
New Year ,Same You——But Better!

 kuangshi 2013-01-28

New Year ,Same You——But Better!


Well,there is no doubt about it ,time seems to be flying! It feels like you just get the holidays trappings and trimmings put away and it’s time to get them out again. When we interviewed women for our book Love for Grown-ups , we discovered that as the holidays came to an end , women ticipation and a bit of drad . How can you look at the Ne Year as a fresh start ? Here are some ideas:


Keep your resolutions rasonable. Sure , we all might want to put “lose ten pounds by Valentine’s Day” on our rseolutions list , but let’s be practical here —— the odds of that happening are probably pretty slim , but if you do achieve that goal , good for you ! Try thinking of more “ life changing “ resolutions lide “try  something new this year , “ or “get in touch with friends from college , “ that kind of thing . The pounds will take care of themselves.


Use deadlines to help you do things you’ve putting off . One woman we interviewed for our book told us that she rewrite their wills for over three years and still hadn’t gotten around to it . One of her friends finaaly said , “Use your wedding anniversary as the deadline for writing your wills . Tell yourselves you’ll have it done before you celebrate “ ——and they did .


Make a list and get help checking it twice . There is no doubt that we are all realy ,really busy ! Work , family , doctors’ visits , the list goes on , and sometimes just thinking about all you have to do  , well , stops you from doing it . Sme of the brides we interviese told us that they organize your life , like sending you and email when someone’s birthday is coming up . These can really help you keep control of heads which can become overwhelming.


Control the clutter a little at a time. If you’re like a lot of us ,you are stopped in your tracks by all that needs to be done around your house . Your underwear drawer explodes every time you open it ,the closets are packed with clothes you haven’t worn in years , etc. etc. One bride suggested this helpful tip : Get a kitchen timer and set it for twenty minutes . Go through clutter until the bell rings and stop  If you know you have only twenty minutes ,you don’t get bogged down, and a number of 20 minute clean-out sessions are much easier to handle than trying to go at it for an hour.


Look at the calendar and think ahead . When you get your calendar for 2013 , think if there is something you’d like to do in say , the summer or fall , and  the kids camping for two years but somehow it never happens , this is the year to look ahead and say “let’s go the second week in August . “ If it turns out you have to move your trip ,fine ,but at least you’ve go it on ghe calendar!看看日历,先做打算。拿到2013年日历后,想想比如说你在夏天或秋天有什么想做的,然后提前计划。如果你两年来一直想带孩子们去野营但不知怎么从未实现,今年就是时候了,你要做好计划说“我们8月份的第二周去吧”。如果你不得不改变行程,没问题,但至少你划在日历上了。

Remember that the beginnning of every year is a new , fresh start . You may not achieve all of your goals , but every little bit will help make this year even better than the last .记住,每一个年初都是崭新的开始。你可能实现不了所有目标,但每一点小小的努力都会帮你把这一年变得比去年更好。

What do you plan to do differently this year from last year ?你今年打算做点什么跟去年不同的事情?


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