
@@@(周运)贝拉每周占星运势 2013.04.10~04.17 (双...

 昵称华明房产 2013-04-12



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You get a second lease of life this week, and it’s a new chapter in what is clearly one of those “can’t put down thrillers”. Arians do tend to live riveting and adventurous lives and this week provides yet another opportunity for you to make a splash. Of course like the person who dive bombs the pool there is always going to be someone on the periphery who gets sprayed in the process (and doesn’t approve) whilst others applaud.

But did you stand there for a long time building up the courage before you “jumped” or was it impetuous? In other words did you consider that some people would be affected by your actions - and you went ahead and did them anyway - or did you do it without consideration and then feel a tad shamefaced or accountable?

You’re a risk taker and probably dived straight off, but either way it’s not going to be the last time you climb up that ladder and leap (nor was it the first) but your lesson is to figure out how to pull this off in a better way. In other words make a bigger and better splash, improve your game but at the same time become more conscious of the feelings and sensibilities of those beneath or close to you.

There is someone with whom you will have “something” to address (it may have financial or legal implications, a practicality that you’ve overlooked or even a more controversial or public connotation).

You know it and they know it. You might be prepared to let go (of this friendship, association, job, relationship) or you may want to mend bridges – but I do think you need to restore or appease (or even apologize) for whatever occurred - that in some way, directly or indirectly you had a hand in (and I do think there is a tiny element of guilt here).

Last week it was all a bit confusing, like playing “join the dot” but a picture has finally emerged and you were either right or wrong about your assumptions and depending on which, ties in with the above. Either way I think you’ll be able to find a way to exit stage left graciously, although not before there are those twinges of discomfort when someone puts you on the spot over your stance/actions.

If it’s in a working situation, another party may be trying to guide you (or is that curtail you?) and they do want to place limits on your actions and in some cases not give you the go-ahead.

There may be triangles and questions of loyalty and you may have to make a decision categorically about whether you are for someone (or an idea) or not; and what you say or write will take on significant meaning. Sitting on the fence won’t do, nor will it be allowed.

But in your own desires and aspirations there are no such considerations and you are going ALL OUT now and you can limit your self indulgence, but not your restraint…

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There’s nothing worse when you shake hands and then feel like you have to count your fingers afterwards to make sure there are no fingers missing. It’s like sleeping with the enemy (not literally) but there is a specter of having to deal with someone who presents one face (or a position) when you suspect that there is another one.

That they are not “for” you and indeed may even be against you.

Trust your instincts on this one.

At any rate you are making breakthroughs, as a result of Cosmic intervention and your own hard work, tenacity and smarts. You’ve been trying to wrap up something that has been either a thorn in your side (or a goal) – or a combination of the two – and this week you have a real breakthrough in this regard. You are putting right a wrong or highlighting a mistake and at times you weren’t really sure where it was going, as there was a lot of “smoke and mirrors”. If there’s any smoke now, it’s because there IS a fire, and one that you have lit, and the heat is on.

Call it a helping hand from the Gods, some call it Infinite Power, the Cosmos (whatever it is that you believe in) or simply that “truth will out” and the right thing will always and ultimately prevail (and certainly with Pluto in Capricorn it will). But something is happening in your life that is restoring your faith and although you are still subject to the same uncertainties and fears; there is validation to be had.

Of course much of your world is still unclear with so many celestial bodies in the hidden area of your chart and in some ways you are being backed into a corner from which you can see no exit (or not one in the direction that you like).

Before your annual solar return you are also reflecting on some of your actions over the past year and hopefully feeling completely at peace with them. If they have caused you to be where you are now and you’re not comfortable (or fearful) of that, then this needs to be addressed. Otherwise you are on the precipice of great personal power - although someone (or a group) continues to try to pull the wool over your eyes.

Do you need the validation of everyone or just yourself? You have to decide on this, especially when you may have to make some tough calls and in spite of the expression “no man is an island” in one particular situation you ARE an island (and probably encircled by sharks).

You will need to be resourceful, clever and unyielding and but I’m pretty sure by now you know exactly what needs to be done. I repeat, follow your instincts and trust yourself (and besides once you are set on a view, a tsunami couldn’t move you…).

At any rate an end is in sight to a long-standing situation and then you can finally let go and let live!

At least you have the support of loved ones and someone does really care for you and maybe (if you’re really lucky) adores the pants off you…

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You (like most of your zodiac siblings) have your moments of clarity this week - the epiphany or the confirmation - but you ARE being left in little doubt about the direction in which something is headed.

