

 思想年代 2013-08-11
2013-06-01 09:12:16 9004 人阅读 作者:小路  



近来,一支由新加坡南洋理工大学助理教授Wang Qijie率领的研究团队展示了他们的最新成果——石墨烯图像传感器。据研究人员介绍,石墨烯图像传感器能够检测广谱光,感光能力比传统传感器强1000倍。这意味着即便是在昏暗的光线环境中,这类传感器依然能够捕捉到较为清晰的物体影像。


目前,Wang Qijie的研究团队正在致力于让石墨烯图像传感器尽早实现商业化生产,预计未来这类产品将被用于红外拍摄、交通违规拍照以及卫星图片拍摄等领域。



石墨烯目前是世上最薄却也是最坚硬的纳米材料[3],它几乎是完全透明的,只吸收2.3%的光"[4];导热系数高达5300 W/m·K,高于碳纳米管和金刚石,常温下其电子迁移率超过15000 cm2/V·s,又比纳米碳管或硅晶体*高,而电阻率只约10-6 Ω·cm,比铜或银更低,为目前世上电阻率最小的材料[1]。因为它的电阻率极低,电子跑的速度极快,因此被期待可用来发展出更薄、导电速度更快的新一代电子元件或晶体管。由于石墨烯实质上是一种透明、良好的导体,也适合用来制造透明触控屏幕、光板、甚至是太阳能电池。


Science News
Graphene camera sensor 1000 times more sensitive to light

Published: June 3, 2013 at 8:34 AM

Scientists in Singapore have developed a camera sensor made of graphene that is 1,000 times more sensitive to light than than traditional CMOS or CCD sensors, all while using ten times less energy.

Researchers at at Nanyang Technological University say the graphene sensor is the first to detect broad spectrum light, from visible to infrared, with high sensitivity. This makes the sensor suitable for satellite imaging, infrared cameras, surveillance cameras, and traffic light cameras.

Graphene is a single atomic layer of carbon arranged in a crystalline lattice, and it's the strongest material in the world. Sensor inventor Assistant Professor Wang Qijie, from NTU's School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, fabricated a sheet of graphene into novel nano-structures.

The graphene nano-structures "trap" electrons and hold onto them longer than other sensors, capturing light better and producing clearer images. The sharp images and lower energy use will eventually lead to cheaper cameras with longer battery life -- the graphene sensors will be "at least five times cheaper" to manufacture.

"We have kept current manufacturing practices in mind ... the industry can in principle continue producing camera sensors using the CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) process, which is the prevailing technology used by the majority of factories in the electronics industry," Wang said. "Manufacturers can easily replace the current base material of photo sensors with our new nano-structured graphene material."

Wang's breakthrough was published in the journal Nature Communications this month, and the inventor has filed a patent for the sensor. The next step is partnering with industry developers to create a commercial product.


Graphene camera sensors said to be 1,000 times more sensitive to light

By Stefan Constantinescu posted May 31st, 2013 at 8:31 AM 0

Graphene camera sensors said to be 1,000 times more sensitive to light

While we're still scratching around with Ultrapixels and OIS, scientists in Singapore claim they're working on something that could change the entire field of photography. Researchers at the Nanyang Technological University have developed an image sensor made out of graphene that's 1,000 times better at capturing light than traditional CMOS or CCD sensors, all while using 10x less energy. These new sensors may initially be used in surveillance equipment and satellites -- when they do eventually end up in regular cameras, however, they're promised to be five times cheaper than the sensors they're replacing. Combine this with the work being done on graphene batteries, and we're that much closer to the perfect smartphone.

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