

 小林个人图书馆 2013-01-11


 中央教育科学研究所 陈春勇




Abstract: this essay probes into the defects in the choice of both English words and English sentence patterns in Chinese middle school students’ English language writing. Based on a detailed explanation of the cause of the said defects, the author puts forward relevant resolutions. Also, by means of analyzing some model compositions, the author comes up with several points which Chinese middle school students are supposed to pay attention to in their English language writing, for the purpose of giving practical suggestions and methods for the improvement of their English language writing.

Key words: middle school students, English language writing, the use of words, sentence patterns








Wang Ming had to stay at home to look after his mother. His mother was ill.


Wang Ming had to stay at home to look after his mother, for she was ill. 或者:

Wang Ming’s mother was ill, so he had to stay at home to look after her.

当然, 本句若不使用衔接词,而时使用定语从句,也能解决问题。

Wang Ming had to stay at home to look after his mother, who was ill.



Many middle school students spend many hours a day visiting the Internet. This has produced an unfavorable influence on their studies. Many parents are against their children’s visiting the Internet.

上面短短三句话中,有三处使用了many, 令读者感到作者词汇之贫乏。另外,三个句子之间也缺乏必要的衔接词或关系词,致使句与句子之间的联系不够紧凑、连贯。为此,可进行如下修改:

A large number of middle school students spend several hours a day visiting the Internet, which has produced an unfavorable influence on their studies. Therefore, lots of parents are against their children’s visiting the Internet.


英语句子按其结构可分为简单句、并列句、复合句和并列复合句。欲令文章具有吸引力,应保持句式多变、结构丰富;否则,句式结构千篇一律,会令读者感到单调发味,也不利于明确和突出文章的中心思想。为保持句式结构的多样性,可将各种句式混用。如,长短句搭配使用,并交叉运用不同的主从结构、并列结构、倒装结构等,以求收到句式多变并突出重点的效果。具体说来,可将某些简单句改为并列句或从句,而穿插保留一小部分长短不等的简单句;将某些使用较多的“主-动-宾(SVO)”基本句型的开头部分,变换为短语(如副词短语、分词短语、介词短语)、从句(如由when, because, although, if等连接词引导的状语从句),或使用并列连词(and, but等)或连接副词(however, actually, consequently等)。

上述两例已经充分说明了这一问题。学生写出的上诉英文句子多为简单句,句式结构单一,而且前后句之间缺乏衔接词。第二例中修改后的英文,使用了定语从句和衔接词Therefore, 使得前后句较为紧凑,衔接自然,句式多变,因而可读性较强。



A Clever Boy

It was Sunday and Tom didn’t go to school. So his father asked him to paint. He took out three apples and told Tom to draw as many apples as on the table. Tom loved playing football and didn’t like painting. He thought it would be too hard for him to draw so many apples. So he thought and then he had an idea. He ate up two of the three apples and then there was only one apple left on the table. He finished his painting and went out to play, leaving his work on the table. When his father came back and saw the painting, he was surprised to see there was only one apple on the table and his son was no longer there.







    在行文中,无论英文或中文,反复使用同一词汇或短语,自然会令读者生厌,丧失阅读兴趣。目前,不少中学生对此尚缺乏足够的认识,认为写出的英文能表达思想即可,在此思想支配下,他们殊少考虑英文写作中避免用词单调重复的问题。另外,有些同学已经意识到最好能够广泛使用近.义词或同义词,借以增强语言的丰富性和表现力,但囿于其有限的词汇量以及对有些同义词或近义词的区别与联系把握不足,致其深感“心有余而力不足”,无法或不敢奢求对用词丰富性和多样性的考究。如,表达“许多”时,有的同学想  起有不少近义词(manya large number oflots of plenty ofmucha great deal of a large amount of)可供选用,但又对有些词组的区别有些含糊,便反复使用正确性较有把握的某一个词或短语。







   (一) 归纳衔接词或常用句式,尝试用于写作中




    1.导人。一般说来:generally speakingas a general rulein general

    从一定意义上说:in a wayto some extentto a certain degree

    在我看来(我认为,据我所知)In my opinion….

