
2013届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修2 Module 4《Fine Arts Wester...

 霜冷长河598 2013-05-01
I am tired of learning English. 我厌烦学英语。 
短语精释 1. be / get tired of 对……厌烦 
知识拓展 be / get tired with / from 因……     而疲倦 be tired out=be worn out 很累,很疲倦 
be tired of (doing) sth.厌倦了(做)某事 tire vt. 使疲倦;疲劳;累         tired adj. 疲劳的;累的 tiring adj. 引起疲劳的;累人的 
I am tired of learning English. 我厌烦学英语。 
短语精释 1. be / get tired of 对……厌烦 
知识拓展 Digging tired me. 挖地使我累了。 短语精释 1. be / get tired of 对……厌烦 
单项填空 ______ of the ______ speech, he looked out of the window. A. Tired; tired B. Tiring; tired C. Tired; tiring D. Being tired; tiring   
【解析】 C  tired of…在句中作状语,表示原因;而第二空修饰speech则应用tiring,表示“令人厌烦的”。
 The students took turns to clean up their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室。
 2. take turns 轮流 知识拓展 in turn 依次,轮流;反过来
 by turns 轮流地(指动作或现象的“交替”出现) out of turn 不依顺序地,不合时宜  
on the turn 正在转变 短语精释 The students took turns to clean up their classroom. 学生们轮流打扫教室。
 2. take turns 轮流 知识拓展 turn out(to be) 结果是……,证明是…… 
turn down 关小声音;拒绝 turn up 调大声音;出现,露面 短语精释 
2. take turns 轮流 
短语精释 完成句子 ①I asked them to ___________ talking about the pictures. 我让他们轮流来讲这些图片。 take turns
 2. take turns 轮流 短语精释 完成句子 
②Stressful environments lead to unhealthy behaviors such as poor eating habits, which ______ increase the risk of heart disease. A. in turn B. in return C. by chance D. by turns
 take turns 轮流 短语精释 完成句子 【解析】 A in turn 转而,反过来;in return 作为……的回报;by chance 偶然;by turns 轮流地。
知识拓展   短语精释 3. a series of 一系列,一连串 The explosion was the latest in a series of accidents. 此次爆炸是系列事故中的最新一起。
 series n. 系列剧;连续剧;单复数同形,此类词常见的还有works“工厂”,means“方法”,species“物种”等。 
 a series of 一系列,一连串    a new drama series 一部新的舞台系列剧       in series 连续,逐次;按顺序排列的;作为丛书的;(电)串联的 
in series with 与……串联,与……相连 
完成句子 The management's attitude may spark off ___________ strikes. 管理层的态度可能会引起一系列的罢工。 
a series of I'm studying art at school, and I enjoy it a lot, although I can get tired of looking at pictures all the time. 我在学校学习艺术,我很开心,虽然老看图可能会看腻。 
句型探究 although的意思是“尽管;虽然”,用作连词,引导让步状语从句。比较正式,一般情况下可以用though替代。不能与but连用,但可以加yet,still等副词用以加强语气。
 句型探究 Although / Though he was seriously wounded, he still held out on the battlefield. 他虽然身负重伤,但仍坚持不下战场。 
词语辨析 even though, though, although, as though/if (1) even though意为“尽管”,引导让步状语从句。 though和although也引导让步状语从句,与even though同义。
 He will not tell the secret (even) though / although he knows it. 尽管他知道这个秘密,他也不肯说出来。 
句型探究 词语辨析 even though, though, although, as though/if Even though / Although / Though it was raining, yet he went there. = Even though / Although / Though it was raining, he still went there. 尽管下着雨,他还是去那儿了。 
句型探究 词语辨析 even though, though, although, as though/if though可以放在句末或句中,用来减缓语气,表示“可是,然而”,相当于however, although却不能。
 Although / Though he believes it, yet he will not act. 他虽然相信它,但却不肯有所行动。 
There is, though, a technique that works. 不过有一种技术却十分有效。 I think I can manage. Thanks though. 谢谢你的好意,不过我想我应付得了。 
句型探究 词语辨析 even though, though, although, as though/if (2) as though(=as if)意为“好像;似乎”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。 
He spoke as though / if he had been here before. 他说话的口气好像他以前来过这里。 as “虽然”,引出让步状语从句,只用于倒装语序结构中,语气强于though和although。 
句型探究 词语辨析 even though, though, although, as though/if (2) as though(=as if)意为“好像;似乎”,引导方式状语从句或表语从句。
 Child as / though the boy is, he knows three foreign languages. (不能用although) 这个男孩尽管还是一个小孩,他却会讲3种外语。