You are a very adaptable sign; you don’t hold on like Taurus in the face of opposition and dig in, and this is a very helpful trait. You weigh up the situation and then adjust accordingly to fit in with the prevailing mood or current. I imagine you’ve done (or are in the process of doing) just that as you recognize that a different approach is required.

It’s possible you are feeling a degree of trepidation about what is ahead (or that you can anticipate transpiring) and even though you are ingenious enough to cover as many bases as you can, there may be some concerns about previous actions taken that are only coming to light now.

This is a time when you are like a dividing organism (and you can do this better than anyone) and if one direction looks like the better bet, you’ll embrace this new lifestyle or this new persona.

You’re leaving behind a passage of divine discontent and now you’re bored with that reality and want a new one; one that offers more satisfaction and gratification that you’re currently getting in your existing role (whatever that role may be).

In order for you to succeed this week you’ve got to join with others, and get on the same page to be a force majeure. This is not the time to play a solo race. Not that you would anyway but how this pans out is anyone’s guess because unlike Mercury who tends to play Puck, Pluto is the Terminator.

You were anticipating an outcome or certain result that was not forthcoming and that has set you back at bit (at least in confidence).

The group and your goals for the future are the things that weigh either heavily or otherwise on your mind this week and there is unquestionable a financial element to your discussions and plans.

Figures are being changed and amendments made to financial documents, but be conservative and cautious with this with Pluto insisting on honest disclosure – one way or another, and with or without your help.

Whilst you tend to get snappy and moody with loved ones when under stress try not to offload about who did what and why – recriminations will not make any difference to outcomes – rather direct your focus on just that, achieving an optimum end result.

BTW if you haven’t got a loved one in the picture that can change this week also!

You’ve got luck on your side and a Guardian angel in the form of a powerful person. What more do you need or want?

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What people think of you generally (and specifically) in a business or legal sense seems to be very much on the agenda this week and in some ways that is a great outcome for you, and in others not so good.

It does seem that you have been the stuff of legends and the PR surrounding you has (on the whole) been less than idea thanks to Uranus playing havoc in your career and public reputation sector.

You’ve felt ignored and unloved in general (and certainly misunderstood) although your own understanding about life is about as clear and expansive as it’s every been. You’ve graduated with flying colors from the school of hard knocks although some of lessons (if you had your time over) you would not wish to repeat.

That said, there are also some lessons you need to revisit and see if you took the right meaning from them. Don’t worry if you didn’t because someone will help you with this comprehension - and in a nice way.

The Cosmos is leaning more and more in your direction, but I think you sense this (and of course you’re counting down the days before Jupiter enters your sign).

In a matter dear to your heart there seems to be a thawing in a previously negative attitude towards you, or you change tack in some way when a better direction or approach seems more feasible.

It’s a bit of a Chinese whispers scenario. What your understanding about a situation was at the beginning is completely different after it’s been retold, revisited it or rethought out so many times.

It’s actually a very life-defining week in many ways, the new moon is critical because it will steer you in the right direction, not just this week, or this year, but for many years to come.

What you instigate now, you intend to have longevity, so plan wisely. But what occurs this week is the key (and you know what significant occurrence I’m talking about).

The new Moon and Uranus will ensure that you’re playing a game of Snakes and Ladders in life - either at the top of the tree or the bottom rung of the ladder – but just like the game you keep on climbing right up again. Nothing can suppress your drive to move forward, emotionally you don’t need the crutch you used to crave and in so many ways you are more than happy to stand on your own two feet.

A big organization, entity or bureaucracy will be in touch.

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Is the glass half full or half empty? You do appear to start the week off in a somewhat negative vein, which is unsettling not only for you but the people around you.

It seems that your confidence has taken a bit of a hit of late, and this may be related to your work and finances. But perhaps it’s more uncertainty and indecision about where something is headed than anything too damning. Still, (dramatic soul that you are), you are adopting the “worst possible scenario” stance and so of course you feel unsettled.

Don’t worry, by the end of the week you’ll do a 180 degree turnaround in mood and end with a high, and this will be because you will get a breakthrough in your career (or the “powers that be” tell you that you are marvelous).

Of course that will go straight to your head and you’ll get ahead of yourself and if a headhunter comes knocking, you’ll answer the door…

Your existing state of affairs is feeling stale and that may be in your general lifestyle, your job or your relationships, but you’re feeling generally underwhelmed and unfulfilled.

