I am writing an interrupt-driven app for the ez430-F2012T target
board, and using three switch/case statement inside two interrupt

I'm using the TI-supplied IAR Embedded Workbench compiler,

  IAR C/C++ Compiler for MSP430 V4.10E/W32 [Kickstart] (

In one case, the IAR compiler generates a very nice jump table.

In a second, it rejects this statement:

  switch (__even_in_range(TAIV,10))

generating the following error:

  Error[Ta021]: This intrinsic can only be used as argument
  to a switch statement

but accepts this:

  switch (TAIV) {

(On an earlier incarnation of this same code, the IAR compiler might
 -- or might not -- generate error TA021 depending on the C
 statements in one of the 'case' sections.)

In a third case, a swtch() inside the TAIV switch(), the IAR
compiler generates a series of SUB.B/JEQ instructions.

Here's a sample of an error-generating switch() statement:

#include "msp430x20x2.h"
int main( void )
  switch (__even_in_range(TAIV,10)) {
  case 0:
  case 2:
    TACCR1 = 0;
  case 4:
  case 6:
  case 8:
  case 10:
  return 0;

When I attempt to compile this on my system, it generates an
Error Ta021. If I comment out the TACCR1 line, it compiles

I've read the EW430_CompilerReference.pdf manual, but other than
the (seemingly random) __even_in_range() intrinsic, it doesn't
say much about controlling the code generated from switch/case

Can anyone shed some light on this? As a fallback, I could create
a whole mess of functions and create a table of function pointers,
but that adds the call/ret overhead and more stuff on the stack.

Thanks for any suggestions...

Frank McKenney
    (A)bort, (R)etry, (G)o fishing?