
服用骨質疏鬆藥 Fosomax 福善美, 小心副作用

 笑口常開笑人生 2012-12-31
服用骨鬆藥如 Fosomax, Boniva, Reclast, Actonel 小心嚴重副作用與骨壞死。
當我們服用某一種 "神奇的藥物" 的時候,我們常常忘了要 "同步" 去瞭解 "這個--神奇的藥物" 的機轉。
更常發生的是,我們甚至不會去質疑 "這個--神奇的藥物" 將會帶來哪幾種或許我們並不樂見的副作用。


But what is it and is it a necessary procedure? Not even to question if it is a necessary expense?但它是一個維持健康的必要的程序嗎?甚至,它是一個必要的支出嗎?

All women between 50 and 65 years of age are encouraged to get the bone test done. But is it of any value?所有在50至65歲年齡的婦女都被鼓勵去做骨骼密度測試。但是,它的價值何在?

First of all, bone density testing uses a scan to measure the density of the minerals in your bone ( any bone may be used). 首先,骨質密度檢測方法--利用掃描的方式去測量骨頭裡的礦物質密度(而你身體的任何骨頭均可能被當作採樣的對象)。

The result is compared to the density of some randomly selected individuals.而你個人的骨密度的結果,將與一些隨機選擇出來的採樣群做比較。

The scan has no record of your bone density at a younger age and it cannot tell you if it is greater or less than the density was several years earlier. 骨質掃描並沒有您年輕時的骨密度紀錄,也無法告訴你,你的骨密度究竟是比幾年前更密或更疏。

Of  course a future scan has some ability to do that when it is compared to your first one. But that value is also questionable. 當然,往後的掃描將足以成為你的第一張掃描的對比,然而那數值同樣是令人懷疑的。

Individuals vary in what is normal depending upon their body structure.  要判斷每一個個人健康狀況是否處於正常值,乃取決於他們的身體結構。

And bones are living tissue. 要記得,骨頭是活組織。

We often sort of put bones in a dead category because we usually see only bones from dead animals. 我們經常傾向把骨頭歸類於死亡組織的類別,這是因為我們的肉眼通常只能看到死去動物的骨頭。

But God designed our bones to be constantly sloughing off old cells and replacing them like every other part of our bodies. 但上帝設計我們的骨骼是不斷脫落細胞,以新取代了舊的,就像我們身體的其他的部分。

It is important that we realize what the so-called bone density drugs do to us. 重要的是,我們必須認識到,所謂的增進骨質密度的藥物,對我們做了什麼。

They prevent the old tissue from being eliminated to make room for new, healthy bone that is being created from the food we eat. 它們防止阻止舊的骨組織被淘汰,進而無法騰出空間給新的骨組織,而健康的骨骼是來自於我們所吃的食物。

For that reason, the bone may appear to get stronger. 出於這個原因,骨可能會呈現變得更加強壯的假象。

But in reality it is getting weaker because it is accumulating the old, deteriorating bone cells. 但在真實的狀況中是,骨骼已經變得越來越弱,因為它是積累舊的,不斷惡化的衰亡骨細胞。

This makes the bone become very brittle and easier to fracture. 這使得整體骨骼變得非常脆弱,而且容易骨折。

That is disturbing enough, but on top of that, the drugs also cause very serious side effects. 這可真令人不安啊,但最重要的是,這些藥物也同時導致非常嚴重的副作用。

I beg anyone who is considering taking one of these drugs, such as Fosamax , or Bonita , to carefully study the side effects, so you won't become one of the statistics. 謹懇請任何曾考慮採取以下任一種藥物,如福善美 ,或博尼塔 ,請認真研究它所伴隨的副作用,在你的病歷成為一個被簡化的統計數據以前。

Fosamax Plus (福善美的副作用)  http://goodday19./blog/post/30140882

Get Bones? (344則福善美使用者的病歷分享)  http://gotbones./fosamax-side-effects.html





Well, that's exactly what's going on with the new osteoporosis drugs. 是的,這確實是伴隨著新的骨鬆藥所出現的新事實。