The new moon on Monday will push your adventure button for all things that are “uncommon” (the mind boggles!) and these could range from amazingly different to the downright bizarre - but there’s little doubt that your lifestyle IS changing.

You also want to show the world who you are (and what you believe in), and that has to have a tangible element. You don’t just want to talk about it, you want to live it and act it out.

Certainly your outlook is expansive and for some time now the travel planets have congregated in that area of your chart) the place that stimulates the travel bug and the “wanderer” inside your spirit.

Your innate gusto for life that had dimmed for a while is back with a vengeance so don’t suppress your urges to step outside the box, or outside convention.

Rather try and find some suitable (or “orthodox”) ways in which to express your independence and individuality and give it form.

Clearly that is going to impact on your home life and the people with whom you share your space (and time) and I do urge you to try and be a tad accommodating as you push for your independence and further your (ever growing) ambitions.

It’s probably just as arduous for them as it is for you!

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You’ve taken (and maintained) a back seat for long enough and you will no longer be able to sit by and watch a situation continue to unravel.

It’s untenable for you, so you will be stepping in and taking over and attending to the crucial details that are currently being overlooked. This may be in a relationship or business but the planets still point towards issues of shared resources, either an inheritance (a business), or your financial commitment to some entity (tax man, bank, lender..).

But whatever these issues are, at the very least they are causing you tension and irritation and in it’s worst manifestation, could be overwhelmingly oppressive.

Paperwork, financial, and procedural issues predominate (it may be that you are number crunching with a sibling, parent or child) and family-related financial issues are rather draining right now.

There’s also a Big Brother element - a bureaucracy or perhaps a Government organization - that has ‘authority” and “weight “ and your security feels threatened by them in some manner (or is predicated on their support).

Perhaps you are waiting on an outcome or a go ahead and this is making you antsy and unsure. There’s no doubting your commitment, and you will be pulling out all stops to get something in order; but your skills aren’t magical and don’t and can’t work in ALL areas.

Practical and analytic ones, most definitely - ethereal and emotional ones, are perhaps a bigger ask.

There have been big emotional questions looming for a while in the lives of Virgo’s, such as “keep, find, discard, move on, fight harder”…but it’s not an easy energy – far from it. Most likely you are at loggerheads with someone close, but for how long is this tenable?

Venus arrives on Monday to bring you luck and to sort everything out and you will end the week in an auspicious atmosphere when you start to feel more secure again.

Put it this way, if you stay on the right path (the honest and morally sound one) then the Cosmos will reward you with all the material comforts you need.

When you make your big move (and you will) you’ll have the necessary support if that is required and it may well be from your own family. The ultimate group experience of love and support.

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Well “enough about me, what about you…what do you think of me?” (a great line spoken by Better Midler in the tearjerker film Beaches). That about sums you up at the present time - the “what about me?” enquiry. Or more specifically, what do you think of me?

Or Sally Fields much quoted Oscar speech "You like me, you really like me!

After a period of hits and misses (and even falling off your perch), you are very thin skinned these days about how others regard you.

You’re certainly more responsive and susceptible to the perceptions and opinions that others have of you, and the trouble is that your mood (and self esteem) can flow like the ebb and flow of a tide. Up when you get positive reinforcement and down when you suspect that you are not making the right kind of headway.

Of course this will make your confidence somewhat “variable” and may even cause you to consider if you are barking up the wrong tree or misreading the cues.

You are the zodiacs acrobat, the Olympic medalist of balancing acts, and this is invariable between yourself and others, so if this is out of wack, then so is your sense of Self (and self worth).

This week you are the mediator extraordinaire, tactician, diplomat and cultural attaché (all rolled into one), but when it comes to sticking to your guns, you’re in a very weak position.

Others are not only going to get their way, you’re going to be “bought and sold and not even know you’re on the market” and each concession you make is a reduction of your inner reservoir.

Just make sure that you have a spare tank that you can easily access!

Don’t worry help is at hand and on Monday you can reach accord on a financial and business affair (with everyone being satisfied and happy - including you!).

An introduction this week can also result in a big boost to your financial wellbeing; either a venture capitalist, a financial backer or someone who believes in you and they will put their money where their mouth is.

Or perhaps you marry a millionaire…!

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You get more bees with honey so you’re not going to attract the object or your desire, get your spouse to be more receptive or your coworkers more cooperative when you insist on pointing out the error of their ways or where they are falling short.

