
2.莫格利学会游泳 Mowgli learns to swim

 兰黛公主 2013-01-24

2.莫格利学会游泳 Mowgli learns to swim - 坐看云起 - 谁谓一室小,宽如天地间。

Mowgli learns to swim


Loosely based on Rudyard kipling’s the jungle book


part one

Mowgli, Bagheera the panther and Baloo the bear are having a picnic near the river. A big tiger growls! GRRRRRRR! The tiger is behind the tree! Bagheera and Baloo jump into the river. The water is cold! jump in! Jump into the river, Mowgli!’ they shout. ‘No! No! I can’t swim! I can’t swim! says Mowgli. Jump onto my back! shouts Bagheera. Mowgli jumps onto Bagheera’s back. Bagheera, Baloo and Mowgli swim across the river. Bagheera and Baloo are tired! They sit on a rock to rest. ‘who is he? asks Baloo. His name is Shere Khan the tiger,’ answers Bagheera. Look at Shere Khan!’ says Bagheera. ‘He must not eat the picnic!’ ‘Yum! Yum! I’m hungry! says the tiger. ‘Delicious ham sandwiches! Fantastic sausage rolls and orange juice Yum! Yum! Yum!.

莫格利巴吉拉黑豹布鲁正在河边野餐一只大老虎咆哮grrrrrrr老虎在树的后面巴吉拉巴鲁跳河水是冷的跳进河里莫格利“他们“没有没有我不会游泳我不会游泳莫格利跳到我的背巴吉拉莫格利跳到巴希拉回来巴吉拉布鲁莫格利游过河巴吉拉巴鲁累了他们坐在一块岩石上休息他是谁布鲁他的名字叫希尔汗老虎”答案,巴吉拉“在希尔汗双双不能吃野餐' '百胜百胜餐饮集团我饿了老虎说“美味的火腿三明治奇妙的香肠卷和橘子汁……好吃百胜餐饮集团百胜餐饮集团'

part two

Mowgli, Bagheera and Baloo are very sad. The picnic is in the tiger’s tummy! ‘What’s the matter?’ asks Hathi, the elephant. ‘Look at the greedy tiger! says Mowgli. ‘My delicious picnic is in the tiger’s tummy!’ ‘Go back across the river! says Hathi. Go back to the tiger and say: Naughty, naughty tiger! You must not eat the picnics any more!’ ‘No, I can’t go back! I can’t go back! says Mowgli. ‘I can’t swim!!!’ ‘How old are you, Mowgli? asks Jo the monkey. ‘I’m 8, I think, says Mowgli. ‘yes, I am. I’m 8!’ ‘You are a big boy, Mowgli. Boys of 8 can swim,’ says Mandy the mouse. ‘I can’t swim! says Mowgli. ‘I can teach you to swim! says Hathi. ‘I can teach you to swim!’ says Jo the monkey. ‘I can teach you to swim!’ says Bagheera. ‘I can teach you to swim!’ says Baloo. ‘I can teach you to swim! says Mandy the mouse. ‘Thank you! Thank you! says Mowgli. Baloo, Bagheera, Jo and Mandy jump into the river! ‘Are you ready, Mowgli?’ they shout. Are you ready to jump into the river? One! Two! Three! Ready, steady GO!!! Splash! Mowgli jumps into the river!


part three

‘Good! Good boy, Mowgli! say the animals. Move your legs up and down, up and down!’ says Jo. Move your arms in and out, in and out! says Mandy. Close your mouth and open your eyes!’ says Baloo. Move your arms and legs in and out and up and down!’ says Bagheera.


‘Help! shouts Mowgli. ‘Help! I can’t swim!’ ‘Climb onto my trunk, Hathi tells Mowgli. Mowgli is on Hathi’s trunk! ‘Ha! Ha! laugh Baloo, Bagheera, Mandy and Jo! How are you Mowgli?’ they ask. ‘I’m fine! shouts Mowgli. ‘I think I can swim, but not very well!.


Jump into the water. Jump into the water and swim! says Hathi. ‘Yes! Look! says Mowgli. ‘I can jump into the water and I can swim!’ ‘let’s sing a song! shout Mandy and Jo. Baloo sings with the other animals. ‘You can swim, you can swim! Yes you can, yes you can! Jump into the river, jump into the river! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash! Splash!’ ‘let’s swim back to the naughty tiger! shouts Mowgli. The naughty tiger must not eat the picnics any more!’ ‘yes! shouts Baloo. ‘let’s go back!’ says Bagheera. Hooray! Hooray! shout the monkeys, zebras, giraffes, lions and elephants. They all clap and clap. Very good Mowgli. You can swim now!!!


Where is the tiger? asks Mowgli. The naughty tiger is in the forest. Say the animals. let’s have a party! Says a lion. ‘We have a lovely picnic for you! says a giraffe.


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