39, December 08, 2012

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 7 (Xinhua) -- Mo Yan, the 2012 Nobel Prize winner for literature, said on Friday that diversity in global cultures makes human beings' cultural life interesting.

Mo told a reception in the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm that it was a responsibility to protect the diversity in cultures while creating the diversity as well.

He said that translation played a very important role in bridging different cultures, adding that without the translators who had translated his books he couldn't have won the Nobel Prize.

"I think translation is much harder than writing itself," said Mo Yan, explaining that it only took 43 days to write the work Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out, while it took Swedish sinologist Anna Gustafsson Chen six years to translate the work.

Earlier in the day he visited a Swedish middle school, where about 20 Swedish students who were studying Chinese welcomed him by singing the theme song in the movie "Red Sorghum" which was based on his novel of the same name.

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