

 htxu91 2013-07-18
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
using namespace std;
#ifndef __CANNYEDGE_H__
#define __CANNYEDGE_H__
class AdaptiveCannyEdge {
    typedef         double                              Precision;
    typedef         vector<Precision>                 dtVect;
    typedef         vector<dtVect>                        dtMat;
    typedef         pair<int,int>                     Position;
    typedef         vector< vector<unsigned char> >     lgMat;
    static const Precision _eps;
    static const Precision PercentOfPixelsNotEdges; //Magic number
    static const Precision ThresholdRatio;  //Magic number
    static const Precision gaussKernel[16]; //1-D Gaussian Kernel
    static const Precision derivGaussKernel[16]; //1-D Derivative of Gaussian Kernel
    // If you do not specify THRESH, CANNYEDGE chooses low and high values automatically.
    static bool CannyEdge( const IplImage* src, IplImage* & edgeImg );
    static bool CannyGradient( const IplImage* src, IplImage* & gradImg );
    // Transform to a double precision intensity image if necessary
    static bool im2single( const IplImage* src, dtMat& mat );
    // Compute smoothed numerical gradient of image 'src' along x (horizontal) or y (vertical)
    // direction.
    static bool imfilter( const dtMat& src, const dtVect& filter, dtMat& _mat, bool isHori = true );
    // Calculate gradients using a derivative of Gaussian filter
    static bool smoothGradient( const dtMat& src, dtMat& dx, dtMat& dy );
    // Calculate Magnitude of Gradient
    static void hypot( const dtMat& dx, const dtMat& dy, dtMat& magGrad );
    // Determine Hysteresis Thresholds
    static void selectThresholds( const dtMat& src, double& lowThresh, double& highThresh );
    // Perform Non-Maximum Suppression Thining and Hysteresis Thresholding of Edge Strength
    static bool cannyFindLocalMaxima( const dtMat& src, const dtMat& dx, const dtMat& dy, const Position& pos );
    // This function helps with the non-maximum suppression in the Canny edge detector.
    static void thinAndThreshold( const dtMat& src, const dtMat& dx, const dtMat& dy, 
        const double& lowThresh, const double& highThresh, lgMat& dst );
    // Return a binary image 'idxWeak' containing the objects that overlap the pixel (r,c), which
    // (r,c) represents each location of 'idxStrongPts'.
    static void bwselect( lgMat& idxWeak, lgMat& idxWeakNeg, const vector<Position>& idxStrongPts );
    //Transform dtMat to an Image
    static void dtMat2Img( const dtMat& mat, IplImage* & img );
    // Transform lgMat to an Image
    static void lgMat2Img( const lgMat& mat, IplImage* & img );
#include "cannyEdge.h"
const AdaptiveCannyEdge::Precision AdaptiveCannyEdge::_eps = 1.0e-10;
const AdaptiveCannyEdge::Precision AdaptiveCannyEdge::PercentOfPixelsNotEdges = 0.7;
const AdaptiveCannyEdge::Precision AdaptiveCannyEdge::ThresholdRatio = 0.4;
const AdaptiveCannyEdge::Precision AdaptiveCannyEdge::gaussKernel[16]  = {
     0.000000220358050,   0.000007297256405,   0.000146569312970,   0.001785579770079,
     0.013193749090229,   0.059130281094460,   0.160732768610747,   0.265003534507060,
     0.265003534507060,   0.160732768610747,   0.059130281094460,   0.013193749090229,
     0.001785579770079,   0.000146569312970,   0.000007297256405,   0.000000220358050
const AdaptiveCannyEdge::Precision AdaptiveCannyEdge::derivGaussKernel[16] = {
     0.000026704586264,   0.000276122963398,   0.003355163265098,   0.024616683775044,
