

 一马平川建国 2013-11-19



New understandings and New Technologies




From the new explanation and understanding of the creation and control of initial fundamental particles (magnetic fields), and further in having access to the new knowledge and the technologies that to be able to replicate the same in small reactors and their systems, the production and the control of MATTERS and the initial fundamental plasma as in the universal order of the creation of Matters in these reactors have become simple and practically possible.



The world of science and technology can find new solutions and new sources of Matters for the production of energy, the creation of motion and other applications within the confines of these reactors and this technology will be developed further for these purposes.



In understanding the principles of the working of these reactors, one can make use of, and manipulate, the Matters and energies embedded in the initial fundamental plasmas for the production of new materials, motion and energy. One would be able to use the new understandings of the Matters sub-plasmatic structure for the release of magnetic fields and energies from these Matters.



Through progressive development of this technology, new and simpler methods are devised and developed further for the fission and fusion of Matters and their relevant technologies. Through these new understandings and developments of reactors, new ways and opportunities for the production of energy in the world of nuclear physics has become possible.



For energy production in nuclear fission of today, the state-of-the-art technologies use the collision effect of neutrons and atoms to break up an atomic structure and release its energy. On the other hand, in the world of nuclear fusion, the reverse methods are in use. Scientists in nuclear and physics laboratories use as much force as possible to fuse plasmas, and harvest the residual released energies from this process.



Through our technology new and simple reactors are in the reach of the scientific world for the disintegration of an atom, or for the fusing of plasmas through plasma dilution technology. This new approach is less energy consuming, much simpler, more practical and the resulting energies produced are easy to harvest.



The same is seen in the world of aircraft and space industry where, jet engines and propulsion systems are in use to force and displace matters like air to create lift and motion.



With this new knowledge and approach to plasma dilution technology as one integrated system, much simpler and more effective methods based on the universal methods for creation of motion are made available to the aircraft and space industry to move crafts within atmospheric or outer space (Fig. 57 C). Magravs positioning principle of an electron in respect to its proton (Fig. 57 A) and Magravs positioning of the planet Earth in respect to Magravs system of its Sun (Fig. 57 B), these shows similarities between the principle of the use of the new Magravs positioning reactors and their universal parallel systems.





Fig. 57: Similarities between four different Magravs positioning principles and systems for motion and position.



Note: Figure 57 D. shows that an independent plasmatic Magravs system can exist within another Magravs system, and have Magravs positioning in respect to each other, as the Ganymede, a moon of the planet Jupiter, has been functioning for millions of years within Jupiter’s Magravs. To cosmologists the case of the Ganymede is the only known condition of an inter-gravitational planetary system positioning, and its operation within the Jupiter’s magnetosphere could never be explained with present scientific knowledge. Similarly, Grapos reactors can be used in crafts for motion and Magravs positioning within the magnetosphere of the planet Earth, as shown in figure 57 C using the same fundamental principle as the Ganymede.



Through the fundamentals of this new understanding of the creation and control of plasmatic magnetic fields reactors (Grapos), craft systems do not need to burn Matmags to create lift and motion, but where, the reactor uses the Magnetic fields strength of the Matter (the Matmags) to create gravitational positioning.

根据关于等离子磁场反应器(引力定位系统)的产生和控制的新理解的基础原理,飞行器系统不再需要燃烧物质磁场(Matmags来产生提升和动力,而是利用了物质的磁场场强(the Matmags)来产生引力定位。


In the Magravs positioning Technology reactors, by the simple creation of the acquired plasmatic Magravs levels of the desired point in space, within the reactor’s systems, the system is forced by its’ internally produced Magravs, the need to reach a new plasmatic Magravs balance position between the system and the planet Magravs forces‘, this causing the motion of the system in respect to the Earth without burning any fuel.



The Magravs positioning technology once used in a craft, unusually these crafts become weight independent. That is to say, the systems payload compared to the power of the gravitational positioning forces of these reactors are so insignificant, that the payload mass becomes irrelevant.



This is how small cores size of matters in comparison, in the centre of the planet Earth, can create such strong plasmatic magnetic fields, that their interactions can keep and cause continuous motion of the heavy loads of matters of the planet, at ease, for billions of years.



The important point about using Grapos in aircraft systems is that the plasmatic Magravs and Magnetosphere fields’ catchments area of the system has to pass the physical boundary of the craft itself during motion, in-flight and stationary floating mode or protection mode.



During the operation of plasmatic Grapos, magnetospheres are created around the system interface between system and the planet. At the interface of the magnetosphere of the system, due to the friction between two plasmatic Magravs of the system and the planet, only at the point of the magnetospheric interface of the system, this leads to the creation of visible light (Chapter 7).



