

 苏卜拉妮 2013-05-18

Brand-chasing has become a global offensive全球攻势. We are bombarded with different merchandises商品 of distinctive brands. Luxury brand is a hot pursuit. Who doesn’t want upmarkets高档商品 of brand leader? And a myriad of people hold brand loyalty品牌忠诚. They will buy the things of certain brand at any costs, even some products of brand stretching品牌延伸. Just because of that, counterfeit 伪造arises. It is the time for the counterfeiters to do something. They rip off敲诈 the consumers. Whereby, the synergy effect协同作用 works: the piracy盗版行为 evolves into an inexorable trend不可阻挡的趋势while the brand-chasing is gaining momentum势头增大.

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