Fosomax, Boniva, Reclast, Actonel…these medications are supposed to help stop you from getting bone fractures as you get older. Fosomax,Boniva或Reclast,Actonel ...福善美,博尼塔等..這些骨質疏鬆藥物本應該幫助人們預防止老化性骨折。 But we now have evidence that they cause bone breaks.但我們現在有證據足以證明,它們反而造成骨折。

Researchers studied women taking these medications – called bisphosphonates – who experienced some sort of fracture.研究人員研究服用骨鬆藥物- 成分為雙磷酸鹽 - 的婦女,這些婦女都經歷過某種骨骼斷裂。 Over 65 percent had the same rare fracture in the same area of their thigh bones. 超過百分65以上的研究採樣婦女,在最不容易骨折的大腿骨上,發生骨折。 And these were the women who had been on the drugs for the longest periods.(1) 而這些婦女都長期服用骨質疏鬆藥。(1)

Plus they've also found that if you're on the drugs for a long time and you do get a bone break, you'll heal very slowly. 他們還發現,長期用藥的人一旦發生骨折,癒合情形更是非常緩慢。 Sometimes it can take two years! 有時候,癒合所需時間甚至長達兩年!

It's another example of how modern medicine doesn't learn from its mistakes. 這正是現代醫學無法從自己的錯誤來學習的另一個範例。 They refuse to take a whole-body approach to healing. 它們拒絕以全身醫療的概念來醫治身體。 Instead they opt to treat individual symptoms with drugs designed only for those symptoms. 取而代之的,它們選擇以專治個別症狀的藥物來對付這些個別症狀。

And bone density drugs are a perfect example of this. 而骨質密度的藥物正是一個很好的例子。 I'll tell you how they work in a moment, but first I want to tell you a little bit about how your body makes bone…在我告訴你這個藥物機轉之前,首先我要告訴你的是,身體是如何製造骨頭的...


骨細胞中有細胞被稱為破骨細胞。 Their job is to remove old bone tissue. 它們的任務是去除舊的骨組織。 This allows the bone to grow strong because other cells called osteoblasts then rebuild the bone. 這使得骨骼有機會變強壯,因為另一種骨細胞--成骨細胞將隨之重建骨骼。

With osteoporosis and other bone diseases, there is an imbalance … either your osteoblasts aren't making new cells fast enough, or osteoclasts are removing too much tissue. 骨質疏鬆症和其他骨疾病,多源自於破骨與成骨細胞的運作失衡...無論你是成骨細胞產生新骨的速度不夠快,或是破骨細胞清除過多的組織。

So drug companies came up with a way to stop osteoclasts from removing the old tissue, which also artificially increases your bone density: bisphosphonate drugs. 因此,製藥公司想出了一個辦法,阻止了破骨細胞清除舊骨組織,如此人工化地增加了你的骨骼密度:這就是所謂的 "雙磷酸鹽"藥物。

There are two problems with this. 有兩個問題與這藥物機轉有關。

1. 1。 By keeping your old bone tissue, you increase bone mass but make bones act older. 透過維持住老的骨組織,老的骨組織不再流失,於是骨質密度在數據上是增加了,只是,整體骨骼卻是變老了。

2. 2。 The drugs do the job by poisoning your osteoclast cells.這藥物的所執行的工作,就是毒害你的破骨細胞。

What happens is that you take the medicine, the osteoclasts absorb it, and it poisons the osteoclast cells by cutting off their blood supply.事情是這樣的,當你吃了藥,破骨細胞會吸收它 "雙磷酸鹽" ,然後 "雙磷酸鹽" 會切斷破骨細胞的血液供應。 The cells then either work very slowly or die. 破骨細胞於是變成工作得非常緩慢或死去。

Because they don't take away the old tissue, your bones become denser. 由於舊的骨組織沒有被清除,骨質比起過去顯得更緻密了。 But they're dense with old tissue.但這緻密的填充是來自於舊的骨組織。 And the osteoblasts can't make new tissue if the old tissue is still there. 同時,在舊的骨組織沒有被清除的狀況下,成骨細胞也就無法去進行骨質的更新了。

