
Accesory Article Jewelry Chapter--Hand Catenary

 LOFT生活 2013-03-28
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【 Jane interface】

A kind of jewelry, wearing the wrist chain, from the bangles and bracelets, bracelet chain, in order to pray for peace, calm heart and beautiful as the main purpose.

In general, the bracelet is put on the right hand and left hand is used to wear a watch.

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【 design term 】

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1. [strap type]

The early style of the bracelet chain more generous, dignified, for young and old.

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2. [ShouBiaoShi]

It is characteristic of the middle with a grain of large stones or a bunch of little gems, exquisite workmanship, appearance elegant, richly.

This style is suitable for women working in the field of production, translation, etc., for some middle-aged women are very undesirable.

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3. [flower type] 

There are inlaid gems and not gemstone setting, some with gold, platinum two kinds of material composition, color is rich.

The bracelet chain can dual purpose or use. Connect more than two radical chain let go, a root, and can be used as necklace.

Some set with precious stones in the bracelet chain, still can form a two-piece pendant, necklace, jewelry. People in different age, different identity is fit for use.

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【 lawmakers term 】

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First two cord can be folded in half and the left hand hold point, with your right thumb and forefinger two rope (two rope can't meet together, set aside 1 cm distance), pinch of line up or down at the same time, then release left hand rope twisted together, and then left to the right again and again according to the previous operations, respectively.

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Use the belay devices designed for right hand grabbed the rope at both ends respectively in the opposite direction of twist rope, twist to the required degree of the rope can be folded in half.

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【 material term 】

Generally speaking, there are

Gold, platinum, silver, wood, hard plastic, leather, glass, xiang fang, metal, etc

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1.  [The water crystal ]

According to the laws of the big seven rounds of the satellite body palace crystal basically divided into two categories: radioactive crystal/absorption, crystal.

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To purify before wearing

Either primary or secondary crystal passes through many hands, good magnetic field disturbance, wearing a pile embedded in coarse salt best before a night, to purify it. In addition, due to the different places frequented, easy to absorb bad temperament, affects the energy of SPAR or receive for a long time, so every wear to a month of time, will put the crystal water crystal axis, crystal original stone/parent, any category crystal) side purification; If there is no water crystal axis, usable tin foil encase, tin foil outside bread, in the natural soil, using natural gas purification, or use the distilled water soak for a night, that help make more energy crystal.

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Wear a note

(1), taking a bath, shampoo, heavy labor, physical activity, it is best not to wear jewelry, to avoid damage

(2), not with acid, alkali and other corrosive chemicals contact, in case of metamorphism, influence the gloss

With the hand to touch the crystal, natural crystal temperature is usually much cooler than artificial crystal.

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To identify

Observe with the eye, the natural crystal bracelet is usually cotton inclusions, it is artificial crystal. For monochrome crystal, amethyst, citrine, dichroism usually to observe it, even the top also have off color amethyst, citrine, by this method can identify whether the additive. These is the most simple method, easy to understand. Master these and basic for the average crystal bracelet can identify true bogus

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2. [fei cui]

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Identification of

(1), to identify due to the density of the jade itself by weight proportion is big, we can put the jade hand inside ok to move up and down a few times, feel to there is a downward pressure on heavy feel, feel it may be the true jade.

(2) identify the true jade, through hardness hardness is very high, we can use a sharp nails or knife, such as iron hard objects to delimit or scratched the surface of the jade, if is real jade, jade surface when there will be a slippery feeling and don't leave any scratches.

(3), through the voice to identify we can use the rope tie emerald, and then use the rope in hand to lift the emerald dangling picked up, and then gently with hard stick to knock jade, if it is a real hit after the sound is very crisp.

(4), by the color of the surface gloss to identify jadeite really feels very smooth surface with the hand, and in the sun will appear very luster, internal decorative pattern is also very delicate and cool and refreshing feeling.

(5), with a magnifying glass view its cross section is cut for some jadeite jade can be viewed with high-powered magnifying glass incision,, really will have obviously irregular emerald cut broken lines, and also can see the internal fine structure.

(6), by hot water immersion to identify we can put the jade on the boiling hot water, after a period of time to see whether there is discoloration in the water, or cloth emeralds, see if there are any color, if it is real jade, I wouldn't fall colors.

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(1), often wear, it is often said that the "jade dependent person, people raise jade", for jade to wear is often the most effective maintenance method

(2), clean dirt not only need to use water miserably miscellaneous any detergent, dry with soft cloth after cleaning

(3) after picked, jade best kept where it is not easy to encounter, mat under the soft cloth

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3. [hetian jade]

Identification of

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(1) color eye view

Hetian jade is fundamental key with white, and blue color, color is uniform. White jade, especially the suet white jade is specific to hetian jade. Jade and jade nanyang also has white, but no is hetian jade, some even contain impurities such as green. Blue sapphire, sometimes confused with green jade and jade and so on easy, to grasp the green features, it is between blue and green.

Hetian jade jade son some there are, though though color is brown, and more limited to local.

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(2) analysis of quality of a material

Hetian jade dense texture and fine and smooth, moist and soft, with oily luster, give a person the sense with soft in just, particularly white jade. Other jade has a fine texture, but less oily luster and moist hetian jade.

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(3) the test method of impurities

Hetian jade pure, impurities. Impurities of iron and graphite are common. Brown on the impurities throughout the crackle, or brown-black, discernible to the naked eye. Graphite in black, distribution in mo.

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(4) determine hardness

Hetian jade hardness in 6.5-6.9, engraved with their steely knives, and its hardness is similar to the jade jade, jade nanyang, chalcedony, etc. Jade hardness is 6.5 7.0, nanyang jade hardness is 6.0 7.5, chalcedony is 6.5-7, can be used to distinguish other characteristics.

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【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by YouDao】

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