

 cntic 2013-11-11


Chinese Broaden Real-Estate Horizons Beyond the Likes of New York, London


国购房者正在海外扩大阵地。他们的目光已经不局限于海外一线城市,而是开始在一些让人意想不到的地方,比如爱丁堡、底特律和吉隆坡等地寻找价格更为合宜的房子。Chinese property buyers are going beyond their traditional markets in London, New York and Hong Kong to seek out bargains from Edinburgh to Miami Beach.

就像购买奢侈品一样,中国购房者一开始也是追伦敦、纽约和香港等几个“名牌”。但随着他们对海外市场更熟悉、对海外投资更自信,一些中小城市的项目也开始引发他们的兴趣。Real-estate-industry officials say they expect Chinese to step up their buying in such second-tier markets as they grow more comfortable investing abroad.

曾向中国买家出售过房产的迈阿密房产经纪人Eddy Martinez说,在纽约和旧金山当然中国游客已经很多了,但没有想到的是现在迈阿密海滩也有很多中国旅游团。'Obviously Chinese tourists have been in New York and San Francisco, but now you see them in Miami Beach,' said Eddy Martinez, a real-estate agent in Miami who has sold properties to Chinese buyers.

现在仍有大量中国人去纽约、伦敦和旧金山置业,因为这些市场稳定、透明和流动性强,符合中国新贵让资产在海外保值的需求。但因为中国买家的大举涌入,这些地区房价上升得也很快,于是中国买家开始在其他地方寻找机会。So while Chinese buyers still flock to major cities, with their stable, transparent, and highly liquid markets—the better to store new wealth—their interest in second-tier cities is rising fast. And for China's rising middle class, the more-modest prices are a draw.

最火热的市场当属德国和比利时。据房地产投资管理及服务公司仲量联行称,今年截至目前,亚洲人(大部分为中国买家)在德国购买的房产价值较2012年全年增长近10倍,达到10亿美元;与此同时,亚洲人在比利时购买的房产价值较2012年全年增长了19倍,至4.5亿美元。Among the hottest markets are Germany and Belgium. So far this year, German property purchases by Asian buyers—largely Chinese—are nearly 10 times what they were in all of 2012, according to real-estate firm Jones Lang LaSalle. JLL -0.02% Belgian property purchases, at $453 million, are 20 times what they were last year.

中国房地产开发商和投资者正在追随中国贸易流向和留学生们的脚步。5月份,上海国有房地产投资巨头绿地集团在德国法兰克福的首家酒店开张了。德国是中国在欧洲最大的贸易伙伴。据德国联邦科教部称,在德国,中国留学生的数量超过了其他任何国家。Chinese developers and investors are following Chinese trade and student flows. Germany is China's biggest trading partner in Europe and hosts more students from China than from any other country, according to the German Federal Education Ministry. In May, Shanghai state-owned real-estate-investment giant Greenland Holdings Group opened a hotel in Frankfurt, its first in Continental Europe.

仲量联行国际资本集团部门负责人Alistair Meadows表示,中国客户对葡萄牙和西班牙等国家的市场咨询案例大幅增加。南欧国家的房价仍处于低迷状态,这些国家各种各样的“买房换签证”政策对中国买家也颇有吸引力。Inquiries from Chinese clients about countries like Portugal and Spain are up sharply, said Alistair Meadows, head of the international capital group at Jones Lang LaSalle. Property prices in Southern European countries remain at so-called distressed levels, and Chinese buyers are attracted by various programs offering visas in exchange for investments, including home purchases.

在英国,伦敦仍是最吸引中国购房者的城市。但伦敦涉及跨境投资者的交易量小幅下降,伦敦房产经纪人、全球房地产顾问莱坊(Knight Frank)分析,主要原因在于,经过海外购房者的一轮哄抢后,伦敦高质量的房产已所剩无几。In the U.K., London still tops the list for Chinese property buyers, but the number of transactions there involving cross-border investors has dipped slightly this year, said Knight Frank, a London estate agent and global property consultancy. (It cites a lack of quality property to buy after a rush of foreign purchases.)

中国购房者下一波的关注热点会是哪里?从中国的海外房地产搜索引擎居外(Juwai.com)的搜索结果中可一探究竟。根据该网站显示,潜在中国买家目前正在纽卡斯尔、普利茅斯和爱丁堡寻找目标。For clues about where the next wave of Chinese buyers is going, take a look at search results by Juwai.com, a Chinese overseas-property search engine. It shows potential buyers looking in Newcastle, Plymouth and Edinburgh.

