
Family Therapy Theory 2 > Units > Future Stud...

 助人专业 2013-06-20

Family Therapy Theory 2

Unit code: HAW412

Credit points 12.5 Credit Points
Duration 1 Semester
Contact hours 3 Hours per Week
Campus External Venue
Prerequisites HAW410 Family Therapy Theory 1
Corequisites Nil

Aims and objectives

This subject aims: 
* To provide further theoretical frames of reference for later clinical work by exploring  the major schools of family therapy.
* To illustrate the different schools of thought with video presentations. 
* To explore some of the major issues of the family therapy field.
* To practise microskills, and to engage in role plays.  

Teaching methods

Lectures, Discussions, Demonstrations, Role Plays and Videotape Analysis


Literature Review, Seminar Presentation, Role Play and Microskills

Generic skills outcomes

  • Development of theoretical thinking.
  • Critical evaluation of research.
  • Appreciate historical development of ideas.
  • Written communications skills.


Schools of family therapy: 

Postmodern theories; solution-focused and competency-based therapy

Major issues:

Multigenerational issues; working with adolescents; larger systems, gender and family therapy; working with couples; psychosomatic families; sexual and marital difficulties.

Students lead a seminar on one of a number of set topics.

Major texts of the family therapy field are reviewed and presented in verbal and written reports.

Students are required to participate in role plays and microskills practice.



Reading materials

Anderson, H., Conversation, language and possibilities, Basic Books, 1997.

Berg, I.K. & Miller, S., Working with the problem drinker, Norton, New York, 1992.

Cecchin, G., Lane, G. & Ray, W., Irreverence: a strategy for therapists’ survival, Karnac, London, 1992.De Shazer, S., Clues, Norton, New York, 1988.

Furman, B. & Ahola, T., Solution talk, Norton, New York, 1992.

Jones, E., Family Systems Therapy, Wiley, London, 2000.

Lang, M, 'Bad therapy: a way of learning family therapy', Networker: 3(2), 40-44, 1984.

Lang, M., 'Silence: therapy with holocaust survivors and their families', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy: 16(1), 1-10, 1995.

Lipchik, E., Beyond Technique: Working with emotiona and therapeutic relationship, Guilford, New York, 2002.

McNamee, S. & Gergen, K.,Therapy as social construction, Sage, Newbury Park, 1992.

O’Hanlon, B., Do one thing different, Quill, 1999.

Sexton,T.L., Weeks, G.R. & Robbins, M.S.,(Eds).  Handbook of Family Therapy, Brinner-Routledge, New York, 2003.

Stagoll, B.L. & Lang, M., 'Climbing the family tree; working with genograms', Australian Journal of Family Therapy: 1(4), 161-170, 1980.


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