

 爪一o_0一斗 2013-01-10


幽幽tina 2012-12-06 1612



这些猫咪——稍稍借助于主人的帮助——一一直在竭尽全力演绎多幅名家杰作,其中包括萨尔瓦多·达利(Salvador Dali), 提提安(Titian),埃德加·德加( Edgar Degas)等人的作品。在模仿时,我们的猫友们随意摆了一些姿势,或是闲适地侧卧一旁,或是专注地照着镜子。

Feeling blue: This wide-eyed moggie does a good impression of Richard E. Miller's Woman In Blue Dress


Cat nap: A sleepy feline mirrors Joseph Ducreux's classic 1783 self portrait with a massive yawn

打盹的猫:一只睡意朦胧的猫咪打了个大大的哈欠 ,与约瑟夫-迪克勒(Joseph Ducreux) 1783年的经典作品打哈欠自画像有异曲同工之妙。

Room with a view: There is plenty to stare at in this copy of Salvador Dali's Woman At The Window

有风景可看的房间:这幅萨尔瓦多·达(Salvador Dali)《窗户旁的女人》的山寨版看点多多呀。

Wet, wet, wet: This ginger cat brings a splash of colour to The Bath by Alfred George Stevens

湿漉漉,水淋淋:这只米黄色的小猫给阿尔弗雷德·乔治·史蒂文斯(Alfred George Stevens)的《浴女》增添了一抹亮色。

Tongue twister: Recreating Echo And Narcissus by John William Waterhouse can be thirsty work


Taking it easy: Mariano Fortuny's 19th Century painting Odalisque is just the ticket for this lazy cat

放轻松:马里安诺-福琼(Mariano Fortuny)19世纪的画作《大宮女》由这只小懒猫来演是再合适不过的了。

Big hug: George Luks' Young Girl With A Doll proves a purr-fect match for a cuddly cat

大大的拥抱:这只抱着玩偶的小猫完美再现了乔治-卢克斯(George Luks)的《小女孩与玩偶》。

Vanity: Cat's are known for taking pride in their appearance, just like Anton Einsle's Women Before A Mirror

猫咪也虚荣:正如 安东-因索(Anton Einsle)的《镜前的女子》,猫咪们也对自己的外表深感骄傲。

Pious: Put your hands together for this cat's attempts at Guido Reni's Repentance Of St Peter

虔诚:这只猫咪在尝试去演绎吉多?雷尼(Guido Reni)“的《 聖彼得的忏悔》,让我们双手合十,为它祈祷吧。

Right notes: This cat shows he also has a musical side as it copies Young Man Playing The Flute by Gerard Hoet

没跑调:这只模仿杰拉德·赫特(Gerard Hoet)《吹笛子的男人》的小猫也展示了它热爱音乐的一面。

Page-turner: Carlo Dolci's St. Catherine Reading A Book is one painting you can't put down

引猫入胜的书:卡洛?多尔奇(Carlo Dolci)《圣凯瑟琳阅读》这幅图相信你看过之后会爱不释手的。

Naked truth: This moggie shows it is quite the poser as it reclines in the fashion of Venus of Urbino by Titian


Twinkle toes: Two Dancers on Stage by Edgar Degas gives these kittens a chance to show off their moves

跳跃的脚趾:埃德加-德加( Edgar Degas)的《舞台上的两位舞者》给这两只小猫提供了一展曼妙舞姿的机会。

Best friends: Animal rivalries are put aside for Sir Joshua Reynolds Princess Sophia Matilda Of Gloucester

最好的朋友:为了演绎雷诺兹(Sir Joshua Reynolds)的《格洛斯特索菲亚公主》,这对天敌放下了它们的私人恩怨。

Forty winks: Mocking John Singer Sargent's 20th Century classic Repose can be tiring work

小憩一会:模仿20世纪乔恩-辛格-萨金特(John Singer Sargent)《信赖》,这个活可够累的。

Love is in the air: Kittens show their romantic side when acting out Romeo and Juliet by Ford Madox Brown

漫天弥漫的绵绵爱意:倾情演绎福特-布朗(Ford Madox Brown)的《罗密欧与茱丽叶》,小猫的浪漫情怀一览无遗。

Red heads: Flaming June by Frederic Leighton has this ginger moggie falling fast asleep

红红的脑袋:弗雷德里克-莱顿( Frederic Leighton)的《燃烧的六月》让这只米黄色的小猫酣然入睡。

更多请见: http://www./news/article-2242364/Its-Salvador-Dali-cat-friends-High-minded-felines-recreate-series-masterpieces-little-help-owners.html#ixzz2E5LyIajF

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