

 南山松林 2013-01-06
Unit 1
1.通过做单词抽让卡   by making flashcards    2. 向老师求助   ask the teacher for help
3.以后;随后          later on                  3.害怕/不敢去做某事 be afraid to do
4.嘲笑                laugh at                  4.做笔记;做记录  take notes
5.查阅;查找          look up                  5.编造/组成/拼凑成   make up
7.处理/应付           deal with                 8.感到生气      be angry with
9.(指时间)过去/消逝 go by                    10.尽力做…         try one’s best
11.突然中止/中断      break off               12.参加小组学习     study with a group
13.很兴奋      be/get excited about sth      14.而告终       end up doing
15.做关于的调查    do/make a survey          16.犯错误           make mistakes
17.方面有困难    have difficulty in doing sth    18.写下/记下        write down
19.看作          regard…as                 20.的帮助下    with the help of
1.你怎样为考试做准备?               How do you study for the test
2.用那种方法,我已经学到了很多东西   I have learned a lot that way.
3.听懂那些声音太难了。               It’s too hard to understand the voices
4.卫明有不同的感受。                 Wei Ming feels differently.
5.他觉得看电影让人感到沮丧。         He finds watching movies frustrating
6.我没有搭档一起练英语               I don’t have a partner to practice English with.
7.给老师留下深刻印象。               My teacher is very impressed.
8.她很难造出完整的句子。             She had trouble making complete sentences.
9.他无法走路,甚至无法说话。         He can’t walk or even speak.
10.参加学习小组来学习                I study by working with agroup
   If you don’t know how to spell new wordslook them up in a dictionary
12.他认为看英语电影是个不错的方法。 He thinks that watching English movies isn’t a bad way。            
Dear John
    I’m very glad to hear that you’re learning Chinese.As we knowChinese is becoming more and more useful in the would and more people are learning it.You said you’er having trouble in learning Chinese.Now I’m giving you some advice .First you can go to chinese classes and make friends there.Practicing conversations in chinese with friends is an important and a good way to improve your spoken chinese. You can also listen to tapes,radios or watch TV. If you don’t know any words.You can look them up in dictionary. Reading Chinese stories is also helpful for you.But please don’t give up.If you have any difficulty, you can ask a Chinese teacher for help.
Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. I’m sure you’ll learn Chinese well.
Unit 2
1.过去常常,以前常常       used to     2.我非常害怕,极度恐惧     be terrified of
3.入睡                go to sleep        4.最后,终于                in the end
5.做决定,下决心      make a decision   6.令某人惊奇的是….      To one’s surprise
7.即使,纵然,尽管    even though       8.不再,已不             no longer
9.….感到自豪       take pride in       10.….注意,留心        pay attention to
11.放弃              give up            12.陷入困境              get into trouble
1.你过去很安静是吗?是的,我以前是。You used to be really quiet,didn’t you? —Yes ,I did
2.他过去留卷发                     she used to have curly hair
3.我以前怕孤独                     I used to be afraid of being alone
4.我睡觉要灯亮着                   I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.
5.我几乎没有时间去音乐会           I hardly ever have time for concerts
6.我真怀念以前的日子               I really miss the old days.
7.在过去几天的生活里发生了很大的变化。My life has changed a lot in the last/past few days.
8.别太担心,它会使你压力大的。Don’t worry about things so much. It will make you stressed out.
9.于梅似乎改变了很多。             It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.
10.他妈妈尽可能的照顾好他。        His mother looked after him as well as she could.
11.对马丁来说和他妈妈谈话是由必要的。It was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.
12.这个电话改变了他的人生。        This phone call changed his life.
      This term great changes have taken place in Class Two,Grade Nine since the new English teacher Miss Yang came.
      Nancy and her classmates didn’t use to like English. But now they’re becoming interested in it.They used to only listen to teachers ang take notes in class. Now they discuss things with others and try to solve problems by themselves . They used to have lots of homework to do but now they have less homeworkand they have more time to read English magazines and books.They also joined the Happy English Club at school.
      In shortthey are doing better than before and they are enjoying themselves at school now.
