

 (_灬小米粒 . 2012-12-26


Interesting words and story

   It’s Saturday today .The sun is shining.The Browns are going to the lake by truck .Now there is something wrong with the truck. The truck is broken, it doesn’t work.Mr. Brown is mending under the truck. His wife Mrs. Brown is beside him. His wife isn’t with their children. Their son and daughter are watching their parents mending the truck by the road. Near the truck, a bamboo[b?m’bu:] leaf is painting a balloon[b?’lu:n] ballet dancer with a ballpoint ['b?:lp??nt] .The bamboo leaf wants to dance ballet to a balloon .The bamboo leaf wants to be a balletist. The bamboo leaf wants to get a ballet ballot ['b?l?t] .When the bamboo leaf sees the Browns’ broken truck. The bamboo leaf doesn’t worry. Instead, the naughty bamboo leaf laughs. Because,  he can take the Browns’ broken truck to the balloon.







1。周六Saturday [?s?t?di]

2。今天todaytoday[英][t??dei] [美][t??de]


4。照耀shine [?a?n]

5。he Browns 布朗一家

6打算去湖边are going to the lake

7。坐卡车 开卡车 by truck[tr?k] 

8.  现在 now [na?]

9.某物有毛病 有问题 出了些事 there is something wrong with 某物

10。某物坏了is broken][?br?uk?n](破碎的,坏了的折了)

11。某物不工作了doesn’t work.

12。修理mend[mend] [美][m?nd] 修理,修补;改正,纠正

13。正在修理is mending

14。在卡车下under the truck[??nd?]

15。妻子 wife [waif]

16。在他旁边beside him

17。没和孩子们在一起isn’t with their children

18。女儿daughter[英][?d?:t?] [美][?d?t?]


20。父母 parents

21。修车的父母parents mending the truck

22。在马路边by the road

23。在卡车的附近Near the truck(near[英][ni?] [美][n?r])


25。叶子leaf[英][li:f] [美][lif]

26。画paint[英][peint] [美][pent]

27。正在画is painting

28。气球balloon[英][b??lu:n] [美][b??lun] 

28。芭蕾舞ballet[英][?b?lei] [美][b??le,?b?l?e]

29。舞蹈者 舞蹈家dancer[英][?dɑ:ns?]

30。用一支圆珠笔with a ballpoint ['b?:lp??nt]

31。想跳芭蕾舞want to dance ballet

32。到气球上to a balloon

33。想当个芭蕾舞蹈家want to be a balletist

34。得到一张芭蕾舞选票 get a ballet ballot ['b?l?t]

35。当   的时候when[英][hwen] [美][hw?n, w?n]

36。布朗一家的破卡车 the Browns’ broken truck

37。没着急doesn’t worry[英][?w?ri] [美][?w?ri, ?w?ri] 

38。相反,代替反倒instead[英][in?sted] [美][?n?st?d]

39。淘气的naughty[英][?n?:ti] [美][?n?ti] 

40。哈哈笑laugh[英][lɑ:f] [美][l?f, lɑf] ( smile[英][smail] [美][sma?l] 微笑

41。因为because[英][bi?k?z] [美][b??k?z, -?k?z] 

42。坐布朗一家的破卡车take the Browns’ broken truck

43。到气球上去to the balloon

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