     0.108194751875585,   0.278368310241814,   0.388430056419619,   0.196732206873178,
    -0.196732206873178,  -0.388430056419619,  -0.278368310241814,  -0.108194751875585,
    -0.024616683775044,  -0.003355163265098,  -0.000276122963398,  -0.000026704586264
bool AdaptiveCannyEdge::CannyEdge( const IplImage* src, IplImage* & edgeImg ) 
    if( 0 == src ) { 
        return false;
    dtMat mat;
    if( !im2single(src, mat) ) {
        return false;
    dtMat dx, dy;
    if( !smoothGradient( mat, dx, dy ) ) {
        return false;
    dtMat mag;
    hypot( dx, dy, mag );
    double _low=0.0, _high=0.0;
    selectThresholds( mag, _low, _high );
    lgMat dst;
    thinAndThreshold( mag, dx, dy, _low, _high, dst ); 
    lgMat2Img( dst, edgeImg );
    return true;
bool AdaptiveCannyEdge::CannyGradient( const IplImage* src, IplImage* & gradImg )
    if( 0 == src ) { 
        return false;
    dtMat mat;
    if( !im2single(src, mat) ) {
        return false;
    dtMat dx, dy;
    if( !smoothGradient( mat, dx, dy ) ) {
        return false;
    dtMat mag;
    hypot( dx, dy, mag );
    dtMat2Img( mag, gradImg );
    return true;
bool AdaptiveCannyEdge::im2single( const IplImage* src, dtMat& mat ) 
    if( src->nChannels != 1 ) {
        return false;
    Precision max_range = 1.0;
    Precision half_range = 0.0;
    if( src->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U ) {
        max_range = 255.0;
    } else if ( src->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8S ) {
        max_range = 255.0;
        half_range = 128.0;
    } else if( src->depth == IPL_DEPTH_16U ) {
        max_range = 65535.0;
    } else if (src->depth == IPL_DEPTH_16S ) {
        max_range = 65535.0;
        half_range = 32768.0;
    int m = src->height;
    int n = src->width;
    mat.resize( m, dtVect(n,0.0) );
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            mat[i][j] = (Precision)( ( (uchar*)src->imageData i * src->widthStep )[j] );
            mat[i][j] = ( mat[i][j] half_range ) / ( max_range _eps );
    return true;
bool AdaptiveCannyEdge::imfilter( const dtMat& src, const dtVect& filter, dtMat& _mat, bool isHori ) 
    dtMat mat( src );
    int m = mat.size();
    int n = mat[0].size();
    _mat.resize( m, dtVect(n, 0.0) );
    dtVect t_vct;
    if( isHori ) {
        t_vct.resize( n 16, 0.0 );
        for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
            for( int j=0; j<n; j ) t_vct[j 8] = mat[i][j];
            for( int j=0; j<8; j ) t_vct[j] = mat[i][0];
            for( int j=0; j<8; j ) t_vct[j n 8] = mat[i][n-1];
            for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
                Precision t_sum = 0.0;
                for( int k=0; k<16; k ) {
                    t_sum = t_vct[j k 1] * filter[15-k];
                _mat[i][j] = t_sum;
    } else {
        t_vct.resize( m 16, 0.0 );
        for( int i=0; i<n; i ) {
            for( int j=0; j<m; j ) t_vct[j 8] = mat[j][i];
            for( int j=0; j<8; j ) t_vct[j] = mat[0][i];
            for( int j=0; j<8; j ) t_vct[j m 8] = mat[m-1][i];
            for( int j=0; j<m; j ) {
                Precision t_sum = 0.0;
                for( int k=0; k<16; k ) {
                    t_sum = t_vct[j k 1] * filter[15-k];
                _mat[j][i] = t_sum;
    return true;
bool AdaptiveCannyEdge::smoothGradient( const dtMat& src, dtMat& dx, dtMat& dy )
    int m = src.size();
    if( m <= 0 ) {
        return false;
    int n = src[0].size();
    dtMat mat( src );