                                  Unit 3
1.代替,而不是         instead of            2.打耳洞          get one’s ears pierced
3.不睡觉,熬夜          stay up              4.前几天          the other day
5.全神贯注,专心于      concentrate on        6.目前现在        at present
7.….有好处            be good for          8.养老院          old people’s home
9.挡道的,妨碍人的       get in the way       10.担心,关心      care about
11.参加考试              take a test           12.考试不及格      fail the test
13.通过考试             pass the test         14.对某人严格要求   be strict with sb
15.彻底打扫              clean up            16.认真对待         be serious about
 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.
 Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs
3.安娜可以选择自己的衣服。      Anna is allowed to wear her own clothes.
4.他似乎没有很多朋友。          He doesn’t seem to have many friends.
5.他需要时间做作业。            He needs time to do homework.
6.父母不应该对青少年要求太严。 Parents should not be too strict with teenagers.
That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.
8.你认为学校那些规定应该改变。 What school rules do you think should be changed.
9.对于赛跑我很认真。            I am serious about running.
10.他需要和朋友共度时光。       He needs to spend time with friends.
My Family Rules
   My parent are very strict with me. And they have made some rules which I must obey. FirstlyI must finish my homework in time . Secondly, I’can’t play computer games , even in my free time or on weekends. Thirdly, I have to do some chores ,such as making the bed and tidying my bedroom and so on. If I break one of them ,my parents will be angry with me .But thanks to these rules ,I can live a healthy and regular lfe.
 I think the second rule is unfair to me. I hope sometimes I could be allowed to play computer games for a while, which will make me relaxed.
                                 Unit 4
1.医学研究           medical research           2. 二百万美元   two million dollars
3.变得紧张           get nervous               4.起疙瘩        get pimples
5.如果将会怎么样   what if                   6.一点也不      not…in the slightest
7.很多的,足够的     plenty of                 8.相处      get along with
9.未经允许           without permission        10.名列前茅      come top
11.使失望或沮丧    let down                 12.提出,想出    come up with
13.出版,发表        come out                14.偶然的        by accident
15.在公共场合        be serious about
1.如果你有一百万美元,你会做什么?   What would you do if you had a million dollars
2.如果你是我,我会穿衬衫打领带。     If I were you I’d wear a shirt and tie.
3.如果我不认识别人怎么办。           What if I don’t know anyone.
 What are you like — I think I’m creative and outgoing.
 If I won a million dollars I’d give it to medical research.
You have plenty of friends and you enjoy the company of other people.
 I don’t have a present what if everyone else brings a present.
 If I were you I’d take a long walk before going to bed.
Your friend would probably say that you are easy to get along with.
10.你有一小圈的小朋友。   You have a small circle of very good friends.
We’ve got many calls from teenages. They have met different problems.
   A girl named Mary said there were many rules in her family. For exampleshe had to do chores after school. Another girl called Luck felt worried because the pet dogs in the neighborhood made the ground dirty.
   Here I have some suggestions for Mary. From your call I know you have different ideas about your family rules. If I were youI would have an honest talk with my parents because we can exchange opinions and then understand each other better. Or why not consider writing a letterMaybe that’s a good solution. Good luck.
                                  Unit 5
1.属于Tom       belong to Tom             2.她最喜爱的作者    her favorite author
3.去参加音乐会      go to the concert        4.弹吉他            play the guitar
5.占期末考试的30%    make up 31% of the final exam 
6.焦虑   be anxious/worried about      7.给母亲的礼物   a present for his mother
8.因为考试     because of the test        9.带相机的女人      a woman with a camera
10.拍电影      make a movie               11.在附近           in our neighborhood
12.报警        call the police               13.隔壁邻居         next door neighbor
14.逃走    escape from                15.在试卷的海洋中   in an ocean of paper
16.当心,小心 be careful of sth              17.上飞机           get on the plan
18.一股怪味    s stange smell               19.假装睡觉         pretend to be asleep
20.用完   use up/run out of                   21.跑步锻炼    run for exercise             
22.知道/不知道 have some idea/have no idea
1.你认为“anxious”是什么意思?     What do you think“anxious” means
2.他可能是在跑步锻炼身体。         He could be running for exercise.
3.你觉得那个男的为什么跑?         Why do you think the man is running.
