

 bjvita 2012-12-23

Can body language affect your confidence?

That Time I Tried To Be Wonder Woman

Is it true that standing with your legs apart, hands on hips, can really change your life?

Katy Waldman, Wonder Woman

Photograph by Andrew Morgan for Slate .

Body language! You are probably aware that it factors into your social, professional, and romantic relationships—even if you’re unsure exactly how. Maybe you’ve devoured articles about how to improve yours in various women’s magazines. Maybe you’ve secretly taken the advice of that body-language expert who’s always on Bill O’Reilly’s show to dissect the hand motions and neck placements of various politicians. Maybe you’ve even saved up to attend a workshop with the Date Whisperer. Or maybe you think it’s a load of bunk—I wouldn’t know unless you told me, with your body.

Of course, nonverbal communication exists. The angle of your shoulders, the tilt of your smile: All of that undoubtedly adds up to an aura, a general impression that beams off you like a radio wave. Often, the physical messages you send elude your conscious control. I know, for instance, that sometimes my body says things like “I just learned five minutes ago that Scotch comes from Scotland, ” even while my mouth is saying, “I, too, find craft distilleries quite interesting.” Surely we all would be happier if we could regulate our corporal “speech” more skillfully. But how much happier? Just how effective are particular poses at getting you what you want?

Back in November, I read about the research of Harvard Business School professor Amy Cuddy, who proposes that certain physical stances can alter the amounts of testosterone and cortisol in your body. More testosterone means, roughly, more confidence. More cortisol translates into higher stress. Cuddy found that “high power poses” increase testosterone and inhibit cortisol, while “low power poses” do the opposite. She describes the high power poses as positions that open up the torso. Think a cobra rearing and spreading its hood to the sun, or Wonder Woman with her legs apart and her hands on her hips. The wimpy poses force the body in on itself—the arms across the chest, the shoulders forward, the head and chin down—and convey submission. In a series of 2012 experiments, Cuddy discovered that people who assumed high-power poses for a few minutes before a fake job interview were more likely to win over judges watching a videotape of the encounter. Regardless of what they actually said, these candidates radiated presence and personality—and that got them fake hired, whereas people who adopted neutral or low power poses before the interview earned only middling scores from the judges.

Naturally, Cuddy’s findings made us want to conduct our own experiment. The women of Slate brainstormed three situations in which some extra confidence might be a good thing, and I attempted to Wonder Woman the crap out of them. Results below.

The Dating Scene:

A friend and I made plans to meet at 9:00 p.m. at a popular bar in Adams Morgan. I arrived a bit early, which gave me some time to stand outside the entrance with my fists planted on my hips and my legs spread. I did not, in fact, feel powerful. I felt silly. So I walked around to the side of the bar, where I had a slimmer chance of being observed, and tried again. No discernible testosterone cascades, but after a few minutes a sediment of calm did begin to settle in my chest. I also noticed that I was getting tired from holding the power pose.

When I went inside, a greeter was stationed in the doorway, and perhaps I was more gregarious with him then I might otherwise have been. We bantered, coruscatingly, about whether he planned to ask for my ID (“No, I’m just the greeter”) and whether the upper floor experience merited the steep climb upstairs. When I traipsed up to explore, a second man blocked my ingress.

Man: May I see your ID, please?

Me (calm, clear voice as I prepared to lie): I’m afraid I don’t have it with me. But I was born in December of 1987. I’ve been of legal drinking age for six years.

Me: Um, OK. Here it is.

So, confidence. Not an acceptable alternative to a government-issued form of identification. But is that really so surprising? A few minutes later my friend arrived, and after I refreshed my testosterone levels with a quick Wonder Woman in the bathroom, we moved toward the bar.

Then what? I wish I could report I became a dervish of voluble charm, causing men to fall at my feet as I expertly and self-assuredly broadcast “presence and personality.” But the night swung toward situation-normal: a few fun but meaningless conversations with the patrons nearby, two free drinks, no numbers. Maybe I did a better job overcoming my usual shyness—in the past, I’ve been nervous about chatting up new people—but I attribute that more to my friend’s easy extraversion and, perhaps, the alcohol. So far, I couldn’t conclude that Cuddy’s empowering body language had delivered any real results.

Customer Service Encounter:

Maybe I just needed to find the right context, to situate my Amazon warrior queen in a more promising matrix of social give-and-take. To the dry cleaners!

“We’ll have this ready for you in three days, ” chirped the youngish lady behind the counter, running her finger over a smudge on my shirt’s sleeve.

“Would it be possible to pick up the cleaning any sooner?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, ” the woman replied politely, “but we’re very busy this week, with the holidays approaching. A lot of people are dropping off their nice clothes.”

“Ah, ” I said. And then: “Could you hold on one moment? I need to make a phone call.”

Of course, I did not need to make a phone call. I needed to go outside, assume the Wonder Woman pose for 90 seconds, and then bend this uncooperative dry cleaning operative to my will.

In her book, The End of Men, Hanna Rosin discusses the delicate predicament of women who want to kick butt in the workplace. Unlike their male counterparts, professional ladies don’t get credit for acting tough or aggressive around their colleagues. Instead, they tend to be punished for advocating for themselves: Rosin calls our reflexive aversion to real-life Wonder Women “the twitch.” Yet female employees who hang back too much only reinforce a secretarial stereotype and fail to snag the opportunities and breaks that come naturally to the guys. Could a power pose help?








一个朋友和我约定九点在亚当斯?摩根有名的酒吧见面。我来的稍微有点早,因此我两手叉腰,双腿分开地站在外面。事实上,我并没有感觉强大,我觉得愚蠢,所以我走到了酒吧的一边,在那儿不怎么会引起别人的注意,我再次尝试了一下。 没有明显的睾丸激素增加,但是几分钟之后冷静如沉淀物一般积淀在我的胸口。我也注意到我正厌倦于保持这种伪装。






















我发送了一封邮件给Big Kahuna请求就我新一年的工资与他见一面谈谈。我想他应该会回信息提议一个时间,这样我就可以提前准备好我的神奇女郎姿态。但是他只是在他回办公室的路上停在我的桌前,说:“现在怎么样?”可能因为他是一个代理上司又可能是因为他知道最好不要给我们员工任何时间去准备。

“当然可以!”我热情地回答道,心中有点恐慌。我跟随着他,穿过长廊,一路上我的手都紧贴臀部,肩膀也没有巧妙地打开,祈祷着他不会转身看见我像傻子似的移动。悠闲的路程大概花了半分钟。是不是我的神经末端清空了突触的睾丸酮,酶化了我大部分的皮质醇?很难说:这是我的第一次工资谈判,我不知道没有了伪装我会怎么样。但是当我坐在他的办公室里,我轻轻地挺了挺胸。为了获得额外的能量,我采取了一个不太明显的有效姿态--双腿微微分开,下巴抬起,身体前驱。关键在于显露镇静而不自大;如果我能够那样做,我就是,他们所说的, 在谈判。



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