

 昵称12997372 2013-07-05

Module 5  Workbook  翻译句子


Unit 1   Page.93

1. 昨天汤姆和妻子吵了一架。为了表示歉意,他给妻子留了张卡片,上面写着:对不起,请原谅我。argument; apologize; forgive

Tom had an argument with his wife yesterday. To apologize, he left his wife a note, saying, “Sorry. Please forgive me.”

2. 当我走进房间时,他假装在看书。(pretend

When I walked into the roomhe pretended to be reading a book.

3. 父母应该设法阻止子女吸烟。(discourage…from doing

Parents should try to discourage their children from smoking.

4. 我给他办公室打电话,但打不通。(get through

I rang his office but couldn’t get through.

5. 她克服了害怕在大众面前说话的心理,发表了一个简短的演说。(overcame

She overcame the fear of talking in front of a big audience and gave a short speech.

6. 我宁可走路而不愿意做公共汽车。(would rather…than

I would rather walk than take a bus.

7. 你竟提出这样的建议,真是荒唐。(absurd

It is absurd for you to put forward such a suggestion.

8. 关于对付这种疾病的最佳方法,医生们的意见仍有分歧。(disagreement

There are disagreements among doctors about the best way to deal with the disease


  Unit 2    Page 101

1.他喜爱文学,尤其是经典作品。(in particular 

   He is fond of literature, classics in particular.

2. 在许多美国城市,在饭店内吸烟是违法的。(illegal)

In many American cities ,it’s illegal to smoke in restaurants.

3.时间不多了,我们必须立即行动起来。(run out

  We must act now because time is running out.

4.他们俩在这件事情上意见相左。(conflict with

  Their opinions conflicted with each other on this matter.

5.现今,越来越多的人依靠电脑做很多事。(rely on)

Nowadays, more and more people rely on computers to do a lot of things .

6.我从众多人的谈话中分辨出他的声音。(pick out = recognize

  I picked out his voice from among the conversations of many people.

7.怀特先生宣布他们将把电脑的产量削减百分之十。(cut back on)

Mr. White declared that they would cut back on the production of computers by ten percent.

8.关于他对这次广告宣传活动的建议,我们必须仔细讨论。(in/with regard to

 In/With regard to his suggestions on the ad campaign, we must discuss them carefully.


Unit 3    Page 109

1.该官员拒绝对此事发表意见。(comment on

 The official refused to comment on the matter.

2.别那么拼命工作——你会累坏的。(get burnt out

  Stop working so hard --- you’ll get burnt out.

3.另一方面,他并不指望从这个项目上盈利。(on the other hand; make a profit

  On the other hand, he didn’t expect to make a profit from this project.

4.我们正进行一项调查以了解顾客对 公共汽车服务的看法。(conduct

  We are conducting a survey to find our what our customers think of the local bus service.

5.为了学法语,她去了法国。(with the intention of

She went to France with the intention of learning French .

6.大多数到会的专家支持这项工程。(majority; in favour of

  The majority of the experts present were in favour of the project.

7.如果你把要花在维修上的欠考虑进去,这房子就有点贵了。(take…into consideration

   If you take into consideration the money you’ll spend on repairs, this house is a little bit expensive.

8.她的演讲证实了她完全同意我们的计划。(confirm; in agreement with

   Her speech confirmed that she was in complete agreement with our plan.