4.在我的梦中,我在题海中游泳。     In my dreamI was swimming in an ocean of paper.
5. 她是唯一学法语的人。            She’s the only one who’s studying French.
6.主任不可能是个男孩子。           The owner can’t be a boy.
   Maybe it means you’re afraid of too much homework.
8.马克吐温是玛丽最喜欢的作家。     Mark Twain is Mary’s favorite author.
9.她因为考试而着急。               She’s worried because of her test.
10.他有可能是跑着去赶公交车。      He might be running to catch a bus.
 OhlookThere is a T-shirt here .It’s a school T-shirt . Then,the person must go to our school .Maria and Sally lost their T-shirts .Could it be Maria’s or Sally’s ? There is a hair band in the pocket . But both of them have long hair There is a photo of Jackie Chan in the pocket. Sally likes Cheng Long very much , but Maria ’s favorite is Sun Yanzi. So,it could be Sally’s. There is a credit card too. Then, it must be Sally’s school T-shirt .She has long hair, she likes Cheng Long, and she is the only person who has a credit card in our class.
 Unit 6
1.伴随唱歌   sing along with                    2.随音乐起舞 dance to the music
3. 各种各样的     different/all kinds of             4.比起A更喜欢B    prefer A to B
5. 写某人自己的歌词 write one’s own lyrics      6. 提醒某人某事    remind sb.of sth
7. 歌词唱的清楚    sing the words clearly      8.确定做某事    be/make sure to do sth
9.最著名的中国摄影师之一      one of the best –known Chinese photographers
10.玩的开心 have a great time/enjoy oneself=have fun   11.去度假 go on vacation        12.在热天   on a hot day           13.世界级的摄影师    a world-class photographer
14. 多年来 over the years         15.有好处/坏处     be good/bad for
16.擅长/不擅长于 be good/bad at         17.友好/不好       be good/bad to
18.保持距离   stay away form    19. 6个月的英语课程 a six-month English course
20.一个参观的好地方 a great place to visit        21. 意见一致 be in agreement
22. 增加患癌症的危险 increase the risk of cancer
1.我喜欢我可以跟着跳的音乐。         I like music that I can dance to.
2.我喜欢那些自己写歌的歌手。         I love singers who write their own lyrics.
3.—你认为它怎么样。                 What do you think of it
   —我非常喜欢他                    I enjoy it a lot.
4.你喜欢什么类型的音乐。             What kind of music do you like.
5.你最喜欢的书的名字是什么?         What’s the name of your favorite book.
6.不管你做什么,不要错过这次展览。   Whatever you dodon’t miss this exhibition.
7.这儿有很多东西可以去看和做。       There’s just so much to see and do here.
 It’s a great place to visit and I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course.
 I’d like to stay healthybut to be honestI only eat food that tastes good.
Dear sir,
I’m a middle school student. I often listen to your misic program and I like it very much,especially the English songs. As a student, I’m busy with my studies. When I feel tired, I will turn on the radio and listen to your program. I’ve also learned many English words from these English songs.
Among all these English songs, I like “Give Me Five” best. Would you please send me the lyrics of the song?                                            Yours sincerely 
Li Lei                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
                                 Unit 7
1.暖和的地方 somewhere warm      2.中国东部的某地   somewhere in eastern China.
3.法国的首都 the capital of France    4. 在丛林中跋涉trek through the jungle
5.有一天   one/some day   6. 欧洲最热闹的城市之一one of the liveliest cities in Europe.
7.消费相当高的地方 quite an expensive place          8. 整年/一年到头all year round
9.计划做某事plan on doing/plan to do                  10. 将来 in the future
11.向某人提供某物provide sb.with sth/provide sth for sb    12. 梦想 dream of/about
13到一个刺激的地方去旅游 travel to an exciting place.
14.在每年这个时候 at this time of year     15.一个带有厨房的房间a room with a kitchen 16.有教育意义的地方 an educational place      17.带轻便的服装   pack light clothes 
18.离开大约三星期 be away for about there weeks
19. 为某人翻译 translate sth for sb (into+语言)   
20.横渡太平洋 sail across the PacificOcean
21.这个问题的不同答案    different answers to the question.