    dtVect filter1( gaussKernel, gaussKernel 16 );
    dtVect filter2( derivGaussKernel, derivGaussKernel 16 );
    imfilter( mat, filter1, dx, false );
    imfilter( dx, filter2, dx, true );
    imfilter( mat, filter1, dy, true );
    imfilter( dy, filter2, dy, false );
    return true;
void AdaptiveCannyEdge::hypot( const dtMat& dx, const dtMat& dy, dtMat& magGrad ) 
    int m = dx.size();
    int n = dx[0].size();
    magGrad.resize( m, dtVect(n,0.0) );
    Precision maxValue = 0.0;
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            Precision p1 = dx[i][j];
            Precision p2 = dy[i][j];
            Precision t = sqrt( p1*p1 p2*p2 );
            if( maxValue < t ) maxValue = t;
            magGrad[i][j] = t;
    if( maxValue > _eps ) {
        for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
            for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
                magGrad[i][j] /= maxValue;
void AdaptiveCannyEdge::selectThresholds( const dtMat& src, double& lowThresh, double& highThresh ) 
    vector<int> counter(64, 0);
    int m = src.size();
    int n = src[0].size();
    double scale = 63.0;
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            int z = floor( scale * src[i][j] 0.5 );
            if( z >= 64 ) counter[63];
            else if( z<0 ) counter[0];
            else counter[ z ];
    highThresh = 0.0;
    double pixelsNotEdges = PercentOfPixelsNotEdges * m * n;
    int cunsum = 0;
    for( int i=0; i<64; i ) {
        cunsum = counter[i];
        if( cunsum - pixelsNotEdges > _eps ) {
            highThresh = double(i 1) / 64.0;
    lowThresh = ThresholdRatio * highThresh;
bool AdaptiveCannyEdge::cannyFindLocalMaxima( const dtMat& src, const dtMat& dx, const dtMat& dy, const Position& pos )
    int ix = pos.first;
    int iy = pos.second;
    int m = src.size();
    int n = src[0].size();
    if( ix <= 0 || ix >= m-1 || iy <= 0 || iy >= n-1 ) {
        return false;
    double dx_val = dx[ix][iy];
    double dy_val = dy[ix][iy];
    double gradmag1, gradmag2, gradmag = src[ix][iy];
    bool case1 = false, case2 = false, case3 = false, case4 = false;
    if( (dy_val<=0&&dx_val dy_val>0) || (dy_val>=0&&dx_val dy_val<0) ) 
    { //Case 1
        double dam = dx_val >= 0 ? ( dx_val _eps ) : ( dx_val - _eps );
        double d = fabs( dy_val / dam );
        gradmag1 = src[ix][iy 1] * (1-d) src[ix-1][iy 1] * d;
        gradmag2 = src[ix][iy-1] * (1-d) src[ix 1][iy-1] * d;
        case1 = (gradmag>=gradmag1&&gradmag>=gradmag2);
    if( (dx_val>0&&dx_val dy_val<=0) || (dx_val<0&&dx_val dy_val>=0) ) 
    { //Case 2
        double dam = dy_val >= 0 ? ( dy_val _eps ) : ( dy_val - _eps );
        double d = fabs( dx_val / dam );
        gradmag1 = src[ix-1][iy] * (1-d) src[ix-1][iy 1] * d;
        gradmag2 = src[ix 1][iy] * (1-d) src[ix 1][iy-1] * d;
        case2 = (gradmag>=gradmag1&&gradmag>=gradmag2);
    if( (dx_val<=0&&dx_val>dy_val) || (dx_val>=0&&dx_val<dy_val) ) 
    { //Case 3
        double dam = dy_val >= 0 ? ( dy_val _eps ) : ( dy_val - _eps );
        double d = fabs( dx_val / dam );
        gradmag1 = src[ix-1][iy] * (1-d) src[ix-1][iy-1] * d;
        gradmag2 = src[ix 1][iy] * (1-d) src[ix 1][iy 1] * d;
        case3 = (gradmag>=gradmag1&&gradmag>=gradmag2);
    if( (dy_val<0&&dx_val<=dy_val) || (dy_val>0&&dx_val>=dy_val ) ) 
    { //Case 4
        double dam = dx_val >= 0 ? ( dx_val _eps ) : ( dx_val - _eps );
        double d = fabs( dy_val / dam );
        gradmag1 = src[ix][iy-1] * (1-d) src[ix-1][iy-1] * d;
