

 爪一o_0一斗 2013-01-21


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发布:2011-07-25 11:42:05双语对照 | 查看译者版本
What Does Success Look Like?


by Jonathan


One of the primary reasons that people struggle to become successful is because they don’t have a clear vision of what they want to accomplish.  Instead, they have vague ideas of the benefits they would like to enjoy, but they lack a solid strategy for getting there.


This kind of scenario will often lead to jumping around from one idea to another, but never really committing to any of them. When results don’t come quickly, it’s easy to lose interest and move on to something that might bring faster success with less effort.


Has this been your experience?


In these cases, the problem is rarely that success is unattainable. Most of the time the problem has to do with clarity.  Either we don’t have a clear enough vision of exactly what we want to accomplish, or we don’t have a viable strategy for turning our vision into a reality.


If we don’t know exactly where we want to go, how can we possibly design a good strategy for getting there? The reliability of the strategy is directly related to the clarity of the vision! So the first step toward success is always to identify precisely what you want to accomplish. I am not just talking about financial or career success here. These principles apply to success in any endeavor in life.


Planning for success


Below you’ll find a simple 5-step process to help you develop a clear vision and put it into action:


1)  Know exactly what you want to accomplish and why. Rather than just thinking about the perks and benefits that your success will bring, focus on identifying the reasons you want to accomplish this particular goal. Why is this success important to you and how will it add value to your life?  How will this accomplishment affect or contribute to the lives of others and especially those closest to you? What are your deeper motives?


2) Have an approximate timeline for completion. Realisticall, how long should it take for your objective to be completed?  Barring any unexpected delays, have a general idea of when you should reach your goal. This is important because it adds clarity to your vision. Your mind will adjust your plans and actions accordingly. Very often things take however long we allow them to take, so having a tentative timeline adds structure to our strategy.


3) Have a list of clear action steps. Besides knowing exactly what you want to achieve, understanding the steps involved is absolutely vital.  Think about the end result you want to create, and then consider exactly what you will need to do in order to get there from where you are right now.  Write each step in order, and make a note of any obstacles you are likely to face along the way. Now, give some forethought to how you will overcome those obstacles so you won’t get caught off guard.


4) Have a solid plan for putting those steps into action. Is there a clear progression that needs to be followed for your strategy to work?  If a delay comes up, will it require that you change the order of your action steps? You can’t plan for every possibility, but having a plan B will add flexibility to your strategy and help you stay within your timeline. Once you start, make sure you put your plans into action, and keep them in action.


5) Finally, re-evaluate and adjust as necessary. Once you are moving forward toward your vision, it’s important to avoid unnecessary detours and delays. To do this you will need to evaluate your progress and make any needed adjustments. Expect circumstances to change because they will. That’s why you need the ability to respond accordingly if you want to experience success.

5) 最后,重新评估和调整你的计划是必须要做的事。一旦你开始朝着目标前进,避免不必要的弯路和拖延是十分重要的。为了做到这点,你必须要评估你的进度和做出必要的调整。外部环境总是在变化。这也正是为什么你需要掌握随机应变这种能力的原因,如果你想要成功的话。

Plan to succeed


This may sound like a lot of work, and perhaps that explains why success continues to elude so many. We all know the old quote: “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail”


Success in any area of life rarely happens by accident. Those who understand and implement the process correctly are the ones that succeed. In my Breakthrough Strategy Coaching practice, these are among the most common issues that need to be addressed.


How about you? Maybe you want to lose some weight or get in better shape. Perhaps you want to create a new business or take your career to the next level. In a relationship, both people can go through this process together with the goal of adding greater value to their partnership. If you have been chasing success in any area of your life, I encourage you to put more thought into the five steps listed above. If you do, you’ll likely find yourself on the fast track to success like never before!



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