    As far as I know (am concerned)…,At an individual leve1,I feel that

    To the best of my knowledge…,PersonallyI suppose!  I think (supposemaintainbelievefeelreckonhold the opinionview) that...

    2.比较:similarlylikewisein the same wayunlike

    3.列举或附加:for examplefor instancesuch asnamelythat isabove allin the first placefirst of allto begin withto start withfirst and foremost in the second place alsobesidesfurthermoremoreoverin additionwhat is morefinallyeventually

  For one thing,...For anotheron the one hand…,On the other hand

4.原因:owing toon account of , as a result of because of, thanks toin view of , seeing thatconsidering, The reasons why, are as follows:there are several reasons why

5.结果as a resultconsequentlythereforethussuch being the caseunder such circumstances

6.强调:indeedas a matter of factin realityin factin essenceactuallyin other wordsafter alldoubtlesslyno doubtneedless to saynaturallyof courseadmittedly

7.转折或对照:althoughregardless of, in spite ofnonethelessneverthelessconverselyon the contraryin sharp contrastby contrast

8.时间:after a whileas soon asin the meantimemeanwhilerecentlylatelypresentlyso farfor the time beingat present

9.结论:to sum upto concludein conclusionin a wordin shortin allin brief, n summaryon the wholein the long run


毋庸讳言:It goes without saying that

不可否认:There is no denying the fact that

一般认为:It is generally believedthought that  It is commonly held that…

        It is universally acknowledged that...It is generally accepted that...

与一般看法相反/不同,我认为……:Contrary to generally accepted ideas, I argue that

相比之下,AB更有利。By contrastA is blessed with more advantages

    By contrast, A enjoys a distinct advantage over B.利大于弊。The advantages outweigh the disadvantages

对此问题,人们态度不一。People’s attitudes towards the problem vary from person to person

众说纷纭,莫衷一是。Opinions vary from individual to individual


The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant of the basic fact that…


At first thoughtit may seem a reasonable ideabut on closer analysis we find that...

大多数人认为……:People at large believemaintain that; The vast majority of people reckon (hold the opinion) that

越来越多的人倾向于认为……:A significantly increasing number of people tend to believe that...



举例来说,表示“强调,注重”,我们可以使用下列近义词(组:stressemphasizelay (putplace) emphasis onlay (putplace) stress onhighlightpay close attention toattach

importance toexpress deep concern atmake much account of。表示“许多”,上面已经提到,有manya large number of lots of, plenty ofmucha great deal of, a large amount of等可供选择,但要弄清它们的区别:manya large number of修饰可数名词;lots of, plenty of修饰可数或不可数名词;mucha great deal of, a large amount of修饰不可数名词。再如,表示“有时”,不必总考虑使用sometimes,还要想到另有at timesfrom time to timeon occasionsthere are times when (接从句)…可用。表示“花费(时间)”,可用动词costspendtake,但应注意它们的主语不同。如,表达“他们花费了三天时间完成了这项任务。”可说成:They spent three days (in) completing the task./It took them three days to complete the task./The task cost them three days



They will spend millions of dollars on the project.(主动--语态与被动语态间的转换) Millions of dollars will be spent on the project

I will always remember his advice(肯定句与否定句间的转换)I will never forget his advice

He had saved a lot of moneyand he wished to buy a computer(并列句与复合句的转换) After he had saved a lot of money, he wished to buy a computer

He said to the boys,Please dont make so much noise.” (直接引语与间接引语的转换) He told the boys not to make so much noise

They decided to make every effort to protect those animals(不同词类间的转换) They made a decision (made up their minds) to make every effort to protect those animals

He did not realize his mistakes(不同词类间的转换) He was not aware of his mistakes

The meeting is very important(不同词类间的转换) The meeting is of great importance

I told her what she should do next(复合句转化为含不定式的简单句) I told her what to do next

I was deeply moved by his wordsI made up my mind to mend my ways(以分词或从句合并简单句) Deeply moved by his words, I made up mind to mend my ways.→As 1 was

 deeply moved by his wordsI determined to turn over a new leaf.