They are likely to find you a pain in the neck rather than helpful.

But you might have the adage if you want it done right, do it yourself and that’s a healthy and positive drive if directed inwards (or to stuff related to you), rather than trying to “fix” someone else.

Whilst it is true that the unexamined life is not worth living, it’s pointless getting all hyped up about it or (more likely) gloomy and depressed by what you see as insurmountable hurdles. If you rake over everything that is not right in your life, then of course you’re going to feel dejected.

But nobody’s life is perfect and if you can make some improvements, the diet, cutting back on drinking (I wouldn’t dare say sex) then you will feel better and even more dynamic. You are being rather critical of yourself and of your past endeavors, perhaps more so than you need to be and you are short on patience.

The new moon at the start of the forecast is a perfect time for the commencement of some kind of “reformatory” behavior or a fresh start; but it’s in the action (not the contemplation) that you actually get to gain the improvement.

Congealed thinking is the precursor of failure, so make sure you are being receptive to new ideas.

Thankfully there are more pleasant things to occupy your Saturn influenced thoughts, and it is in fact a rather auspicious time for connecting with some rather special folk.

If you are single this could take the form of a romantic partner but in general you will find that once you get past the weekend, that you become more receptive, tolerant and indeed more open hearted. When you find peace within yourself you become the kind of person others want to find peace with (or a piece of…).

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There are a lot of planetary influences that indicate that whilst you may not be a powerhouse at work and in your business affairs you can certainly make a lot of very positive progress. You’re rather diligent at getting your day to day affairs in order; almost Virgo-like in your attention to detail and the orderliness of your approach and this in turn will actually be quite gratifying.

Perhaps this is a knee-jerk reaction (the polar opposite to a lot of the chaos that has been omnipotent in your world for some time), and Saturn in a karmic transit can certainly be exacting some painful redresses and no doubt testing your humor.

You’ve certainly been doing a lot of business dealings “behind the scenes” of late and yet for a social sign you’ve been quite cut off and alone at times, as you’ve had to focus on these “larger than life” issues. Thankfully Jupiter is pouring oil on troubled waters and indeed you can make the right impression in the right quarters (just so long as you don’t loose sight of the dynamics of “all for one and one for all”).

The new moon at the start of the week is in your fun and romance house - so if you’ve not got a lot of that going on in your life at present then this is your wakeup call!

As I mentioned last week you’re setting out on the Yellow Brick Road towards your own personal OZ and if you can find a running mate to hold your hand and share in your “grand adventure” en route, all the better.

No matter what dross has been going on in your life, you are feeling a lot more sanguine about it all (or is that because you’ve become “slap happy?”) but social and indeed legal affairs are indeed quite blessed.

You are in greater accord with the world (you can even see your opponents view and are more tolerant and understanding) and now all about seeking solutions, rather than divisions or conflict.

If you put on your “business hat” you can come up with a very creative and brilliant breakthrough. You (along with Aries) do love pushing your luck and this time chances are that – yet again - you’ll fall on your feet.

State your case with full force and get everyone on board (although you may have to forego just a little something…and though you forfeit the little, you gain the great.

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You naughty frisky Goat! At the very least you are making “Goat eyes” over tables and across crowded rooms and “dressing to impress” a la Capricorn Kate Moss (or is that undressing?) but you do want to be noticed.

No, not just noticed, admired and appreciated.

For some this will be in the form of respect for your business acumen – as always - but with Venus in the picture from Monday you want to be seen as desirable and attractive. In other words you want people to want you.

That will be welcome news after you pass the next five days (between the start of the forecast and the weekend) still in some kind of doldrums; lying low and contemplating your navel and the world in general.

If you are already “a deux” the deficiencies of the association may be playing with your head (and your heart) and you need to figure out how to approach this in the best possible way.

But something about your home and family (domestic scene or private life) is currently causing your some unease. Perhaps it is your partner who is under duress and needs a shoulder to lean (or cry) on, or you have an ailing parent or an issue with a child.

Or (more likely) you have been doing exactly what Cappys do best - and that is climbing up the ladder of success, and you’ve been so busy and so proficient at doing this, that you’ve allowed certain home duties (and perhaps folk within the home) to go wanting.

It is probably now that you recognize that you need to re-bond and renew some of those vows and fulfill unmet expectations, and address some areas of dissatisfaction (either you to them or them to you).

