
Writing UTF-8 files in C++

 勤奋不止 2013-08-23

Let’s say you need to write an XML file with this content:

How do we write that in C++?

At a first glance, you could be tempted to write it like this:

When you open the file in IE for instance, surprize! It’s not rendered correctly:

So you could be tempted to say “let’s switch to wstring and wofstream”.

And when you run it and open the file again, no change. So, where is the problem? Well, the problem is that neither ofstream nor wofstream write the text in a UTF-8 format. If you want the file to really be in UTF-8 format, you have to encode the output buffer in UTF-8. And to do that we can use WideCharToMultiByte(). This Windows API maps a wide character string to a new character string (which is not necessary from a multibyte character set). The first argument indicates the code page. For UTF-8 we need to specify CP_UTF8.

The following helper functions encode a std::wstring into a UTF-8 stream, wrapped into a std::string.

With that in hand, all you have to do is doing the following changes:

And now when you open the file, you get what you wanted in the first place.

And that is all!

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