课 后 注 释

Unit One

1. John pretended to be interested in the lecture although he was not.


2. She probably sensed that I wasn’t telling her the whole story.


3. Betty always feels that her neighbours are spying on her.


4. Are you accusing me of lying?你是在指责我说谎吗?

5. The guests made a number of remarks about the service of the hotel.


6. I could not help laughing when I saw his haircut.当我看到他的发型时,忍不住笑了。

7. The girl is very sensitive to other people’s comments.这个女孩对别人的评价很敏感。

8. Her novels are anchored in everyday experience.他的小说基于对日常生活的体验。

9. Their friendship was based upon/on each other’s help and support.


10. The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, sex or origin.


11. If you don’t know what you want, you might end up getting something you don’t want.


12. Take a break, John. If you continue working like this, you might end up in hospital.



Unit Two

1. The President then took the floor and answered the journalists’ questions.


2. To my surprise, the young girl laughs the same way (that/in which) her mother did at her age.


3. Do you like the idea of Jack living with us?你喜欢杰克和我们一起住吗?

4. I will ask around and see if anyone can help.我要四处打听一下,看有没有人能帮忙。

5. The government plans to take steps to protect wild animals.


6. The lack of raw material has raised many doubts about the future of the world economy.


7. Children rely on their parents for food and clothing.  孩子们依赖父母供给衣食。

8. At the fair, we have a wide range of books and CDs to choose from.


9. Illegal hunting has put the tiger in danger of dying out.


10. He has a long way to go before he can present the plan to the public.


11. They are very concerned about the rules in/with regard to training.


12. Whenever something goes wrong, everyone blames it on me.



Unit Three

1. He accused the young man of toying with his daughter’s feelings.


2. She just toyed with her food, as she wasn’t really hungry.


3. That was the first play to be performed that year. 那是那年上演的第一场戏.

4. He was decided to go abroad to study with the intention of improving his English and finding a better job when he returns.


5. Many families have to adopt children because they cannot have a baby of their own.


6. They adopted different methods to try to solve the problems.


7. If I had enough money, I would buy a large house and a beautiful car.


8. While English can be difficult to learn, it is a very useful tool for communication.


9. It is hard to push ahead with such an unpopular policy.


10. He ended his speech to his employees on a humorous note.


11. On a more serious note, the manager mentioned the accident last month.


12. She was willing to change the rules in favour of Mary. 她愿意为了玛丽而改变规则。

13. I talked to my friend about it, and he’s in favour of giving up the plan.


14. Experts point out that this problem is not limited to middle-aged people.



Example sentences for grammar and usage

1. You need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend.

2. John pretended not to have seen me.

3. The teacher often has his students read aloud in class.

4. The students expected there to be more reviewing classes before the find exam.

5. That day they were separated, never to see each other again.

6. I would rather visit the dentist than study algebra and arithmetic!

7. I cannot help wondering why she does not like me.

8. I have to put off shopping till tomorrow.

9. I regret to inform you that he flight has been cancelled.

  I regretted telling him about the accident.

10. Mum discourages me from chatting online.

11. We all found his argument convincing and interesting.

12. Having observed the problem for many years, he announced that we are now facing the biggest environmental problem of our time.

13. We are making bigger holes in the nets, hoping to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown.

14. We have to consider the need for environmental protection when developing the economy.

15. More highways have been built in China, making it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.

16. While building a tunnel(隧道) through the mountain, the workers discovered an underground lake.

17. Weather permitting, we will hold our yearly sports meeting next week.

18. Lucy and Lily, looking so alike, are often mistaken for twins.

19. Not knowing much English, he found it difficult to communicate with others while he was traveling abroad.

20. Not having received a reply, he wrote a letter to the professor again.

21. I think the scientific advances mentioned in our article are interesting.

22. After the accident, they found the front windows broken.

23. She lay trapped under the building for three days.

24. Asked why he was against cloning humans, the scientist explained that it might lead to disaster.

25. Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will divide into several parts.

26. The firemen were trying to rescue the people trapped in the fire.

27. As he knows very little English, he finds it difficult to make himself understood.

28. The boy sat at the table buried in his homework.

29. Unless handled properly, misunderstandings may lead to serious problems because of the lack of social communication.

30. Frightened by the thunder and lightning in the night, the girl did not dare to sleep alone in her own room.

31. Lost in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

32. Unless invited to speak, you should remain silent at the conference.

33. Given more time, he will make a first-class player.

34. When heated to a certain temperature, ice turns into water.

35. Discussed (= Having been discussed) many times, the problems were settled at last.

36. He walked onto the platform and seated himself, prepared to answer questions.

37. Freed from endless homework on weekends, the students now find their own activities, such as taking together to watch the sunrise.

38. Determined to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, “wanted, an English teacher for a ten-year-old-girl.”

39. Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.

40. Faced with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time.

41. Worn out after a long walk, Henry called and said he couldn’t come.

42. After his journey from abroad, Richard Jones returned home, exhausted.

43. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely lost to the outside world.

44. A student of English used to dealing with limited exercises finds it hard to get a good mark in an English exam.

45. Once lost, such a chance might never come again

46. Having been attacked by terrorists, the tall building collapsed(倒塌).

47. Translated into the English language, the works of the famous writer have sold well.

48. With so many problems remaining to be settled, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

49. With his attention focused/fixed on his homework, he didn’t noticed his friend knocking at the door.

50. Given ( ==Considering考虑到) her interest in children, I am sure teaching is the right career for her.

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