You do want to live in the best house in the best street so if that is your bugbear and you feel that your dwelling is “letting you down” or “letting down the image”, then for heavens sake move, upgrade or put it on the market. But just make sure that a move is a financial, and social step up (and an improvement in your wellbeing) as opposed to trying to outrun internal or domestic problems that will simply go with you…

If you are single and can’t find love next week (and that would be surprising give the current Cosmic climate) soak up artistic, musical, or cultural activities that enrich your soul and surround yourself with beauty. It’s almost as good as…

Still, starting in a few days time it is a wonderful period for amorous alliances and some would say that love is an alliance of friendship and passion exalted and refined (or gross and sensual depending on how it all pans out….).

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In Sing a Song of Sixpence “The king was in his counting house,: counting out his money” and whilst I hope you’ve got more than sixpence (no doubt at the time the nursery rhyme was penned in the 18th century sixpence was probably a lot of money).

But I use this allegory to illustrate what your focus has been and that you’ve been doing your mathematical sums. Perhaps you are selling up your assets to reinvest in another direction/venture or to make a major purchase.

Alternatively you comprehend that you aren’t making ends meet and therefore it’s time for a review - or a new approach as to how to raise more capital or earn more. Worse, you may have been hit with a series of bills and are facing significant outlays that are very much cause for concern.

At least that genius brain of yours is ticking over and so you won’t be short of ideas as to HOW to manifest your needs. In fact your brain is so “on fire” and on overdrive at the moment, it’s a wonder you can actually sleep! It would be virtually impossible to shut you up or shut you down and I should caution that if you don’t have any avenue to direct your heightened mental acuity, then you’re likely to go a little bit bonkers (and feel rather “agitated”).

So for your mental and emotional health, throw yourself into your work, take on as many tasks as you can and deal with any outstanding matters on your plate.

If you run out of things to do, farm yourself out to someone else and help them deal with their issues (they’ll probably be eternally grateful for your input) or absorb a whole lot of material pertaining to some area of interest.

Failing any of that, take off on a “mini break” (to quote Bridget Jones Diary) simply because you can and because someone has asked (you are super popular these days…).

Any at rate by the time next week comes around, you’ll be able to exhale and regain some equilibrium and a state of relative calm – or dare I say contentment and going back to my original observation, contentment is natural wealth, the rest is artificial poverty.

A get together with a sibling, child or ex will be very rewarding (even if you haven’t seen eye to eye in years) and that may have a tie in with the fact that a number of Aquarians have a Sale or Sold sign on the front of their dwellings.

At any rate you never really leave a place or a person you love (or once loved). Parts of them you take with you, or else you leave a part of yourself behind…

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Like your astrological sibling Aquarius, you too are focusing on your financial resources. But whereas Aquarius moves on to other issues, you’ll be keeping your focus on this area and it will remain an ongoing concern (and indeed the central theme of your communications and thoughts).

“How” and “where” you spend your resources, will figure prominently and perhaps you are making a large transaction or planning for a retirement - or simply need to manage a business concern.

It’s highly likely that you will be engaging the services of a financial professional because you recognize that this area of your life needs to be brought into line (or improved or restrained).

It’s likely that some Pisces are quite anxious over their security and engaged in weighty discussions with bank managers, investment advisors, loan companies and accountants (or debt collectors). To add insult to injury, your colleagues are being less than supportive and indeed you can’t really count on your allegiances, the constancy is somewhat suspect.

The new moon may give you a new lease on your financial life when you decide to turn over a new leaf and “get serious” about getting somewhere in life.

It’s true that some of your sign simply drift down the stream like flotsam and jetsam (or swim against the prevailing currents) and thus don’t make a lot of financial progress, but in the main, you are a sign that is often rewarded with money and fame.

Fortune magazine collected the zodiac signs of hundreds of CEO's of companies that are among the largest 400 companies and guess who was the leader of the pack? You of course! (Followed by your preceding sign Aquarius). Your strong intuition generally leads you to success (so always pay attention to that gift) but you are quite blessed by the Cosmos in that things tend to come rather easily to you (generally speaking).

So you will probably always have enough money to be able to live in comfort, just so long as you pay attention to the “pertinent” times in the Cosmos (such as now) when it is calling upon you to focus on your finances and get these in order.

Better yet, the Cosmos will send a new opportunity your way - if that is required - and if not, an opportunity to spend lot of it will arise (and without the slightest trace of buyer’s remorse…).

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