 Try hard as he will, he never seems able to do the work satisfactorily. = Though he will try hard, he never seems… 虽然他努力了,但他的工作总做得不尽如人意。
 句型探究 ①Girl ______, she is much naughtier than a boy. A. although she was B. though she is C. though was she D. although was she 单项填空 【解析】 B 
 though引导让步状语从句时,用倒装语序,用法相当于as,即Girl though she is相当于Girl as she is。 
句型探究 ②______ this is only a small town, it's crowded with tourists who attracted by the beautiful scenery. A. Since B. Unless C. Once D. Although 
单项填空 【解析】 D 考查连词的用法。although 虽然; since 自从; unless 除非; once 一旦。 
2013届高考英语一轮复习课件 外研版全国通用 Module 4 Fine Arts — Western, Chinese and Pop Arts 必修2 
词汇点击 1. delightful adj. 令人愉快的;可爱的 We had a delightful time by the seashore last Sunday. 上星期天我们在海滨玩得真痛快。 
delight vt. 使高兴 n. 欣喜;喜悦;使人高兴的是 take delight in 以……为乐 to one's delight 令人高兴的是 with delight 高兴地 
 1. delightful adj. 令人愉快的;可爱的 delight in (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐(常为残忍的事情) delighted adj. 愉快的;高兴的
 be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事 be delighted at / with 对某事感到高兴 知识拓展 We observed that it had turned cloudy. 我们注意到天已经变阴了。 
词汇点击 2. observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝        observe a rule 遵守规则 observe a person's birthday 庆祝某人的生日
 observe sb. do sth. / doing sth. 看到某人做某事/正在做某事        observe on / upon… 说……;评论…… 
词汇点击 2. observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝 知识拓展 observer n. 观察者;遵守者;评论者 observant adj. 善于观察的,机警的 observation n. 观察,注意 
observatory n. 天文台;气象台;观察台 词汇点击 2. observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝 
完成句子 ①They faithfully __________________. 他们忠实地遵守规则。  
 ②Chinese all over the world ____________ the Spring Festival. 全世界的中国人都庆祝春节。 observed the rules observe 
词汇点击 2. observe vt. 观察;注意到;遵守;庆祝
 完成句子 ③He observed a stranger______ around the store at 12 p.m. last night. A. to hang B. hang C. hanging D. to be hanging 
【解析】 C 由句意可知“当时那位陌生人正在商店周围逛”,故用v.-ing形式。  They adopted my suggestion. 他们采纳了我的建议。 
词汇点击 3. adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养 知识拓展 adopt an idea / a plan 采纳意见/计划 adoption n. 采用,采纳;过继 
词汇点击 3. adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养 词语辨析 adapt, adopt 这两个词拼写只差一个字母,容易记混。 adapt 改编,改作……用,适应 
adapt to… 适应…… adapt sth. / oneself to 使……适应 be (well) adapted to (特别)适应 be adapted for 为……改造/改编 adapt from 根据……改编/改写 
adapt a play/novel 改编剧本/小说
 词汇点击 3. adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养 词语辨析 adapt, adopt I suggest that he should adapt himself to new conditions. 我建议他要适应新的环境。 
hese flowers are well adapted to the harsh winter. 这些花卉特别适应冬天的寒冷气候。
词汇点击 3. adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养 完成句子 ①The poor child ____________ by the couple. 那个可怜的小孩被那对夫妇收养了。
 ②This play has been skillfully ____________ the original novel. 这部小说被很熟练地改编成一部戏剧。 was adopted adapted from 
词汇点击 3. adopt vt.采纳;采用;收养 完成句子 ③We can ____________ this old house for use as a garage. 我们可以将这座旧房改造成一个车库。
 adapt aim at (doing) sth. 瞄准,目标是 aim to do sth. 旨在做某事,打算做某事 without aim 无目的地 achieve one's aim 达到目的 
词汇点击 4. aim vi. 以……为目标;打算;意欲;用某物瞄准某物; n. [C] 目的,目标 [U] 瞄准 
词汇点击 4. aim vi. 以……为目标;打算;意欲;用某物瞄准某物; n. [C] 目的,目标 [U] 瞄准 I aimed at the door but hit the window. 我瞄准门却打中了窗户。
 I aim to be a top student in our class. 我立志要在班里做一个优秀的学生。 What's your aim in working so hard? 你如此努力地工作,目的是什么? 
