

 笑熬浆糊糊 2013-04-26

Klaus's relationship with Elijah and Rebekah is as bad as it's ever been. At this point, it's hard to imagine them deciding to move to New Orleans as one big happy family. Will their relationship improve over the course of this episode?现阶段Klaus和Elijah以及Rebekah的关系进入史无前例的冰点期。因此我们也很难想象,他们仨会决定一起去新奥尔良去建立一个快乐的家庭。那么他们的关系在今天这集中会有怎样的改变呢?

Things are definitely getting more complicated, but I don't know if that's an improvement or not. At the beginning of the episode, it feels like there's a line. Klaus is on one end of it, Rebekah's on the other, and Elijah is sort of in the middle. Elijah trying to bring things together in the family, but I think the most interesting thing about "The Originals" is that their dynamics are complicated. Morgan(Klaus扮演者):事情变得越来越复杂了,但是我不知道这算不算是另外一种进展。在这一集一开始,我们可以感觉到他们三人之间有一根线。Klaus在线的一端,而Rebekah再另一端,Elijah则在中间。Elijah想维持家庭关系,但是我觉得在《The Originals》的故事中,有趣之处就在于这三种力量的复杂牵制关系。

There's certainly some hate for one another, there are things you think they'll never forgive each other for, but there's love as well. As an actor, I make a conscious decision that there's love. When he says these terrible things to Rebekah -- "You're not my family, you're not my sister, you're nothing to me" -- I think that I have to make him go to a place where he shuts off his emotion. He puts up a wall around how he feels for her, as opposed to not ever feeling for her. I don't know if the relationship is going to improve or not, but I know it's going to have more layers.他们之前肯定是互相讨厌的,你可能会觉得他们也许永远都不会原谅对方,但是他们之间又的确还有亲情在。作为一个演员,我认为他们之间肯定是有爱的。虽然Klaus对Rebekah说了“你不再是我的家人,不是我妹妹,你对我完全不重要”这样的重话——但是我觉得这是因为他封闭了自己的情绪。我不知道他们三人的关系是否会重修旧好,不过我知道事情绝不是那么简单。

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