

 昵称535749 2013-03-06




    How did that happen? This motorist manoeuvred his car into an almost impossible position

 这是怎么做到的? 这位哥开着他的车停到了一个几乎不可能的位置。

Further... further... But whoever was directing this car was slightly over-zealous, leading to disaster

远点。。。再远点。。。 , 这位指挥停车的哥有点指挥过头了,过线了啊。

Overshot: Another motorist who might have tried to park at an inappropriately high speed

过了: 另一位哥应该是用极品飞车的速度在停车。

Crunch: We can all empathise with bad parkers, even if most of us have never gone quite this far

嘎吱嘎吱: 我们停车都栽过,不过我们中真有人能栽到这种程度吗?

Overambitious: But you have to admit that this driver was successful in his desperate quest for a parking space

狮子王的野心: 不过你得承认这位哥成功地把车停进去了。

Inconsiderate: And not only that, but how did this car even get into its parking slot?

太自私: 不只这样,这位哥怎么把车停进去的?

In trouble: A 4x4 is supposed to be ready for any terrain, but it couldn't quite handle this car park

麻烦了: 四驱车被认为可以适应任何地形,不过它真的适应不了这种停车。

Too far: This car isn't getting out any time soon after finding itself in a tight squeeze

太过了: 这车很快就会发现它已经被挤得出不来了。

 This BMW is (almost) sharing a parking space by going in right in on top

层层叠: 这宝马在其他车顶上又创造了一个立体停车位。

Trying to sweep into a forecourt to fill up on petrol quickly ended in disaster for his driver

快给我油: 冲进去加油的这位哥很快就发现自己栽了。

A little overzealous to get shopping this driver went straight into the window

购物停车: 这位仁兄肯定是太想买东西了。

Why bother squeezing into one space when you can spread your Hummer out comfortably over two?

停满它: 有两个位干嘛只挤一个啊? 

The whole boot of the car is left blocking the exit in this car park that seemingly had plenty of room for manoeuvre


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