 The child had no moneyHe had to begHe would be starved(以连词等合并简单句) The child had no moneyso he had to beg, otherwisehe would be starved

 She wrote a letterand thanked him for his help(并列句转化为含分词的简单句) She wrote a letter, thanking him for his help

 When night fellwe went home(复合句转化为含独立结构的简单句) Night fallingwe went home

 Finally I found the girlIn front of her stood a boy(简单句合并为复合句) Finally I found the girlin front of whom stood a boy

 In spite of the bad weather, they continued their football match(通过将介词短语转化为从句,使简单句转换为复合句) Although the weather was badthey continued their football match

 The child is too young to lift such a heavy box(含不定式的简单句转化为复合句) The child is so young that he cannot lift such a heavy box

 Wang Ming had to stay at home to look after his motherfor she was i11(并列句转化为含定语从句的复合句) Wang Ming had to stay at home to look after his motherwho was ill

Then he met Maryand she invited him to a party(并列句转化为复合句) Then he met Marywho invited him to a party

 A boy would be laughed at if he meant to do such a thing(复合句转化为复合句) A boy who meant to do such a thing would be laughed at

 He said he was busywhich was untrue(复合句转化为复合句) He said he was busythough it was untrue




It was Sundayand Tom didn’t go to schoo1So his father asked him to paint

Tom’s father took out three apples and told Tom to draw as many apples as on the tableBut Tom loved playing football and didn’t like paintingHe believed it would be too hard for him to draw so many applesSo he thought and thought, and then he had an ideaHe ate up two of the three apples, and then there was only one apple left on the tableAs a resulthe finished his painting and went out to playleaving his work on the table

When Tom’s father came back and saw the paintinghe was surprised to find that there was only one apple on the table and that his son was no longer there




 当前,不少文学作品被改编成电影。有人选择看电影,有人则喜欢读原著。请你以“Film or bookwhich do you prefer?”为题,按照下列要点写一篇英语短文:(1)看电影:省时、有趣、易懂。(2)读原著:细节更多,语言优美。(3)我的看法及理由。


 Film or bookwhich do you prefer?

 Some of US think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the originalThe reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole storyBesidesthe film is usually more interestingand it is easier to follow

 Some others have just the opposite opinionThey think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhilethe language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful.

 PersonallyI agree with the second viewActually, I have more reasons for itI think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of may ownand what’s moreI am able to better understand the author's ideasIn a wordto read the original Work is better than to see the film based on it


 1.注意使用衔接词。文章第1段使用Besides;第2段使用Meanwhile;第3段则使用PersonallyActuallyand what’s more,以及In a word。每段各句之间和不同段落之间


当然,第2段首句若改为Some othershoweverhave just the opposite opinion.则段落之间的连贯性和逻辑性会更强。

2.同义词和近义词使用方面亦有所考虑,但稍显不足。如,末段第3句先使用can,随后使用其同义词组am able to,值得肯定。但另有一些地方频繁使用相同词汇,这令文章留下一点缺憾。如,3个段落中均使用think,其实后两个段落中的think完全可换用其他同义词。本文在前面“三、解决途径”中开头部分的衔接词或常用句式归纳部分,对此已有述及,不再赘述。

 3.适当考虑了表达句式的多样化。如,第1段采用了宾语从句和表语从句;第3段则使用了由现在分词充当的伴随状语,即reading quietly in a situation of my own,以及由过去分词充当的后置定语,即based on it




[1]中华人民共和国教育部.全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿).北京:北京师范大学出版社, 20011





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