        gradmag2 = src[ix][iy 1] * (1-d) src[ix 1][iy 1] * d;
        case4 = (gradmag>=gradmag1&&gradmag>=gradmag2);
    return ( case1 || case2 || case3 || case4 );
void AdaptiveCannyEdge::thinAndThreshold( const dtMat& src, const dtMat& dx, const dtMat& dy, 
        const double& lowThresh, const double& highThresh, lgMat& dst )
    const int m = src.size();
    const int n = src[0].size();
    lgMat idxWeakNeg( m, vector<unsigned char>(n, 1) );
    lgMat idxWeak( m, vector<unsigned char>(n, 0) );
    vector<Position> idxStrongPts;
    idxStrongPts.reserve( ceil(m*n*PercentOfPixelsNotEdges) );
    lgMat test( m, vector<unsigned char>(n, 0) );
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            if( cannyFindLocalMaxima( src, dx, dy, Position(i,j) ) ) {
                if ( src[i][j] > lowThresh ) {
                    idxWeak[i][j] = 1;
                    idxWeakNeg[i][j] = 0;
                if( src[i][j] > highThresh ) {
                    test[i][j] = 1;
                    idxStrongPts.push_back( Position(i,j) );
    bwselect( idxWeak, idxWeakNeg, idxStrongPts );
    dst.swap( idxWeak );
void AdaptiveCannyEdge::bwselect( lgMat& idxWeak, lgMat& idxWeakNeg, const vector<Position>& idxStrongPts ) 
    const int m = idxWeak.size();
    const int n = idxWeak[0].size();
    const int ptSize = idxStrongPts.size();
    const int d_x[8] = {0, 0,1,1, 1,-1,-1, -1};
    const int d_y[8] = {1,-1,0,1,-1, 1, 0, -1};
    for( int i=0; i<ptSize; i ) {
        int ix = idxStrongPts[i].first;
        int iy = idxStrongPts[i].second;
        if( idxWeakNeg[ix][iy] == 0 ) {
            queue<Position> Q;
            Q.push( idxStrongPts[i] );
            while( !Q.empty() ) {
                Position pos  = Q.front();
                ix = pos.first;
                iy = pos.second;
                idxWeakNeg[ix][iy] = 1;
                for( int j=0; j<8; j ) {
                    if( 0 == idxWeakNeg[ ix d_x[j] ][ iy d_y[j] ] ) 
                        Position tpos( ix d_x[j], iy d_y[j] );
                        Q.push( tpos );
                        idxWeakNeg[ ix d_x[j] ][ iy d_y[j] ] = 1;
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            idxWeak[i][j] &= idxWeakNeg[i][j];
void AdaptiveCannyEdge::dtMat2Img( const dtMat& mat, IplImage* & img ) 
    int m = mat.size();
    int n = mat[0].size();
    if( img != 0 ) {
        try {
            cvReleaseImage( &img );
        } catch(...) {
            //cvReleaseImage Error
        img = 0;
    img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(n,m), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    double maxValue = 1.0;
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            if( maxValue < fabs(mat[i][j]) ) maxValue = fabs(mat[i][j]);
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            ( (uchar*)img->imageData i * img->widthStep )[j] =
                (uchar)(int)( 255.0 * fabs( mat[i][j] ) / maxValue );
void AdaptiveCannyEdge::lgMat2Img( const lgMat& mat, IplImage* & img )
    int m = mat.size();
    int n = mat[0].size();
    if( img != 0 ) {
        try {
            cvReleaseImage( &img );
        } catch(...) {
            //cvReleaseImage Error
        img = 0;
    img = cvCreateImage( cvSize(n,m), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
    for( int i=0; i<m; i ) {
        for( int j=0; j<n; j ) {
            ( (uchar*)img->imageData i * img->widthStep )[j] = ( mat[i][j] == 0 ? 0 : 255 );

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