
take place, happen, occur, come about, break out用法辨析

 乐学善研 2013-07-27

take place, happen, occur, come about, break out用法辨析
  take place, happen, occur, come about 和 break out 用法区别

 (1) take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。例如:

Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.

The Olympic Games of 2008 took place in Beijing.

take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生。”此外还有“举行”之意。如:

The meeting will take place next Friday.

The concert takes place next Thursday.

(2008福建卷)_____ is known to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.

A. It               B. What           C. As                 D. Which

38. (安徽卷2005)32. Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ______ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped.

/A. what; when     B. that; which    C. what; which    D. which; that (名词)

 (2) happen 作“发生、碰巧”解,常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”,一般用于偶然或突发性事件。例如:

A storm happened across the river in another country.

What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?)

Maybe something unexpected happened.

New things are happening all around us.

I happened to see him on my way home.

 = It happened that I saw him on my way home.

It happened that I had no money on me.

高考链接: (2008陕西)He was curious   (好奇)  to know what was happening in the office. (2008陕西)

高考链接:(江西卷2005)22.—Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today?

       —Something ________ to him.

       A.must happen      

       B.should have happened     

       C.could have happened  

        D.must have happened

高考链接:(NMET2006.I) 31. Eliza remembers everything exactly as if ______ yesterday.

A. was happening       B. happens    C. has happened        /D. happened

(3) occur 作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于 happen。例如:

    What has occurred? (= What has happened?)

    A big earthquake occurred (= happened) in the south of China last month.

    It occurred to me that she didn't know I had moved into the new house.

温馨提示:Sth. occur to sb./ it occur to sb. that…“某人突然想起…”

高考链接:(2002.上海。翻译) 我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。(occur)

It never occurred/ didn’t occur to me that Tom would / should be elected/ made chairman of the students’ Union.

高考链接:(安徽2006)I          along the street looking for a place to park when the accident       .

A.went; was occurring   B.went; occurred

/C.was going; occurred  D.was going; had occurred

高考链接:(上海2000)  An awful accident ___, however, occur the other day.

A. does      /B. did      C. has to      D. had to

(4) come about 表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句。例如:

 When Mother woke up, she didn't know what had come about.
 I'll never understand how it came about that you were late three times a week.

 Do you know how the air accident came about?

温馨提示:How did it come about that….?/ How come?“某事情是这样发生的,怎么会发生…样的事情?”

高考链接:(湖北2006) It's already 10 o'clock I wonder how it _______ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.
 A. came over   B. came out   /C: came about  D. came up

高考链接:(江西卷2005)Please tell me how the accident _______. I am still in the dark.

 A.came by              B.came upon           C.came to               /D.came about

(5) break out 意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生,也可以表示突然大声叫喊等。例如:

Two world wars broke out last century.

A fire broke out in the hospital in the mid-night.

After the flood, diseases broke out here and there.

She broke out, “That is too unfair!”

高考链接:(辽宁2006)The computer system           suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.  /A. broke down  B. broke out  C. broke up  D. broke in

高考链接:(广东2006)  I was still sleeping when the fire          , and then it spread quickly.

     /A. broke out        B. put out            C. came out        D. got out 

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