22.继续做某事 continue doing sth/to do sth      23. 根据调查   according to the survey
24. 实现梦想 achieve one’s dream/one’s dream come true
25. 为什么不…. Why not do…=why don’t you do
26. 对(某人)提供 offer sb sth=offer sb to sth          27. 考虑 consider+名词/doing   
28. 毕业以后 after finishing school           29. 愿意努力工作be willing to work hard
30. 在一方面在另一方面…on the one hand…on the other hand.
31. 坚持你的梦想/坚持跑步 hold on to your dreams/hold on to running
32. 受好的教育 have a good education      33. 不现实的梦想 less realistic dream.
1.我想去休闲的地方。     I’d like to go to some somewhere relaxing.        
2.我希望有一天去法国。   I’d hope to go to France some day.
3.我想去墨西哥旅游。     I’d love to visit Mexico.
4.那儿没什么可做/好玩的 There’s not much to do there.
5.我喜欢气候总是温暖的地方。 I like places where the weather is always warm.
6.我想去休闲的地方。     I’d like to go to a relaxing place.
7.我们不应该在马路上踢足球。 We are not supposed to play football on roads.
   For your next vacation why not consider visiting paris.
   Traveling around Paris by taxi can cost a lot of money.
Hainan Island is the second largest island of China. Haikouthe capital of Hainan Province is in the northeast of the island.It’s the largest city on the island.It’s a pretty city with an interesting flower market. On Hainan Islandyou can visit Wanquan RiverDongshan Ridge Hot Springs and Hairui Tomb.Sanya is in the south of the island. It’s famous for“Yianya Haijiao”. You can go scuba diving, fishing and boating. If relaxation is in your plan then there are long white beaches to walk along. Hainan Island is the place to visit, whether it’s summer or winter. 
 Unit 8
   1.打扫干净     clean up          2.看望生病的孩子    visit sick kids
3.让某人高兴       cheer up          4.分发,发放        give out/hand out
5.推迟,延迟       put off           6.建立,创立,开办   set up (establish/start)
7.修理,修补       fix up            8.张贴,搭建         put up
9.要求,请求       ask for           10.发展,产生结果        work out
11.让我的生活充满乐趣   fill my life with pleasure    12.立即,马上    at once
13.帮助某人解决困难     help (sb) out         14. 类似/相像   be similar to
15. (在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像    take after                                                                                                                                                                 
1.作为一名志愿者是伟大的。        Being a volunteer is great.
2.他看上去很伤心,让我们使他高兴起来。 He looks sad. Let’s cheer him up.
We’re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people.
   4.你认为我能做那种志愿工作。   What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do
   5.我想帮助无家可归的人。      I’d like to help homeless people.
   6.他想出来的这些方法很奏效。    The strategies that he came up with worked out fine.
     We can’t put off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now.
     I’d like to join the school volunteer projectbut I’m not sure what I should do.
 9. 我修理自行车并赠送出去。   I fix up bikes and give them away.
Dear students,
     In some parts of our country, there are many children out of school. They are too poor to go to school. At the same time, they don’t have enough school things and clothes. In my opinion, every child should have the right to go to school., but there are few chances for the poor children. So we should help them as possible as we can, just like giving them school things,clothes and so on, I hope they will enjoy/have the same chance of getting knowledge as we do in the school.
     Thank for your joining                                      Studengts’ Union
Unit 9
1.用来做某事   be used for doing sth   2.改变鞋子的风格 change the style of the shoes
3.一只闹钟     an alarm clock        4.一只电灯泡      a light bulb
5.恼人的发明   annoying invention    6.错误的          by mistake
7.意外的       by accident/chance    8.够咸的          salty enough
9.最后         in the end           10.掉进水里        fall into the water
11.酸味        the sour taste         12.发出一股清香   product a pleasant smell
13.在第六世纪 in the sixth century    14.收到某人的欢迎 be enjoyed by sb
15.球员的安全 the safety of the players16.在硬的木板上   on a hard wooden floor
17.与某人相撞 knock into sb         18.倒下          fall down
19.划分成…divide…into…        20.在历史上      in history
1.它用来在黑暗中看东西。   It’s used for seeing in the back.
