

 ilovepesx 2013-12-04
public class MapService { // CHANGE THIS: the output path of the image to be created private static final String IMAGE_FILE_PATH = "/some/user/path/map.png"; // CHANGE THIS: image width in pixel private static final int IMAGE_WIDTH_IN_PX = 300; // CHANGE THIS: image height in pixel private static final int IMAGE_HEIGHT_IN_PX = 500; // CHANGE THIS: minimum padding in pixel private static final int MINIMUM_IMAGE_PADDING_IN_PX = 50; // formula for quarter PI private final static double QUARTERPI = Math.PI / 4.0; // some service that provides the county boundaries data in longitude and latitude private CountyService countyService; public void run() throws Exception { // configuring the buffered image and graphics to draw the map BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(IMAGE_WIDTH_IN_PX, IMAGE_HEIGHT_IN_PX, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); Map<RenderingHints.Key, Object> map = new HashMap<RenderingHints.Key, Object>(); map.put(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC); map.put(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY); map.put(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); RenderingHints renderHints = new RenderingHints(map); g.setRenderingHints(renderHints); // min and max coordinates, used in the computation below Point2D.Double minXY = new Point2D.Double(-1, -1); Point2D.Double maxXY = new Point2D.Double(-1, -1); // a list of counties where each county contains a list of coordinates that form the county boundary Collection<Collection<Point2D.Double>> countyBoundaries = new ArrayList<Collection<Point2D.Double>>(); // for every county, convert the longitude/latitude to X/Y using Mercator projection formula for (County county : countyService.getAllCounties()) { Collection<Point2D.Double> lonLat = new ArrayList<Point2D.Double>(); for (CountyBoundary countyBoundary : county.getCountyBoundaries()) { // convert to radian double longitude = countyBoundary.getLongitude() * Math.PI / 180; double latitude = countyBoundary.getLatitude() * Math.PI / 180; Point2D.Double xy = new Point2D.Double(); xy.x = longitude; xy.y = Math.log(Math.tan(QUARTERPI + 0.5 * latitude)); // The reason we need to determine the min X and Y values is because in order to draw the map, // we need to offset the position so that there will be no negative X and Y values minXY.x = (minXY.x == -1) ? xy.x : Math.min(minXY.x, xy.x); minXY.y = (minXY.y == -1) ? xy.y : Math.min(minXY.y, xy.y); lonLat.add(xy); } countyBoundaries.add(lonLat); } // readjust coordinate to ensure there are no negative values for (Collection<Point2D.Double> points : countyBoundaries) { for (Point2D.Double point : points) { point.x = point.x - minXY.x; point.y = point.y - minXY.y; // now, we need to keep track the max X and Y values maxXY.x = (maxXY.x == -1) ? point.x : Math.max(maxXY.x, point.x); maxXY.y = (maxXY.y == -1) ? point.y : Math.max(maxXY.y, point.y); } } int paddingBothSides = MINIMUM_IMAGE_PADDING_IN_PX * 2; // the actual drawing space for the map on the image int mapWidth = IMAGE_WIDTH_IN_PX - paddingBothSides; int mapHeight = IMAGE_HEIGHT_IN_PX - paddingBothSides; // determine the width and height ratio because we need to magnify the map to fit into the given image dimension double mapWidthRatio = mapWidth / maxXY.x; double mapHeightRatio = mapHeight / maxXY.y; // using different ratios for width and height will cause the map to be stretched. So, we have to determine // the global ratio that will perfectly fit into the given image dimension double globalRatio = Math.min(mapWidthRatio, mapHeightRatio); // now we need to readjust the padding to ensure the map is always drawn on the center of the given image dimension double heightPadding = (IMAGE_HEIGHT_IN_PX - (globalRatio * maxXY.y)) / 2; double widthPadding = (IMAGE_WIDTH_IN_PX - (globalRatio * maxXY.x)) / 2; // for each country, draw the boundary using polygon for (Collection<Point2D.Double> points : countyBoundaries) { Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); for (Point2D.Double point : points) { int adjustedX = (int) (widthPadding + (point.getX() * globalRatio)); // need to invert the Y since 0,0 starts at top left int adjustedY = (int) (IMAGE_HEIGHT_IN_PX - heightPadding - (point.getY() * globalRatio)); polygon.addPoint(adjustedX, adjustedY); } g.drawPolygon(polygon); } // create the image file ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, "PNG", new File(IMAGE_FILE_PATH)); } } 

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