词汇点击 4. aim vi. 以……为目标;打算;意欲;用某物瞄准某物; n. [C] 目的,目标 [U] 瞄准 aimless adj. 无目标的 aimlessly adv. 无目标地 aimlessness n. [U] 无目的 
知识拓展 词汇点击 4. aim vi. 以……为目标;打算;意欲;用某物瞄准某物; n. [C] 目的,目标 [U] 瞄准 完成句子 ①He ________________ the dog. 他用枪瞄准狗。
 ②_____________________ is to improve students' communication skills. 这个课程的主要目的是提高同学们的交流技巧。 
aimed the gun at The main aim of the course stand sb. / sth. 忍受某人/某事 stand doing sth. 忍受做某事 can't stand to see / hear, etc. 不忍心看到/听到等 
词汇点击 5. stand vt. (stood,stood) 忍受,容忍
 I cannot stand that man; he talks too much. 我忍受不了那个人了,他话太多。
 I couldn't stand to watch them slaughter the cattle. 我不忍看他们宰牛。
 词汇点击 5. stand vt. (stood,stood) 忍受,容忍      stand for 代表,象征      stand against 反对     stand by 袖手旁观      stand up for 维护,拥护,支持 
stand out 明显,醒目,突出      stand alone 独一无二      stand behind 做后盾,支持 
知识拓展 词汇点击 5. stand vt. (stood,stood) 忍受,容忍 完成句子 He can't ____________ in the rush hour. 他受不了在交通最繁忙时出游。
 stand traveling 6. realise vt. 领悟;了解;实现;实行
 If you were in the Sahara, you would realise the value of fresh water. 如果你在撒哈拉大沙漠,你就会知道淡水的价值了。 
词汇点击 词语辨析 realise, come true 都有“实现(理想/愿望等)”之意,但两者用法不同。
realise是及物动词,常用于sb.realise sth.这种结构;come true 是不及物动词词组,通常由表示“理想、愿望等”的名词作句子的主语。
 6. realise vt. 领悟;了解;实现;实行 
词汇点击 完成句子 ①He ________________ when he passed the entrance examination. 入学考试通过了,他的梦想实现了。
 ②His dream of becoming a teacher ____________. 他当教师的理想实现了。 realised his dream came true 
词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 The fire destroyed most of the building. 大火毁掉了这座建筑的大部分。
 destroyer n. [C] 破坏者,驱逐舰 destruction n. [U] 破坏;毁灭 destructive adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的 
知识拓展 词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 词语辨析 damage, destroy, ruin 这三个词都有“破坏;损坏”的意思,
区别如下: damage一般暗示损坏或破坏具体的物品,损坏后价值或效益会降低。这种损坏是部分性的,程度不那么严重,还可以修复再用。也可用于表示损坏抽象的东西,有时该词也用于比喻。
 词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 词语辨析 damage, destroy, ruin Haiti suffered great damage from the earthquake. 海地因为地震蒙受了巨大的损失。
 do / cause damage to sth.对某物造成损害 costs for damages 损害赔偿费 suffer damage 受到损害 damage one's health 损害健康 
词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 词语辨析 damage, destroy, ruin destroy通常指程度非常严重的“毁坏”,一般情况下不可以修复再用。另外,它既可表示毁坏具体的物品,也可表示毁坏抽象的东西
 词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 词语辨析 damage, destroy, ruin ruin多用于比喻中,有时指把某物损坏到了不能再使用的程度,还可指价值或用途降低等。注意ruin作名词的一些短语: 
词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 词语辨析 damage, destroy, ruin The accident ruined all his life. 这个事故毁了他一生。 
in ruins成为废墟 lead to one's ruin 导致某人的垮台 go to ruin/fall into ruin/come to ruin 衰落,败落 ruin one's hopes 使希望破灭
 词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 完成句子 ①Their traditional way of life has been __________ completely. 他们的传统生活方式被完全破坏了。
 ②The earthquake did a lot of ____________ to the city. 这场地震给这座城市带来了巨大的破坏。 destroyed damage 
词汇点击 7. destroy vt. 破坏;毁坏;粉碎 完成句子 ③I ____________ by that law case; I'm a ruined man. 我被那场官司毁了。我倾家荡产了。
 ④After the big fire, the house was completely ______. A. ruined B. destroyed C. damaged D. spoiled was ruined 
【解析】 B 句意:大火过后,整个房子被彻底烧毁了。所以应选destroyed“完全彻底的损坏”。

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