2.--- 汽车何时发明的?         --- When was the car invented.
——发明于1885年。        ——It was invented in 1885.
3.知道1610年,茶才流传到西方世界。Tea wasn’t brought to the Western Would until 1610.
In this wayone of the world’s favorite drinks was invented.
5.后来,他决定尝一下这种热的混合液。 Later he decided to taste the hot mixture.
6.薯片是被偶然发明的。               Potato chips were invented by mistake.
7.顾客说菜不够咸。                   The customer said they weren’t salty enough.
8.他每天给人们更多的时间来工作和玩耍。It gives people more time to work and play.
9.撞到别人和跌到将是危险。Knocking into others and falling down would be dangerous.
   Since thenthe popularity of basketball has risen worldwide.
                        Why we have to study English
     English is used as an international language. It is spoken by ovre 40 million people as their first languag in the world. It is also widely studied as a foreign language in many countries. In the modern world. English is widely used for international business. Three quarters of imformation on the Internet is written in English. It is also used by the travelers around the world. So young people must learn English well if they want to have a better future.
Unit 10
1. 之前   by the time          2. 发出响声    go off      3. 匆忙离开   run off
4. 让人搭便车 get sb a ride      5. 做成功    make it      6. 出故障   break down
7. 通宵熬夜    stay uo all night     8. 愚人节   April Fool’s Day
9. 等待某人做某事 wait for sb to do   10. 出席;露面 show up   
11. 激起;引起 set off     12. 卖完   sell out     13. 和某人结婚 be/get married to sb
14. 穿衣服 get dressed     15. 有一个开心的结局   have a happy ending
1. 当我出来时,公交车已开走了。 By the time I got outsidethe bus had already left.
When I got to school       I realized I had left my backpack at home.
3.在愚人节Dave发生了什么事。What happened to Dave on April Fool’s Day.
4.当我到那里时,我发现他已经愚弄我了。When I got thereI found that he had fooled me.
Welles was so convincing that hundreds of people believed the story.
6.你曾经忘记过一个亲属的生日吗? Have you ever forgotten a relative’s birthday.
——是的,我忘记过。             ——YesI have.
7.我刚好赶上上课。                I only just made it to my class.
    Many people ran to their Iocal supermarket to buy as much Spaghetti as they could.
                               A terrible day
Last Tuesday morning,Xiaona’s alarm clock didn’t go off. So she woke up late.She took a quick shower,had a little breakfast, and then ran off to the bus shop. Unfortunately, by the time she got there,the bus had alreadly left. She had to run to school. When she got to school, she found that she had left her schoolbag at home. What a terrible day she had
Unit 11
1.公共厕所 a pubic restroom         2.打电话            make a telephone call
3.存钱      turn left/right             4.买些书写纸         get some writing paper
5.在二楼    on the second floor       6.免费音乐会         free concerts
7.摇滚乐队        rock band          8.一个闲逛的好地方   a good place to hang out
9.装扮成小丑   dress up as a clown     10.上舞蹈课           take dance lessons
11.依据,取决于   depend on        12.改变我们说话的方式 change the way we speak.
13.为了不冒犯人        in order not to offend people
14.听起来更加有礼貌。 Sound much more polite
1.你能告诉我怎么到那里吗?     Could you please tell me how I can get there
2.你知道哪里有好吃的地方吗?   Do you know where there is a good place eat
   Can you tell me which is the way to the museum
   Could you please tell me if there are any good museums in Newtown
5.银行在你右边。               The bank is on your right.
   The drug store is between the furniture store and the bookstore.
7.坐扶梯到二楼然后右转。       Take the escalator to the second floor and turn right.
8.总有某些事情发生。           There is always something happening.
Next Saturday is my birthday. And I’m going to have a party at home. Could you please come to my party The party will start at 730pm. I hope you can come.
Do you know how to get to my house New let me tell you. I live at 70 Nanjing Road. You can take the NO.1 bus or NO.34 bus. And get off at Renming Road. My house is across from the bus station. Please remember that my house is redand the door is white. You can’t miss it. Do you think so I’ll be very glad if you can come to my party. See you then.
Best wishes,
                                                               Wei Hua

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