After a while, the old-bone tissue becomes brittle and fragile, like glass, because it's not as strong as the newer bone that would have formed without the drugs. 不用多久,老骨組織將變得脆弱和易碎,如玻璃一樣,因為它的強度比不上那些沒有遭到藥物毒害所自然形成的新骨。

You end up with technically “dense” but weak bones that can fracture. 最終你得到了技術上的“骨質緻密”,但這嬴弱的骨頭卻是容易骨折的。

The other thing that can happen that most people don't know about is osteonecrosis.其他還有可能發生的事是,大多數人尚不知道的 "骨壞死"。 This is what happens when your bones are too dense with old tissue. 這是當你的骨頭成為太密集的老組織時。 There's not enough space in the inner bone for your bone marrow, which keeps your bones alive. 由於沒有足夠的空間供骨髓內建你的骨頭--它使你的骨頭還活著。 Your bones then start to die. 於是你的骨骼開始死亡。 This often happens in the jaw. 而骨壞死的現象往往發生在下顎。

請參考 雙磷酸鹽 (Fosamax) 為何不能用在植牙病患  http://mulicia./blog/post/17903184

Look, poisoning your body is hardly ever a good idea. 看吧,毒害你的身體,幾乎稱不上是一個好主意。 This is why in my practice, I never use these drugs. 這就是為什麼在我的行醫生涯,我從來沒有使用過這類藥物。 I've helped thousands of patients – both men and women – increase their bone mineral density naturally. 我已經幫助成千上萬的患者 - 包括男人和女人 - 以自然的方法增加骨密度。 Here's what I tell them:  我正是這樣告訴他們的:

1. 1。 Vitamin D3 (calcifediol) is your number-one bone nutrient. 維生素D3(骨化二醇)是你的頭號骨營養素。 Your body uses it in the process of making osteoclast and osteoblast cells.你的身體用它製作破骨細胞和成骨細胞。 I always recommend sunshine as the best source of vitamin D. But because it's winter and you might not be able to get that much sun on your skin, you can: 陽光是最好的維生素 D的來源,但在冬天,當你可能無法得到充足陽光時,你可以這麼做:

  • Eat some mushrooms: They're the only vegetable that has vitamin D.多吃一些蘑菇:他們是唯一有維生素 D的蔬菜
  • Eat seafood: Everyone knows by now that cold-water fish have lots of vitamin D. But did you know that oysters have as much vitamin D as salmon? 吃海鮮類食品:大家都知道冷水魚富有很多的維生素 D,但你可知道,牡蠣所擁有的維生素 D不下於鮭魚? You get about 350 IU for every 3.5 ounces.每3.5盎司的牡蠣就等於350 IU 的維生素D。
  • Eat liver: Pork and beef liver are good sources.吃肝臟:豬肝和牛肝是的良好的維生素D來源。 Braunschweiger pork sausage has 27 IU for every 2 slices, and beef liver has 42 IU for every 3 oz. Braunschweiger豬肉香腸有27個國際單位,每2片,牛肉肝有42國際單位,每三盎司
  • Supplement: I recommend 3,000-5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day.補充:我建議 3000-5000國際單位的維生素 D3的每一天。

2. 2。 Vitamin K is also important when it comes to maintaining strong bones. 維生素K也很重要,當談到保持強壯的骨骼。 Vitamin K comes in two forms: K1 is found in leafy green vegetables and helps with blood clotting. 維生素 K有兩種形式:K1是存在於綠葉蔬菜,並幫助血液凝固。 K2 on the other hand aids with your bones' absorption of calcium to help make them stronger. K2 幫助你的骨頭'吸收鈣,讓骨頭更堅強。 You can find K2 in a variety of different foods including egg yolks, organ meat, and organic milk. 你可以在各種不同的食物找到K2,如蛋黃,內臟,有機牛奶。 I recommend 90 mcg a day. 我建議每天90微克。

