
译言网 | Chrome网页应用开发教程

 xenophobe 2013-11-03
Chrome Web App Development Guide


by Stephen on February 1, 2011 in How-Tos




I launched OhBoard, my little whiteboarding app, in 10 days. I took my idea-cranking shower on December 12th, and I made my first $3.99 on December 22nd. It was only 240 hours apart. Pretty cool, huh?


I then decided to carefully craft a development guide for you. If you are planning to make a Chrome Web App, you are in luck! Because after reading this guide, you can do what I just did and start taking advantage of this huge market (10% of all Internet citizens) today!


Step 1: Come up with your idea


The listing on Chrome Web Store is still pretty small, nowhere near Apple’s App Store yet. So there are many things you can make.

谷歌网络在线商店Chrome Web Store 的应用数量还非常小,远远不及苹果应用商店。

I have a list of free, simple ideas you can consider using:


An offline to-do list

一个线下的to-do list

A text-based calculator


A simple time tracking app


A zen-mode text editor

一个zen-mode 文本编辑器

Also, before moving on, I recommend reading this article by two Chrome developer advocates: Thinking in Web Apps.

当然了,在此之前,我要先推荐两位谷歌开发者的文章: Thinking in Web Apps.

Step 2: Make your app
There are two different types of apps, hosted apps and packaged apps.
一共有两种类型的应用:hosted apps 和 packeged apps
Hosted apps are regular web apps with a special file called manifest.json. Everything is hosted on your own server. But you have the advantage of gaining exposure on Chrome Web Store. When a user launches the app, they go straight to your site and that’s it.

Hosted apps 是一种常规的网页应用,自带特殊文件manifest.json。所有程序均在开发者主机上运行。好处是,开发者能在谷歌在线商店上获得推荐机会。当用户使用这个应用的时候,他们就能够直接进入应用主站了。

Packaged apps, on the other hand, are apps that users download from the Web Store and save into their own computer. All packaged app content are made out of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So if you have knowledge about them, you can get started making packaged apps very easily. PS: OhBoard is a packaged app.

另一方面,用户需要将Packaged apps从应用商店中下载下来,存到个人电脑中使用。开发packaged app使用HTML,CSS或JavaScrip语言。因此,如果你懂得这几种开发语言,很容易就能开发这类应用了。注:OhBoard就是packged app。

Chrome supports all native HTML5 features. In OhBoard, I use local storage that saves all your drawing in local computer and it is available at all time. Besides, you can also take advantage of geolocation, desktop notifications, and many more.


Step 3: Create manifest.json
第三步:创建 manifest.json文件
Manifest.json serves as the manual for your app. It tells Chrome the name, description, version, icon location, etc. Most importantly, it tells Chrome what page to open when a user launches the app. You can also give your app different permissions such as unlimited storage, geolocation, desktop notification, history, bookmarks, cookies and more.


Here is OhBoard’s manifest.json:


"name": "OhBoard",


"description": "A ridiculously simple whiteboard app for Chrome. Great for wireframing, sketching, diagramming, brainstorming, and doodling.",

"description": "A ridiculously simple whiteboard app for Chrome. Great for wireframing, sketching, diagramming, brainstorming, and doodling.",

"version": "1.1",

"version": "1.1",

"app": {

"app": {

"launch": {

"launch": {

"local_path": "index.html"

"local_path": "index.html"





"icons": {

"icons": {

"16": "favicon.png",

"16": "favicon.png",

"128": "logo.png"

"128": "logo.png"



"permissions": [ "unlimitedStorage" ]

"permissions": [ "unlimitedStorage" ]



Step 4: Create your icon


You need two icons. The first one is 128x128px, it is used on your app page, and it also represents your app on the new tab page. The second one is 16x16px, better known as favicon. It stays in the title bar and gives people a visual way to identify different tabs.


There are few guidelines Google wants you to follow:
Don’t put an edge around the 128×128 image; the UI might add edges.

·    不需要为128*128的图片留白边;ui会自动添加。

If your icon is mostly dark, consider adding a subtle white outer glow so it’ll look good against dark backgrounds.

·    如果你设计的icon属于暗色,可以考虑设计微弱的白色外发光,与背景形成对比,看起来更好一些。

Avoid large drop shadows; the UI might add shadows. It’s OK to use small shadows for contrast.
·    不必设计明显的阴影;UI会自动添加。小阴影即可形成对比。
If you have a bevel at the bottom of your icon, we recommend 4 pixels of depth.

·    如果icon底部是斜面,推荐4像素深度。

Make the icon face the viewer, rather than having built-in perspective.

