
Journal of the International Association of B...

 文化心美育 2013-10-10

Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies

The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (ISSN 0-193-600XX) is the organ of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. The JIABS welcomes scholarly contributions in all areas of Buddhist Studies. A double-blind peer-review process is used to ensure the high academic quality of all contributions. The JIABS does not publish short book reviews, but only lengthy and substantial review articles. Publishers are advised to consult with the editors before sending review copies.

This website offers full access to the JIABS. Current issues will be available online 60 months after their appearance in print. We apologize that, for technical reasons, it is currently not possible to make available the most recent issues to IABS members through this website. Note also that the login function only serves journal editors; there is currently no meaning and function to it for the general readership.

JIABS 34/1-2 2011[2012]

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Subscription Access

Table of Contents


Rig 'dzin Dpal ldan bkra shis (1688-1743) and the emergence of a Tantric community in Reb kong, A mdo (Qinghai) PDF
Yangdon Dhondup 3-30
A reply to questions concerning mind and primordial knowing PDF
David Higgins 31-96
Argumentation theory in the early Tibetan epistemological tradition PDF
Pascale Hugon 97-148
The antarābhava dispute among Abhidharma traditions and the list of anāgāmins PDF
Qian Lin 149-186
The gzhan stong model of reality - Some more material on its origin, transmission, and interpretation PDF
Klaus-Dieter Mathes 187-223
Immortal Buddhas and their indestructible embodiments PDF
Michael Radich 227-290
Fighting for the truth - satyadvaya and the debates provoked by Mi pham's Nor bu ke ta ka PDF
Markus Viehbeck 291-320
Dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan on Mahāyāna doxography - Rethinking the distinction between Cittamātra and Madhyamaka in fourteenth-century Tibet PDF
Tsering Wangchuk 321-348

'Terms of art' in Indian Esoteric Buddhism

Locating Tantric antinomianism - An essay toward an intellectual history of the 'practices/practice observance' (caryā/caryāvrata) PDF
Christian K. Wedemeyer 349-419
Imprints of the "Great Seal" - On the expanding semantic range of the term of mudrā in eighth through eleventh century Indian Buddhist literature PDF
David B. Gray 421-481

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