In respect to plasmatic gravitational field systems, once the fields are allowed to pass beyond the physical boundary of the craft, this gives the craft being in possession and the advantage of having a dynamic magnetically based magnetospheric protection environment around the system. This magnetic magnetospheric zone around these crafts operates and functions exactly and similar to magnetosphere possessed by the Earth, which, the Earth has generated around itself by the interaction of its own plasmatic gravitational and Magnetic fields with that of its star and the pmtics around its environment in space.



This production of plasmatic magnetospheric shielding is a natural protection system offered by all celestial objects in possession of dynamic plasmatic Magravs for the entrapped matters within their systems.



Thus, by the use of Grapos in crafts nothing less than that is natural in the universe and a normal phenomenon for protection of internal matters and structure of the planet are offered.



Using this magnetospheric protection capability of Grapos, crafts of future will travel at speeds beyond the capability of the present technology in the aircraft and space industry. These crafts will travel without their outer-surface ever getting heated-up, or ever being in a position to be hit for example by birds in Earths atmospheric conditions or in space by space debris. The reason for this is due to the fact that the outer surfaces of these crafts never come to be in contact with other matters, except its own internally created plasmatic Magravs.



The interface between the crafts’ dynamic Magravs and planets plasmatic dynamic Magravs can be extended through the design and control of the Matters within the reactor cores of these systems, that their interface to be far enough away from the physical body of the craft, that there will be no contact or interface with other Matters and matters of physical body of the craft system. These matters outside the boundary of the system can be Dark Matter, air, liquid or others. These Magravs are needed for the protection of a system like this in space, as the systems cannot be hit or damaged by any cosmic dust or asteroid in the path of motion of the system.



The magnetosphere created around these systems, due to the dynamic characteristics of their nature, create plasmatic magnetic fields that will act and is a magnetic shield for the embedded craft within it. These dynamic magnetospheres around these crafts are naturally watertight systems.



If the plasmatic magnetic fields generated by the system, do not reach and pass the physical outer boundaries of the craft, these crafts can have the gravitational shearing gradient forces fields effects, enforced on it, half-way within its structure, rather than around its outer physical boundary; which partial structural cover of Magravs on the middle of the structure of the craft will end-up in the physical damage or in extreme cases the breaking-off of parts or the whole section of the craft at the point of interface between the system and the planet pmtics Magravs. This shearing-off zone is possible and can happen purely due to a difference in the two Magravs forces strength levels at the magnetospheric boundary of the reactor system in the middle of the structure of the craft.



At the same time the passengers of the future, using the Magravs positioning systems, will travel in gravitational field forces within the boundary structure of the craft in similar conditions as on the Earth. The passengers of these crafts can travel without the need for the present compression systems, in use, in the state-of-the-art aircraft industry.



There will be no G-force changes inside these crafts during their flight due to the sudden changes in directional motion or at high-speed capabilities of these crafts. Using Grapos, in spacecrafts, this allows normal life and motion within the craft without the effect of weightlessness as is experienced by the space travels of today.



These crafts through their natural plasmatic magnetic fields interaction will always be rotating, as all celestial objects in possession of Magravs positioning field force do. This rotational effect can be facilitated through the design of the craft that the rotational motion can be transferred and be connected to the outer physical boundaries of these crafts, without affecting the working of the internal structure or passengers of these types of crafts.



This method of travel using plasmatic Magravs protection for motion for the future space systems is to be called the Magnetically Originated Joint Habitation And Nutrition (MOJHAN) system. The passengers of this Man Originated Zone Habitation And Nutrition to be known as “MOZHAN”.



These new names unify the human race by the use of the name of the technology and the method of its travel, through the Men’s collective effort to reach this point of scientific achievement over thousands of years, through their progressive evolution in science and technology. This takes away the national dependent names, like Cosmo- or Astro- and the rest from the unique and individual nations, for the collective effort and contribution by all of the inhabitants of the planet in different measures over the times to reach this point in Mans scientific evolution.



The use of Grapos will make national boundaries irrelevant except for tax and local laws. The Grapos will not need airports to land near too. These systems know no national or planetary boundaries and they have no need for fuel as such.



Thus, in the near future the nations will have to devise new ways of dealing with the Mozhans as they can land anywhere, without a need for a specific plot or landing strip.



In reality however, these crafts will never even need to touch the ground.



Nevertheless, these systems can reach ground level, when their total reactor Magravs sizes are reduced to a safe planetary level, within a specific spherical zones cavity, allocated just out-side the boundary of the reactor systems but within the craft environment.



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