·    icon应该设计成大众能易于接受的,避免设计成难以理解的样式。

Wherever you place both icons in your package, you must specify the locations in manifest.json (as mentioned above).
Step 5: Make your screenshots
Picture is worth thousand words. So making your screenshot correctly will increase your sales. Each screenshot is 400x275px.
Take a look at a few I did:

Few tips to keep in mind: The screenshots should only do 1 thing: show what your app looks like. Many people made the mistake of adding captions and putting testimonials and writing features and telling your Twitter handle. But you have the description field for that. Just show what it looks like so user can get a visual understanding.
Also, make sure you don’t break Google’s rules!
Step 6: Make your demo videos
Video is worth thousand pictures, too! If you want to save money, you can make a DIY video yourself using these powerful tools:
Screenflow (the one I’m going to use)








Or if you want your app to look cutting-edge, consider contracting with agencies that makes professional demos. Few media producers that have done work for high-profile apps:




Clear Media

Clear Media



Step 7: Write your descriptions


If your screenshots and video aren’t that good, a golden description can still turn it over. Here are 3 well-known tips:
Keep it simple. Most people aren’t going to have time to read a 5-paragraph description. So the rule of thumb is to keep it as short as possible. Just tell what benefits and features do the app provide.


Use bullet points. Since people won’t read paragraph, listing benefits and features in bullet points will be a great idea.
Showcase testimonials. Maybe users don’t trust what you have to say, listing your customer’s testimonials can be a convincing call-to-action.
Take a look at mine for an example.
Step 8: Set your price
As always, there are two ways to go: free or paid. But in Chrome Web Store, there are actually 5 payment choices you can use.
Free. If you are new to create a Chrome Web App, releasing it for free and learn from experience won’t hurt you.
One-time payment with Google Checkout. Great if your app provides utility, meaning it saves users time or money.


Recurring payment with Google Checkout. This is perfect if your app involves any types of file storage.
利用Google Checkout自动周期扣款。如果你的app有足够大的存储空间,选择这种方式是很棒的。
Free trial. If your app is complicated, giving a free trial then charge for a fee will be the best solution, although only hosted apps support free trial at this point.
免费试用。如果你的app玩法复杂,可以给一个免费试用版,试用后收费。此种盈利方法适用于hosted app。
Your own payment method. If you don’t want to use Google Checkout, you can always write your own system that processes payment via PayPal.
自创支付方法。如果你不想用google checkout,你也可以自行设计,通过PayPal来支付。
I found a detailed but pretty technical tutorial from Google about how to check for payments using their licensing API. Note: it only applies to hosted app because packaged apps only supports Google Checkout. 
我发现google有一个技术教程,详细的介绍了如何通过google的licensing api来查看用户支付情况。注意:只有hosted app可以调用这个licensing api。
Step 9: Test the app
After you’ve finished making your app, you can easily test it out locally in Chrome. Window => Extensions => Developer Mode => Load unpacked extension… => Choose your app folder.

app开发完毕之时,你可以轻易的在chrome上进行测试了。路径如下:Window => Extensions => Developer Mode => Load unpacked extension… =>点击你的app文件

Open up a new tab, you should see your app icon showing on the dashboard! If it is packaged app, make sure everything within the app is working bug-free. If it is a hosted app, as long as the icon links to your destination website, you should be fine.
打开一个新tab页,你就可以在dashboard上看到你的app icon了。如果这是一个packaged app,你要保证你的app没有缺陷。如果是hosted app,点击icon会直接链接到你的主页,就不用担心这个问题了。
Step 10: Publish the app
Before moving on, make sure you completed all of the pre-launched checklist items!
Once everything is done, you can log in to your developer dashboard with your Google account to publish your app.
The procedure is fairly straightforward:
Choose Add new item button
点击Add new item按钮
Compress your app folder (with manifest.json and your icons) and upload the .zip.
Fill in all the necessary information about your app. This includes price, categories, language, long description, Google Analytics (optional), links, ratings, etc.
Upload all artwork. This includes screenshots & videos. You also have the ability to add default background & promotional items for the front page.
上传所有相关文档,包括截图和视频。你同样能在利用front page设计页面时自行进行背景设计和推荐其他内容。
Preview the listing
Pay $5 one-time developer fee
Publish the app

If you survived all the way to the end, great job! :) My lengthy tutorial should cover up all the basic about making your own Chrome Web App as well as any relevant links I can find from Google about this process.
In the future, I will continue to write more in-depth tutorials on more specific topics, so feel free to subscribe to this blog.
I also suggest that you join Google’s Chrome development group so you can keep up with everything and ask any questions.
If you have any more questions, feel free to email me via Email, Twitter or comments.
And lastly, if you enjoy this tutorial, you will really love OhBoard as well, give it a try!
最后,如果你喜欢这个教程,你也会喜欢OhBoard的, 去试试吧!
If you are interested in keeping up with OhBoard and Stephen, subscribe to the blog & follow on Twitter!


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