和法兰克福一样,爱丁堡也吸引了大量的中国留学生,进而激发了中国人对当地房地产市场的投资兴趣。爱丁堡大学的中国留学生数量从2010-2011年度的 992 人增至2012-2013年度的1600人。该城市寻求拉近与中国的关系,希望开通直飞航班,中国2011年为爱丁堡的动物园赠送了两只大熊猫以示友好。Interest in Edinburgh, as in Frankfurt, is being spurred by an influx of students. The number of Chinese students at Edinburgh University rose by 60% to 1,600 in 2012-2013. The city, seeking to boost its connections with China, hopes for a direct air link; China showed its love by sending two pandas to the city's zoo in 2011.

In the U.S., New York is still by far the top city for Chinese investor interest, followed by Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Detroit and Houston. Detroit? It is also on the list of cities showing the fastest growth in search requests, along with Honolulu; Charlotte, N.C.; Chicago and Austin, Texas. Bargain-hunting Chinese buyers have seen the stories trumpeting that forsaken homes in Detroit go for as little as $1, and are gobbling up properties. On a larger scale, DDI Group, based in Shanghai, purchased two office buildings in the city's downtown for $14 million.

佛罗里达州也吸引了一些中国投资者,虽然它是美国离中国最远的一个地区,但当地的低房价和大量中国游客的到来令中国投资者对其无法抗拒。迈阿密经纪Martinez说,佛罗里达充满魅力的海滩和不征收州所得税的待遇吸引了中国投资者。Florida, though the furthest point from China in the U.S., has also been attracting Chinese investment—following Chinese tourism.

房地产崩盘令几乎佛罗里达全州都受到了打击,从而给中国买家创造了抄底机会。上海某互联网公司高管林捷仅以14万美元就在奥兰多购买了一套带有泳池、四间卧室的房屋,价格较危机前的最高水平降了一半。For those considering a home there, Florida's appeal includes that it is one of just a handful of U.S. states that doesn't impose an income tax. And prices are low: The state was one of the hardest-hit by the housing collapse.

耶鲁大学毕业后回国工作的林捷感到纽约和波士顿的房价已经不便宜,他也想找个真正意义上的度假屋。拥有大约八个主题乐园的迪士尼世界离他买的房子只有不到 20分钟的路程。林捷说,我们不指望这套房产会大幅升值,但在美国,能有一个让我们全家和朋友可以度假的地方也是不错的。Lin Jie, an executive at an Internet company in Shanghai, bought a four-bedroom house with a swimming pool in Orlando for $140,000, half its precrisis peak. The Yale-educated executive felt prices in New York and Boston were too high, but he also was attracted by the idea of a real vacation home. Disney World is less than 20 minutes away from his house, and there are about eight amusement parks in the area.'We don't expect this property to appreciate much,' said Mr. Lin. 'But it is nice to have a place that we and our friends can enjoy in the U.S.'

马来西亚也已成为中国购房者的新宠。据Knight Bridge称,马来西亚的房价仅仅相当于香港同类房屋的5%。若外国人在马来西亚购买二手房,也能享有该国更宽松的签证条件。广东房地产开发商碧桂园在马来西亚柔佛的金海湾推出了一个雄心勃勃的项目。那里靠近新加坡,但房价比新加坡便宜得多。Closer to home, Malaysia has emerged as a new popular destination for the Chinese. Prices are only 5% of what a comparable home in Hong Kong would cost, according to Knight Bridge. Second-home owners in Malaysia also enjoy easy visa entries. Guangdong property developer Country Garden Holdings Co. CTRYY +3.08% has launched an ambitious project in Danga Bay on the southern tip of Johor state, right next to Singapore.

从历史上看,喜欢冒险的中国移民遍布世界的每一个角落。现在也不例外。莱坊大中华区研究部主管Thomas Lam称,中国的中产阶级正在进入海外二线城市,因为越来越多的人来此买房置业,这给这些城市房价带口了快速增长的机会。Historically, adventurous Chinese immigrants have gone everywhere in the world. This time will be no different. 'Middle-class Chinese are now going to second-tier cities,' said Thomas Lam, head of research for Greater China at Knight Frank. 'These places offer higher growth opportunities because more people are doing that now.'

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