3. 3。 Sex hormones are building blocks for strong bones. 雌雄激素積建強壯的骨骼。

  • Estrogen and testosterone control the amount of calcium absorbed into your bones.雌激素和睾丸激素控制鈣的吸收量到你的骨頭。 And by maintaining proper levels in your body, the less likely your bones are to weaken and fracture. 並維持適當的鈣水平在你的身體中,你的骨頭於是不太可能受到削弱和破壞。
  • Progesterone also plays a role.孕酮也起著一定的作用。 Studies show that the cycle of ovulation is also a cycle of bone formation. 研究顯示,週期排卵週期也是骨形成周期。 Progesterone levels drop after giving birth, and after menopause, so returning your levels to normal can be, according to one study, “extraordinarily effective in reversing osteoporosis.”(3) 雌激素水平下降於產後,絕經後,所以只要讓您的雌激素水平恢復到正常就可以了,根據一項研究,“非常有效地扭轉骨質疏鬆症。”(3)

4. 4。 The more protein you eat, the easier it is for your bones to absorb calcium and the stronger your bones will become.(4) You want to eat as many different kinds of protein as you can.你吃的蛋白質越多 ,就越容易增進你的骨骼對鈣的吸收,你的骨骼會變得更強壯。(4)盡量吃許多不同種類的蛋白質。 When choosing animal protein, be sure to opt for natural, hormone-free meat and eggs.在選擇動物性蛋白質時,一定要選擇天然,無賀爾蒙的肉和蛋。 Grass-fed beef, free-range chicken, and cage-free eggs are good choices.草飼牛肉,自由放養的雞與雞蛋都是很好的選擇。

5. 5。 Weight-bearing exercise is one of the most effective ways to increase your bone strength and help prevent fractures. 負重運動是一種最有效的辦法來增加骨骼強度,有助於防止骨折。 These include walking, bicycling, sprints, swimming or weight training.這些包括散步,騎自行車,短跑,游泳或重量訓練。 Focus on increasing intensity in all of these exercises. 增進強度是做運動的重點。

Another benefit for your bones is that if you focus on increasing intensity, instead of increasing duration, you'll lose weight and shed fat faster. 增進骨骼強度的附帶的福利是,如果你專注於增加強度,而不是增加的持續的時間,你將得到減重和和削減脂肪的好處。 This will reduce the amount of stress on your bones and joints, helping you prevent future injuries down the road. 這將減少對你的骨骼和關節的壓力,有助您在未來得以免除受傷。

References: 參考文獻:

1 Lenart, B., Lorich, D., Lane, J., et al, “Atypical Fractures of the Femoral Diaphysis in Postmenopausal Women Taking Alendronate,” New England Journal of Medicine 2008 1 新英格蘭醫學雜誌 2008

2 Odvina, C., Zerwekh, J., Rao, D., et al, “Severely suppressed bone turnover: a potential complication of alendronate therapy,” J. 2

3 Lee, JR, “Is natural progesterone the missing link in osteoporosis prevention and treatment?” Med.Hypotheses. Aug 1991;35(4):316-8 

4 Kerstetter, Jane, E., O'Brien, Kimberly, O., Insogna, Karl, L., “Supplements Dietary Protein, Calcium Metabolism, and Skeletol Homeostasis Revisited,” American Journal of Clinical Nutrition Sept. ” 美國臨床營養學雜誌 九月 2003;78(3):584S-592S














現在有2008年歐洲骨鬆治療準則推薦最好的骨鬆藥-Strotinm ranelate,可以增加骨質生長,並且抑制骨質流失,雙重作用機轉,效果更好,跟目前市面上的
1.  雙磷酸鹽類-福善美"骨維壯"骨力強(只有單純抑制骨頭流失),或是
2.  副甲狀腺合成劑--骨穩(只有單純增加骨質),或是
3.  選 擇 性 雌 激 素 受 體 調 節 劑--鈣穩(只有單純抑制骨頭流失),都不一樣。

ps.即便如此神奇,我們還是去了解 "新的神奇藥物" 的機轉,並注意伴隨而來的 "副作用"喔。


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