

 赫堇轩 2013-05-24




    1. It’up to you.听你的

  2. I envy you.羡慕(不是嫉妒)别人.

  3. How can I get in touch with you?与他人保持联系.

  4. Where is the bathroom/ladies’or men’s room?请问洗手间在哪里?

  5. What’s the weather like today?今天天气如何?

  6. Where are you headed/going?哪儿去?

  7. I wasn’t born yesterday.我又不是三岁小孩.

  8. What do you do for relaxation? 你做什么消遣?

  9. It’s a small world.世界真小.

  10. It’s my treat/It’s on me this time.这次由我请客.

  11. The sooner, the better.越快越好.

  12. When is the most convient time for you?最合适的时间.

  13. Take your time.别急.

  14. I ’ mad/crazy about her.对她着迷死了.

  15. I’m mad at him.他把我给气死了.

  16. How shall I address you? 该怎么称呼你更恰当?

  17. Would you care for a cup of coffee/tea?要杯咖啡吗?`

  18. She turns me off.她使我厌烦.

  19. So far, so good.目前一切正常.

  20. It drives me crazy/nuts.把我逼得快疯了.

  21. She never showed up.他一直没有露面.

  22. That ’s not like him/characteris of him.那不象是他平常的作风.

  23. I couldn’t get through.电话打不通.

  24. I ’m getting sick and tired of living out of a suitcase.


  25. Be my guest.请便.

  26. Can you keep an eye on my bag?帮我看一下包好吗?

  27. Let’s keep in touch.保持联系.

  28. Let’s call it a day.停止工作.

  29. I couldn’t help it/myself.我无能为力.

  30. Something’s come up.有点事.

    31. Let’s get to the point./don’t beat around the bush.


  32. Keep that in mind.切记.

  33. That was a close call.侥幸.

  34. I’ll be looking forward to it.非常期盼.

  35. Chances are slim.几率不大,很渺茫.

  36. Far from it.绝不!

  37. I’m behind in my work.工作速度落后,许多工作待办.

  38. It’s a pain in the neck.令人头痛的.

  39. We’re in the same boat.同病相怜.

  40. My mouth is watering.嘴谗,想吃.

  41. What do you recommend?推荐,建议.

  42. I ache all over.全身酸痛.

  43. I have a runny nose.流鼻水,伤风感冒.

  44. It ’s out of the question.不可能的.

  45. Do you have any openings?求职,有空缺吗?

  46. It doesn’t make any differences.无所差异.

  47. I am fed up with him.我受够了.

  48. You can count on us.信赖

  49. It doesn’t work.行不通.

  50. It is better than nothing.总比什么都没有要强.

  51. Think nothing of it/don’t mention it.没事儿.

  52. I am not myself today.身心不适.

  53. I have a sweet tooth.喜吃甜食.

  54. I can’t express myself very well in English.不能用英语很好地表达.

  55. For the time being.目前.

  56. This milk has gone bad.牛奶坏了.

  57. It’up in the air.尚无定论.

  58. That is beyond me/way over my head.


  59. It slipped my mind.忽略了.

  60. You can’t please everyone.你不可能讨好每一个人.

    61. I’m working on it.我正在办理.

  62. You bet!当然.

  63. Drop me a line.写一两句给我就行了.

  64. Are you pulling my leg?你在开我玩笑吗?

  65. Sooner or later.迟早会发生的.

  66. I’ll keep my ears open.我会留意的.

  67. It isn’t much.微不足道.

  68. Neck and neck.不分上下.

  69. I’m feeling under the weather.身体不适.

  70. Don’t get me wrong.不要误解我.

  71. I’m under a lot of pressure.责任很重.

  72. You’re the boss.听你的,由你做主.

  73. It doesn’t make any sense!讲不通,不合理.

  74. If I were in your shoes.异地而处.

  75. What does this regard!这是甚么?

  76. Over my dead body!休想!

  77. Can you give me a hand?你能帮个忙吗?

  78. We have thirty minutes to kill.我们有三十分钟空闲时间.

  79. Whatever you say.随你的便.

  80. It’ll come to me.我会记起来的.

  81. You name it!随你说,都在内的.

  82. Time will tell.事情终将明朗化的.

  83. Let’s play it by ear.见机行事.

  84. You should take advantage of it.利用机会.

  85. Let’s talk over coffee.利用喝咖啡时间谈谈.

  86. Take it easy.放轻松点.

  87. I’m easy to please.不挑剔,随和.

  88. Let’s give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌.

  89. As far as I’m concerned.就我而言.

  90. I’m all mixed.我给搞糊涂了.


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