
小清新歌曲:Loving You Is Easy(Chris August)

 耕读一亩三分地 2013-06-25

小清新歌曲:Loving You Is Easy(Chris August)

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导读:Chris August是来自田纳西州的美国创作歌手。尽管被说成是一位新晋艺人,尽管他才刚刚签约Fervent Records,成为旗下创作型歌手,Chris August其实早已不是音乐圈的新人。


  Chris August是来自田纳西州的美国创作歌手。尽管被说成是一位新晋艺人,尽管他才刚刚签约Fervent Records,成为旗下创作型歌手,Chris August其实早已不是音乐圈的新人。作为一个自学成才的钢琴师、吉他手、制作人。这位德克萨斯达拉斯的本土艺人,与广受好评的制作人一起合作了他的首张录音室作品,期间chris的精湛创作技艺展露无遗。他大胆的在其作品中抒发他的信仰,同时也不畏惧描述他的情感关系与心中痛楚处。
  Chris 很欣赏Stevie Wonder, John Mayer, Gavin DeGraw 等影响力较大的艺人,他认为他们都创作出了十分优美的流行/摇滚歌曲,而聆听者势必会对这些歌曲产生共鸣。作为土生土长的德州人(达拉斯), August 15岁起开始弹奏钢琴、吉他(也是这一年他开始信奉基督教) - 一位自学成才的钢琴师、吉他手、制作人。 他曾随Ashlee Simpson担任巡演键盘手、并负责开场表演, 所组的团队都曾与Brian Mcknight、Jessica Simpson和Ryan Cabrera合作过。
  在他的嗓音和音乐中可以感受到, 这一切都由神圣的信仰所引领、身受大自然的灵感是上帝所赐予!


  Loving you is elementary
  Easier than 1,2,3
  Well, I passed school so consequently
  It’s coming so naturally
  A is for all that you've done for me
  Being with you's only place I wanna be
  Seeing you's the only thing I wanna see
  Cause loving you is easy
  One cause you're the only one for me
  Two is you and I and I hope you agree
  Three is for the words that you're makin’ me speak
  I love you it so easy
  Let's not make this complicated
  I never made the honor roll
  Cause over thinkin's over rated
  And there’s something that you should know
  Let me count the reasons why
  A is for all that you've done for me
  Being with you's only place I wanna be
  Seeing you's the only thing I wanna see
  Cause loving you is easy
  One cause you're the only one for me
  Two is you and I and I hope you agree
  Three is for the words that you're makin’ me speak
  I love you it so easy
  The hardest part was finding you
  But once I did....I knew
  Let me count the reasons why
  A is for all that you've done for me
  Being with you's only place I wanna be
  Seeing you's the only thing I wanna see
  Cause loving you is easy
  One cause you're the only one for me
  Two is you and I and I hope you agree
  Three is for the words that you're makin’ me speak
  I love you it so easy

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